GeoJSONSeq: sequence of GeoJSON features
Starting with GDAL 2.4
This driver implements read/creation support for features encoded individually
as GeoJSON Feature objects,
separated by newline (LF)
(Newline Delimited JSON) or
record-separator (RS) characters
(RFC 8142 standard:
GeoJSON Text Sequences)
Such files are equivalent to a GeoJSON FeatureCollection, but are more
friendly for incremental parsing.
The driver accepts three types of sources of data:
- Uniform Resource Locator (URL) - a Web address to
perform HTTP request
- Plain text file with GeoJSON data - identified from the file extension .geojsonl or .geojsons
- Text passed directly as filename, and encoded as GeoJSON sequences
The URL/filename/text might be prefixed with GeoJSONSeq: to avoid any ambiguity with other drivers.
Layer creation options
- RS=YES/NO: whether to start records with the RS=0x1E character, so as to
be compatible with the RFC 8142 standard.
Defaults to NO, unless the filename extension is "geojsons"
- COORDINATE_PRECISION = int_number: Maximum number of figures after decimal separator to write in coordinates.
Default to 7. "Smart" truncation will occur to remove trailing zeros.
- SIGNIFICANT_FIGURES = int_number: Maximum number of significant figures when writing floating-point numbers.
Default to 17. If explicitly specified, and COORDINATE_PRECISION is not, this will also apply to coordinates.
- ID_FIELD=string. Name of the source field that must be
written as the 'id' member of Feature objects.
- ID_TYPE=AUTO/String/Integer. Type of the 'id'
memer of Feature objects.
See Also