This is the complete list of members for OGRSurface, including all inherited members.
accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor *visitor)=0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor *visitor) const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
assignSpatialReference(OGRSpatialReference *poSR) | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Boundary() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Buffer(double dfDist, int nQuadSegs=30) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Centroid(OGRPoint *poPoint) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
clone() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT=0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
closeRings() | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Contains(const OGRGeometry *) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
ConvexHull() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
CoordinateDimension() const | OGRGeometry | |
createGEOSContext() | OGRGeometry | static |
Crosses(const OGRGeometry *) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
DelaunayTriangulation(double dfTolerance, int bOnlyEdges) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Difference(const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Disjoint(const OGRGeometry *) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Distance(const OGRGeometry *) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Distance3D(const OGRGeometry *poOtherGeom) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
dumpReadable(FILE *, const char *=nullptr, char **papszOptions=nullptr) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
empty()=0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
Equals(const OGRGeometry *) const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
exportToGEOS(GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
exportToGML(const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
exportToJson() const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
exportToKML() const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
exportToWkb(OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc) const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
exportToWkt(char **ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc) const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
flattenTo2D()=0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
freeGEOSContext(GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt) | OGRGeometry | static |
FromHandle(OGRGeometryH hGeom) | OGRGeometry | inlinestatic |
get_Area() const =0 | OGRSurface | pure virtual |
getCoordinateDimension() const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
getCurveGeometry(const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
getDimension() const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
getEnvelope(OGREnvelope *psEnvelope) const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
getEnvelope(OGREnvelope3D *psEnvelope) const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
getGeometryName() const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
getGeometryType() const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
getIsoGeometryType() const | OGRGeometry | |
getLinearGeometry(double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees=0, const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
getSpatialReference(void) const | OGRGeometry | inline |
hasCurveGeometry(int bLookForNonLinear=FALSE) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
importFromWkb(const GByte *, int=-1, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc) | OGRGeometry | |
importFromWkb(const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int &nBytesConsumedOut)=0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
importFromWkt(const char **ppszInput)=0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
importFromWkt(char **ppszInput) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use importFromWkt( const char**) instead") | OGRGeometry | inline |
Intersection(const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Intersects(const OGRGeometry *) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Is3D() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
IsEmpty() const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
IsMeasured() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
IsRing() const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
IsSimple() const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
IsValid() const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
OGRGeometry() (defined in OGRGeometry) | OGRGeometry | |
OGRGeometry(const OGRGeometry &other) | OGRGeometry | |
operator!=(const OGRGeometry &other) const | OGRGeometry | inline |
operator=(const OGRGeometry &other) | OGRGeometry | |
operator==(const OGRGeometry &other) const | OGRGeometry | inline |
Overlaps(const OGRGeometry *) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
PointOnSurface(OGRPoint *poPoint) const | OGRSurface | inlinevirtual |
Polygonize() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
segmentize(double dfMaxLength) | OGRGeometry | virtual |
set3D(OGRBoolean bIs3D) | OGRGeometry | virtual |
setCoordinateDimension(int nDimension) | OGRGeometry | virtual |
setMeasured(OGRBoolean bIsMeasured) | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Simplify(double dTolerance) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
SimplifyPreserveTopology(double dTolerance) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | |
swapXY() | OGRGeometry | virtual |
SymDifference(const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
toCircularString() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toCircularString() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toCompoundCurve() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toCompoundCurve() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toCurve() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toCurve() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toCurvePolygon() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toCurvePolygon() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toGeometryCollection() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toGeometryCollection() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
ToHandle(OGRGeometry *poGeom) | OGRGeometry | inlinestatic |
toLinearRing() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toLinearRing() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toLineString() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toLineString() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toMultiCurve() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toMultiCurve() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toMultiLineString() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toMultiLineString() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toMultiPoint() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toMultiPoint() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toMultiPolygon() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toMultiPolygon() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toMultiSurface() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toMultiSurface() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toPoint() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toPoint() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toPolygon() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toPolygon() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toPolyhedralSurface() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toPolyhedralSurface() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toSimpleCurve() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toSimpleCurve() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toSurface() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toSurface() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toTriangle() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toTriangle() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
toTriangulatedSurface() | OGRGeometry | inline |
toTriangulatedSurface() const | OGRGeometry | inline |
Touches(const OGRGeometry *) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
transform(OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT)=0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
transformTo(OGRSpatialReference *poSR) | OGRGeometry | |
Union(const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
UnionCascaded() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT | OGRGeometry | virtual |
Within(const OGRGeometry *) const | OGRGeometry | virtual |
WkbSize() const =0 | OGRGeometry | pure virtual |
~OGRGeometry() (defined in OGRGeometry) | OGRGeometry | virtual |