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OGRCurvePolygon Class Reference

Concrete class representing curve polygons. More...

#include <ogr_geometry.h>

Inheritance diagram for OGRCurvePolygon:
OGRSurface OGRGeometry OGRPolygon OGRTriangle

Public Types

typedef OGRCurve ChildType
 Type of child elements. More...

Public Member Functions

 OGRCurvePolygon ()
 Create an empty curve polygon.
 OGRCurvePolygon (const OGRCurvePolygon &)
 Copy constructor. More...
OGRCurvePolygonoperator= (const OGRCurvePolygon &other)
 Assignment operator. More...
ChildType ** begin ()
 Return begin of curve iterator. More...
ChildType ** end ()
 Return end of curve iterator. More...
const ChildType *const * begin () const
 Return begin of curve iterator. More...
const ChildType *const * end () const
 Return end of curve iterator. More...
virtual const char * getGeometryName () const override
 Fetch WKT name for geometry type. More...
virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType () const override
 Fetch geometry type. More...
virtual OGRGeometryclone () const override
 Make a copy of this object. More...
virtual void empty () override
 Clear geometry information. More...
virtual OGRErr transform (OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT) override
 Apply arbitrary coordinate transformation to geometry. More...
virtual void flattenTo2D () override
 Convert geometry to strictly 2D. More...
virtual OGRBoolean IsEmpty () const override
 Returns TRUE (non-zero) if the object has no points. More...
virtual void segmentize (double dfMaxLength) override
 Modify the geometry such it has no segment longer then the given distance. More...
virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry (int bLookForNonLinear=FALSE) const override
 Returns if this geometry is or has curve geometry. More...
virtual OGRGeometrygetLinearGeometry (double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees=0, const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const override
 Return, possibly approximate, non-curve version of this geometry. More...
virtual double get_Area () const override
 Get the area of the surface object. More...
virtual int WkbSize () const override
 Returns size of related binary representation. More...
virtual OGRErr importFromWkb (const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int &nBytesConsumedOut) override
 Assign geometry from well known binary data. More...
virtual OGRErr exportToWkb (OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc) const override
 Convert a geometry into well known binary format. More...
OGRErr importFromWkt (const char **) override
virtual OGRErr exportToWkt (char **ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant eWkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc) const override
 Convert a geometry into well known text format. More...
virtual int getDimension () const override
 Get the dimension of this object. More...
virtual void getEnvelope (OGREnvelope *psEnvelope) const override
 Computes and returns the bounding envelope for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure. More...
virtual void getEnvelope (OGREnvelope3D *psEnvelope) const override
 Computes and returns the bounding envelope (3D) for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure. More...
virtual OGRPolygonCurvePolyToPoly (double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees=0, const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const
 Return a polygon from a curve polygon. More...
virtual OGRBoolean Equals (const OGRGeometry *) const override
 Returns TRUE if two geometries are equivalent. More...
virtual OGRBoolean Intersects (const OGRGeometry *) const override
 Do these features intersect? More...
virtual OGRBoolean Contains (const OGRGeometry *) const override
 Test for containment. More...
virtual void setCoordinateDimension (int nDimension) override
 Set the coordinate dimension. More...
virtual void set3D (OGRBoolean bIs3D) override
 Add or remove the Z coordinate dimension. More...
virtual void setMeasured (OGRBoolean bIsMeasured) override
 Add or remove the M coordinate dimension. More...
virtual void assignSpatialReference (OGRSpatialReference *poSR) override
 Assign spatial reference to this object. More...
virtual OGRErr addRing (OGRCurve *)
 Add a ring to a polygon. More...
virtual OGRErr addRingDirectly (OGRCurve *)
 Add a ring to a polygon. More...
OGRCurvegetExteriorRingCurve ()
 Fetch reference to external polygon ring. More...
const OGRCurvegetExteriorRingCurve () const
 Fetch reference to external polygon ring. More...
int getNumInteriorRings () const
 Fetch the number of internal rings. More...
OGRCurvegetInteriorRingCurve (int)
 Fetch reference to indicated internal ring. More...
const OGRCurvegetInteriorRingCurve (int) const
 Fetch reference to indicated internal ring. More...
OGRCurvestealExteriorRingCurve ()
 "Steal" reference to external ring. More...
OGRErr removeRing (int iIndex, bool bDelete=true)
 Remove a geometry from the container. More...
virtual void accept (IOGRGeometryVisitor *visitor) override
 Accept a visitor. More...
virtual void accept (IOGRConstGeometryVisitor *visitor) const override
 Accept a visitor. More...
virtual void swapXY () override
 Swap x and y coordinates. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from OGRSurface
virtual OGRErr PointOnSurface (OGRPoint *poPoint) const
 This method relates to the SFCOM ISurface::get_PointOnSurface() method. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from OGRGeometry
 OGRGeometry (const OGRGeometry &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
OGRGeometryoperator= (const OGRGeometry &other)
 Assignment operator. More...
bool operator== (const OGRGeometry &other) const
 Returns if two geometries are equal. More...
bool operator!= (const OGRGeometry &other) const
 Returns if two geometries are different. More...
virtual int getCoordinateDimension () const
 Get the dimension of the coordinates in this object. More...
int CoordinateDimension () const
 Get the dimension of the coordinates in this object. More...
virtual OGRBoolean IsValid () const
 Test if the geometry is valid. More...
virtual OGRBoolean IsSimple () const
 Test if the geometry is simple. More...
OGRBoolean Is3D () const
OGRBoolean IsMeasured () const
virtual OGRBoolean IsRing () const
 Test if the geometry is a ring. More...
OGRErr importFromWkb (const GByte *, int=-1, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc)
 Assign geometry from well known binary data. More...
OGRErr importFromWkt (char **ppszInput) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use importFromWkt( const char**) instead")
 Deprecated. More...
OGRwkbGeometryType getIsoGeometryType () const
 Get the geometry type that conforms with ISO SQL/MM Part3. More...
virtual void dumpReadable (FILE *, const char *=nullptr, char **papszOptions=nullptr) const
 Dump geometry in well known text format to indicated output file. More...
virtual char * exportToGML (const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const
 Convert a geometry into GML format. More...
virtual char * exportToKML () const
 Convert a geometry into KML format. More...
virtual char * exportToJson () const
 Convert a geometry into GeoJSON format. More...
virtual GEOSGeom exportToGEOS (GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Returns a GEOSGeom object corresponding to the geometry. More...
virtual OGRGeometrygetCurveGeometry (const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Return curve version of this geometry. More...
virtual void closeRings ()
 Force rings to be closed. More...
OGRSpatialReferencegetSpatialReference (void) const
 Returns spatial reference system for object. More...
OGRErr transformTo (OGRSpatialReference *poSR)
 Transform geometry to new spatial reference system. More...
virtual OGRBoolean Disjoint (const OGRGeometry *) const
 Test for disjointness. More...
virtual OGRBoolean Touches (const OGRGeometry *) const
 Test for touching. More...
virtual OGRBoolean Crosses (const OGRGeometry *) const
 Test for crossing. More...
virtual OGRBoolean Within (const OGRGeometry *) const
 Test for containment. More...
virtual OGRBoolean Overlaps (const OGRGeometry *) const
 Test for overlap. More...
virtual OGRGeometryBoundary () const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Compute boundary. More...
virtual double Distance (const OGRGeometry *) const
 Compute distance between two geometries. More...
virtual OGRGeometryConvexHull () const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Compute convex hull. More...
virtual OGRGeometryBuffer (double dfDist, int nQuadSegs=30) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Compute buffer of geometry. More...
virtual OGRGeometryIntersection (const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Compute intersection. More...
virtual OGRGeometryUnion (const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Compute union. More...
virtual OGRGeometryUnionCascaded () const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Compute union using cascading. More...
virtual OGRGeometryDifference (const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Compute difference. More...
virtual OGRGeometrySymDifference (const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Compute symmetric difference. More...
virtual OGRErr Centroid (OGRPoint *poPoint) const
 Compute the geometry centroid. More...
virtual OGRGeometrySimplify (double dTolerance) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Simplify the geometry. More...
OGRGeometrySimplifyPreserveTopology (double dTolerance) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Simplify the geometry while preserving topology. More...
virtual OGRGeometryDelaunayTriangulation (double dfTolerance, int bOnlyEdges) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Return a Delaunay triangulation of the vertices of the geometry. More...
virtual OGRGeometryPolygonize () const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT
 Polygonizes a set of sparse edges. More...
virtual double Distance3D (const OGRGeometry *poOtherGeom) const
 Returns the 3D distance between two geometries. More...
OGRPointtoPoint ()
 Down-cast to OGRPoint*. More...
const OGRPointtoPoint () const
 Down-cast to OGRPoint*. More...
OGRCurvetoCurve ()
 Down-cast to OGRCurve*. More...
const OGRCurvetoCurve () const
 Down-cast to OGRCurve*. More...
OGRSimpleCurvetoSimpleCurve ()
 Down-cast to OGRSimpleCurve*. More...
const OGRSimpleCurvetoSimpleCurve () const
 Down-cast to OGRSimpleCurve*. More...
OGRLineStringtoLineString ()
 Down-cast to OGRLineString*. More...
const OGRLineStringtoLineString () const
 Down-cast to OGRLineString*. More...
OGRLinearRingtoLinearRing ()
 Down-cast to OGRLinearRing*. More...
const OGRLinearRingtoLinearRing () const
 Down-cast to OGRLinearRing*. More...
OGRCircularStringtoCircularString ()
 Down-cast to OGRCircularString*. More...
const OGRCircularStringtoCircularString () const
 Down-cast to OGRCircularString*. More...
OGRCompoundCurvetoCompoundCurve ()
 Down-cast to OGRCompoundCurve*. More...
const OGRCompoundCurvetoCompoundCurve () const
 Down-cast to OGRCompoundCurve*. More...
OGRSurfacetoSurface ()
 Down-cast to OGRSurface*. More...
const OGRSurfacetoSurface () const
 Down-cast to OGRSurface*. More...
OGRPolygontoPolygon ()
 Down-cast to OGRPolygon*. More...
const OGRPolygontoPolygon () const
 Down-cast to OGRPolygon*. More...
OGRTriangletoTriangle ()
 Down-cast to OGRTriangle*. More...
const OGRTriangletoTriangle () const
 Down-cast to OGRTriangle*. More...
OGRCurvePolygontoCurvePolygon ()
 Down-cast to OGRCurvePolygon*. More...
const OGRCurvePolygontoCurvePolygon () const
 Down-cast to OGRCurvePolygon*. More...
OGRGeometryCollectiontoGeometryCollection ()
 Down-cast to OGRGeometryCollection*. More...
const OGRGeometryCollectiontoGeometryCollection () const
 Down-cast to OGRGeometryCollection*. More...
OGRMultiPointtoMultiPoint ()
 Down-cast to OGRMultiPoint*. More...
const OGRMultiPointtoMultiPoint () const
 Down-cast to OGRMultiPoint*. More...
OGRMultiLineStringtoMultiLineString ()
 Down-cast to OGRMultiLineString*. More...
const OGRMultiLineStringtoMultiLineString () const
 Down-cast to OGRMultiLineString*. More...
OGRMultiPolygontoMultiPolygon ()
 Down-cast to OGRMultiPolygon*. More...
const OGRMultiPolygontoMultiPolygon () const
 Down-cast to OGRMultiPolygon*. More...
OGRMultiCurvetoMultiCurve ()
 Down-cast to OGRMultiCurve*. More...
const OGRMultiCurvetoMultiCurve () const
 Down-cast to OGRMultiCurve*. More...
OGRMultiSurfacetoMultiSurface ()
 Down-cast to OGRMultiSurface*. More...
const OGRMultiSurfacetoMultiSurface () const
 Down-cast to OGRMultiSurface*. More...
OGRPolyhedralSurfacetoPolyhedralSurface ()
 Down-cast to OGRPolyhedralSurface*. More...
const OGRPolyhedralSurfacetoPolyhedralSurface () const
 Down-cast to OGRPolyhedralSurface*. More...
OGRTriangulatedSurfacetoTriangulatedSurface ()
 Down-cast to OGRTriangulatedSurface*. More...
const OGRTriangulatedSurfacetoTriangulatedSurface () const
 Down-cast to OGRTriangulatedSurface*. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static OGRPolygonCastToPolygon (OGRCurvePolygon *poCP)
 Convert to polygon. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OGRGeometry
static GEOSContextHandle_t createGEOSContext ()
 Create a new GEOS context. More...
static void freeGEOSContext (GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt)
 Destroy a GEOS context. More...
static OGRGeometryH ToHandle (OGRGeometry *poGeom)
 Convert a OGRGeometry* to a OGRGeometryH. More...
static OGRGeometryFromHandle (OGRGeometryH hGeom)
 Convert a OGRGeometryH to a OGRGeometry*. More...

Detailed Description

Concrete class representing curve polygons.

Note that curve polygons consist of one outer (curve) ring, and zero or more inner rings. A curve polygon cannot represent disconnected regions (such as multiple islands in a political body). The OGRMultiSurface must be used for this.

Compatibility: ISO SQL/MM Part 3.

GDAL 2.0

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ChildType

Type of child elements.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OGRCurvePolygon()

OGRCurvePolygon::OGRCurvePolygon ( const OGRCurvePolygon )

Copy constructor.

Note: before GDAL 2.1, only the default implementation of the constructor existed, which could be unsafe to use.

GDAL 2.1

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept() [1/2]

virtual void OGRCurvePolygon::accept ( IOGRGeometryVisitor visitor)

Accept a visitor.

Implements OGRGeometry.

Reimplemented in OGRTriangle, and OGRPolygon.

◆ accept() [2/2]

virtual void OGRCurvePolygon::accept ( IOGRConstGeometryVisitor visitor) const

Accept a visitor.

Implements OGRGeometry.

Reimplemented in OGRTriangle, and OGRPolygon.

◆ addRing()

OGRErr OGRCurvePolygon::addRing ( OGRCurve poNewRing)

Add a ring to a polygon.

If the polygon has no external ring (it is empty) this will be used as the external ring, otherwise it is used as an internal ring. The passed OGRCurve remains the responsibility of the caller (an internal copy is made).

This method has no SFCOM analog.

poNewRingring to be added to the polygon.
OGRERR_NONE in case of success

◆ addRingDirectly()

OGRErr OGRCurvePolygon::addRingDirectly ( OGRCurve poNewRing)

Add a ring to a polygon.

If the polygon has no external ring (it is empty) this will be used as the external ring, otherwise it is used as an internal ring. Ownership of the passed ring is assumed by the OGRCurvePolygon, but otherwise this method operates the same as OGRCurvePolygon::AddRing().

This method has no SFCOM analog.

poNewRingring to be added to the polygon.
OGRERR_NONE in case of success

Reimplemented in OGRTriangle.

◆ assignSpatialReference()

void OGRCurvePolygon::assignSpatialReference ( OGRSpatialReference poSR)

Assign spatial reference to this object.

Any existing spatial reference is replaced, but under no circumstances does this result in the object being reprojected. It is just changing the interpretation of the existing geometry. Note that assigning a spatial reference increments the reference count on the OGRSpatialReference, but does not copy it.

Starting with GDAL 2.3, this will also assign the spatial reference to potential sub-geometries of the geometry (OGRGeometryCollection, OGRCurvePolygon/OGRPolygon, OGRCompoundCurve, OGRPolyhedralSurface and their derived classes).

This is similar to the SFCOM IGeometry::put_SpatialReference() method.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_AssignSpatialReference().

poSRnew spatial reference system to apply.

Reimplemented from OGRGeometry.

◆ begin() [1/2]

ChildType** OGRCurvePolygon::begin ( )

Return begin of curve iterator.

GDAL 2.3

◆ begin() [2/2]

const ChildType* const* OGRCurvePolygon::begin ( ) const

Return begin of curve iterator.

GDAL 2.3

◆ CastToPolygon()

OGRPolygon * OGRCurvePolygon::CastToPolygon ( OGRCurvePolygon poCP)

Convert to polygon.

This method should only be called if the curve polygon actually only contains instances of OGRLineString. This can be verified if hasCurveGeometry(TRUE) returns FALSE. It is not intended to approximate curve polygons. For that use getLinearGeometry().

The passed in geometry is consumed and a new one returned (or NULL in case of failure).

poCPthe input geometry - ownership is passed to the method.
new geometry.

◆ clone()

OGRGeometry * OGRCurvePolygon::clone ( ) const

Make a copy of this object.

This method relates to the SFCOM IGeometry::clone() method.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_Clone().

a new object instance with the same geometry, and spatial reference system as the original.

Implements OGRGeometry.

◆ Contains()

OGRBoolean OGRCurvePolygon::Contains ( const OGRGeometry poOtherGeom) const

Test for containment.

Tests if actual geometry object contains the passed geometry.

Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_Contains().

This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error.

poOtherGeomthe geometry to compare to this geometry.
TRUE if poOtherGeom contains this geometry, otherwise FALSE.

Reimplemented from OGRGeometry.

◆ CurvePolyToPoly()

OGRPolygon * OGRCurvePolygon::CurvePolyToPoly ( double  dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0,
const char *const *  papszOptions = nullptr 
) const

Return a polygon from a curve polygon.

This method is the same as C function OGR_G_CurvePolyToPoly().

The returned geometry is a new instance whose ownership belongs to the caller.

dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegreesthe largest step in degrees along the arc, zero to use the default setting.
papszOptionsoptions as a null-terminated list of strings. Unused for now. Must be set to NULL.
a linestring
OGR 2.0

Reimplemented in OGRPolygon.

◆ empty()

void OGRCurvePolygon::empty ( )

Clear geometry information.

This restores the geometry to its initial state after construction, and before assignment of actual geometry.

This method relates to the SFCOM IGeometry::Empty() method.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_Empty().

Implements OGRGeometry.

◆ end() [1/2]

ChildType** OGRCurvePolygon::end ( )

Return end of curve iterator.

◆ end() [2/2]

const ChildType* const* OGRCurvePolygon::end ( ) const

Return end of curve iterator.

◆ Equals()

OGRBoolean OGRCurvePolygon::Equals ( const OGRGeometry ) const

Returns TRUE if two geometries are equivalent.

This operation implements the SQL/MM ST_OrderingEquals() operation.

The comparison is done in a structural way, that is to say that the geometry types must be identical, as well as the number and ordering of sub-geometries and vertices. Or equivalently, two geometries are considered equal by this method if their WKT/WKB representation is equal. Note: this must be distinguished for equality in a spatial way (which is the purpose of the ST_Equals() operation).

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_Equals().

TRUE if equivalent or FALSE otherwise.

Implements OGRGeometry.

◆ exportToWkb()

OGRErr OGRCurvePolygon::exportToWkb ( OGRwkbByteOrder  eByteOrder,
unsigned char *  pabyData,
OGRwkbVariant  eWkbVariant = wkbVariantOldOgc 
) const

Convert a geometry into well known binary format.

This method relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKB() method.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_ExportToWkb() or OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkb(), depending on the value of eWkbVariant.

eByteOrderOne of wkbXDR or wkbNDR indicating MSB or LSB byte order respectively.
pabyDataa buffer into which the binary representation is written. This buffer must be at least OGRGeometry::WkbSize() byte in size.
eWkbVariantWhat standard to use when exporting geometries with three dimensions (or more). The default wkbVariantOldOgc is the historical OGR variant. wkbVariantIso is the variant defined in ISO SQL/MM and adopted by OGC for SFSQL 1.2.
Currently OGRERR_NONE is always returned.

Implements OGRGeometry.

Reimplemented in OGRPolygon.

◆ exportToWkt()

OGRErr OGRCurvePolygon::exportToWkt ( char **  ppszDstText,
OGRwkbVariant  eWkbVariant = wkbVariantOldOgc 
) const

Convert a geometry into well known text format.

This method relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKT() method.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_ExportToWkt().

ppszDstTexta text buffer is allocated by the program, and assigned to the passed pointer. After use, *ppszDstText should be freed with CPLFree().
eWkbVariantthe specification that must be conformed too :
  • wbkVariantOgc for old-style 99-402 extended dimension (Z) WKB types
  • wbkVariantIso for SFSQL 1.2 and ISO SQL/MM Part 3
Currently OGRERR_NONE is always returned.

Implements OGRGeometry.

Reimplemented in OGRPolygon.

◆ flattenTo2D()

void OGRCurvePolygon::flattenTo2D ( )

Convert geometry to strictly 2D.

In a sense this converts all Z coordinates to 0.0.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_FlattenTo2D().

Implements OGRGeometry.

◆ get_Area()

double OGRCurvePolygon::get_Area ( ) const

Get the area of the surface object.

For polygons the area is computed as the area of the outer ring less the area of all internal rings.

This method relates to the SFCOM ISurface::get_Area() method.

the area of the feature in square units of the spatial reference system in use.

Implements OGRSurface.

◆ getDimension()

int OGRCurvePolygon::getDimension ( ) const

Get the dimension of this object.

This method corresponds to the SFCOM IGeometry::GetDimension() method. It indicates the dimension of the object, but does not indicate the dimension of the underlying space (as indicated by OGRGeometry::getCoordinateDimension()).

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_GetDimension().

0 for points, 1 for lines and 2 for surfaces.

Implements OGRGeometry.

◆ getEnvelope() [1/2]

void OGRCurvePolygon::getEnvelope ( OGREnvelope *  psEnvelope) const

Computes and returns the bounding envelope for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_GetEnvelope().

psEnvelopethe structure in which to place the results.

Implements OGRGeometry.

◆ getEnvelope() [2/2]

void OGRCurvePolygon::getEnvelope ( OGREnvelope3D *  psEnvelope) const

Computes and returns the bounding envelope (3D) for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_GetEnvelope3D().

psEnvelopethe structure in which to place the results.
OGR 1.9.0

Implements OGRGeometry.

◆ getExteriorRingCurve() [1/2]

OGRCurve * OGRCurvePolygon::getExteriorRingCurve ( )

Fetch reference to external polygon ring.

Note that the returned ring pointer is to an internal data object of the OGRCurvePolygon. It should not be modified or deleted by the application, and the pointer is only valid till the polygon is next modified. Use the OGRGeometry::clone() method to make a separate copy within the application.

Relates to the Simple Features for COM (SFCOM) IPolygon::get_ExteriorRing() method. TODO(rouault): What does that mean?

pointer to external ring. May be NULL if the OGRCurvePolygon is empty.

◆ getExteriorRingCurve() [2/2]

const OGRCurve * OGRCurvePolygon::getExteriorRingCurve ( ) const

Fetch reference to external polygon ring.

Note that the returned ring pointer is to an internal data object of the OGRCurvePolygon. It should not be modified or deleted by the application, and the pointer is only valid till the polygon is next modified. Use the OGRGeometry::clone() method to make a separate copy within the application.

Relates to the SFCOM IPolygon::get_ExteriorRing() method.

pointer to external ring. May be NULL if the OGRCurvePolygon is empty.

◆ getGeometryName()

const char * OGRCurvePolygon::getGeometryName ( ) const

Fetch WKT name for geometry type.

There is no SFCOM analog to this method.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_GetGeometryName().

name used for this geometry type in well known text format. The returned pointer is to a static internal string and should not be modified or freed.

Implements OGRGeometry.

Reimplemented in OGRTriangle, and OGRPolygon.

◆ getGeometryType()

OGRwkbGeometryType OGRCurvePolygon::getGeometryType ( ) const

Fetch geometry type.

Note that the geometry type may include the 2.5D flag. To get a 2D flattened version of the geometry type apply the wkbFlatten() macro to the return result.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_GetGeometryType().

the geometry type code.

Implements OGRGeometry.

Reimplemented in OGRTriangle, and OGRPolygon.

◆ getInteriorRingCurve() [1/2]

OGRCurve * OGRCurvePolygon::getInteriorRingCurve ( int  iRing)

Fetch reference to indicated internal ring.

Note that the returned ring pointer is to an internal data object of the OGRCurvePolygon. It should not be modified or deleted by the application, and the pointer is only valid till the polygon is next modified. Use the OGRGeometry::clone() method to make a separate copy within the application.

Relates to the SFCOM IPolygon::get_InternalRing() method.

iRinginternal ring index from 0 to getNumInteriorRings() - 1.
pointer to interior ring. May be NULL.

◆ getInteriorRingCurve() [2/2]

const OGRCurve * OGRCurvePolygon::getInteriorRingCurve ( int  iRing) const

Fetch reference to indicated internal ring.

Note that the returned ring pointer is to an internal data object of the OGRCurvePolygon. It should not be modified or deleted by the application, and the pointer is only valid till the polygon is next modified. Use the OGRGeometry::clone() method to make a separate copy within the application.

Relates to the SFCOM IPolygon::get_InternalRing() method.

iRinginternal ring index from 0 to getNumInteriorRings() - 1.
pointer to interior ring. May be NULL.

◆ getLinearGeometry()

OGRGeometry * OGRCurvePolygon::getLinearGeometry ( double  dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0,
const char *const *  papszOptions = nullptr 
) const

Return, possibly approximate, non-curve version of this geometry.

Returns a geometry that has no CIRCULARSTRING, COMPOUNDCURVE, CURVEPOLYGON, MULTICURVE or MULTISURFACE in it, by approximating curve geometries.

The ownership of the returned geometry belongs to the caller.

The reverse method is OGRGeometry::getCurveGeometry().

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_GetLinearGeometry().

dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegreesthe largest step in degrees along the arc, zero to use the default setting.
papszOptionsoptions as a null-terminated list of strings. See OGRGeometryFactory::curveToLineString() for valid options.
a new geometry.
GDAL 2.0

Reimplemented from OGRGeometry.

Reimplemented in OGRPolygon.

◆ getNumInteriorRings()

int OGRCurvePolygon::getNumInteriorRings ( ) const

Fetch the number of internal rings.

Relates to the SFCOM IPolygon::get_NumInteriorRings() method.

count of internal rings, zero or more.

◆ hasCurveGeometry()

OGRBoolean OGRCurvePolygon::hasCurveGeometry ( int  bLookForNonLinear = FALSE) const

Returns if this geometry is or has curve geometry.

Returns if a geometry is, contains or may contain a CIRCULARSTRING, COMPOUNDCURVE, CURVEPOLYGON, MULTICURVE or MULTISURFACE.

If bLookForNonLinear is set to TRUE, it will be actually looked if the geometry or its subgeometries are or contain a non-linear geometry in them. In which case, if the method returns TRUE, it means that getLinearGeometry() would return an approximate version of the geometry. Otherwise, getLinearGeometry() would do a conversion, but with just converting container type, like COMPOUNDCURVE -> LINESTRING, MULTICURVE -> MULTILINESTRING or MULTISURFACE -> MULTIPOLYGON, resulting in a "loss-less" conversion.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_HasCurveGeometry().

bLookForNonLinearset it to TRUE to check if the geometry is or contains a CIRCULARSTRING.
TRUE if this geometry is or has curve geometry.
GDAL 2.0

Reimplemented from OGRGeometry.

Reimplemented in OGRPolygon.

◆ importFromWkb()

OGRErr OGRCurvePolygon::importFromWkb ( const unsigned char *  pabyData,
int  nSize,
OGRwkbVariant  eWkbVariant,
int &  nBytesConsumedOut 

Assign geometry from well known binary data.

The object must have already been instantiated as the correct derived type of geometry object to match the binaries type. This method is used by the OGRGeometryFactory class, but not normally called by application code.

This method relates to the SFCOM IWks::ImportFromWKB() method.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_ImportFromWkb().

pabyDatathe binary input data.
nSizethe size of pabyData in bytes, or -1 if not known.
eWkbVariantif wkbVariantPostGIS1, special interpretation is done for curve geometries code
nBytesConsumedOutoutput parameter. Number of bytes consumed.
GDAL 2.3

Implements OGRGeometry.

Reimplemented in OGRTriangle, and OGRPolygon.

◆ Intersects()

OGRBoolean OGRCurvePolygon::Intersects ( const OGRGeometry poOtherGeom) const

Do these features intersect?

Determines whether two geometries intersect. If GEOS is enabled, then this is done in rigorous fashion otherwise TRUE is returned if the envelopes (bounding boxes) of the two geometries overlap.

The poOtherGeom argument may be safely NULL, but in this case the method will always return TRUE. That is, a NULL geometry is treated as being everywhere.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_Intersects().

poOtherGeomthe other geometry to test against.
TRUE if the geometries intersect, otherwise FALSE.

Reimplemented from OGRGeometry.

◆ IsEmpty()

OGRBoolean OGRCurvePolygon::IsEmpty ( ) const

Returns TRUE (non-zero) if the object has no points.

Normally this returns FALSE except between when an object is instantiated and points have been assigned.

This method relates to the SFCOM IGeometry::IsEmpty() method.

TRUE if object is empty, otherwise FALSE.

Implements OGRGeometry.

◆ operator=()

OGRCurvePolygon & OGRCurvePolygon::operator= ( const OGRCurvePolygon other)

Assignment operator.

Note: before GDAL 2.1, only the default implementation of the operator existed, which could be unsafe to use.

GDAL 2.1

◆ removeRing()

OGRErr OGRCurvePolygon::removeRing ( int  iIndex,
bool  bDelete = true 

Remove a geometry from the container.

Removing a geometry will cause the geometry count to drop by one, and all "higher" geometries will shuffle down one in index.

There is no SFCOM analog to this method.

iIndexthe index of the geometry to delete. A value of -1 is a special flag meaning that all geometries should be removed.
bDeleteif true the geometry will be deallocated, otherwise it will not. The default is true as the container is considered to own the geometries in it.
OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGRERR_FAILURE if the index is out of range.

◆ segmentize()

void OGRCurvePolygon::segmentize ( double  dfMaxLength)

Modify the geometry such it has no segment longer then the given distance.

Add intermediate vertices to a geometry.

Interpolated points will have Z and M values (if needed) set to 0. Distance computation is performed in 2d only

This function is the same as the C function OGR_G_Segmentize()

dfMaxLengththe maximum distance between 2 points after segmentization

This method modifies the geometry to add intermediate vertices if necessary so that the maximum length between 2 consecutive vertices is lower than dfMaxLength.

dfMaxLengthmaximum length between 2 consecutive vertices.

Reimplemented from OGRGeometry.

◆ set3D()

void OGRCurvePolygon::set3D ( OGRBoolean  bIs3D)

Add or remove the Z coordinate dimension.

This method adds or removes the explicit Z coordinate dimension. Removing the Z coordinate dimension of a geometry will remove any existing Z values. Adding the Z dimension to a geometry collection, a compound curve, a polygon, etc. will affect the children geometries.

bIs3DShould the geometry have a Z dimension, either TRUE or FALSE.
GDAL 2.1

Reimplemented from OGRGeometry.

◆ setCoordinateDimension()

void OGRCurvePolygon::setCoordinateDimension ( int  nNewDimension)

Set the coordinate dimension.

This method sets the explicit coordinate dimension. Setting the coordinate dimension of a geometry to 2 should zero out any existing Z values. Setting the dimension of a geometry collection, a compound curve, a polygon, etc. will affect the children geometries. This will also remove the M dimension if present before this call.

use set3D() or setMeasured().
nNewDimensionNew coordinate dimension value, either 2 or 3.

Reimplemented from OGRGeometry.

◆ setMeasured()

void OGRCurvePolygon::setMeasured ( OGRBoolean  bIsMeasured)

Add or remove the M coordinate dimension.

This method adds or removes the explicit M coordinate dimension. Removing the M coordinate dimension of a geometry will remove any existing M values. Adding the M dimension to a geometry collection, a compound curve, a polygon, etc. will affect the children geometries.

bIsMeasuredShould the geometry have a M dimension, either TRUE or FALSE.
GDAL 2.1

Reimplemented from OGRGeometry.

◆ stealExteriorRingCurve()

OGRCurve * OGRCurvePolygon::stealExteriorRingCurve ( )

"Steal" reference to external ring.

After the call to that function, only call to stealInteriorRing() or destruction of the OGRCurvePolygon is valid. Other operations may crash.

pointer to external ring. May be NULL if the OGRCurvePolygon is empty.

◆ swapXY()

void OGRCurvePolygon::swapXY ( )

Swap x and y coordinates.

OGR 1.8.0

Reimplemented from OGRGeometry.

◆ transform()

OGRErr OGRCurvePolygon::transform ( OGRCoordinateTransformation poCT)

Apply arbitrary coordinate transformation to geometry.

This method will transform the coordinates of a geometry from their current spatial reference system to a new target spatial reference system. Normally this means reprojecting the vectors, but it could include datum shifts, and changes of units.

Note that this method does not require that the geometry already have a spatial reference system. It will be assumed that they can be treated as having the source spatial reference system of the OGRCoordinateTransformation object, and the actual SRS of the geometry will be ignored. On successful completion the output OGRSpatialReference of the OGRCoordinateTransformation will be assigned to the geometry.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_Transform().

poCTthe transformation to apply.
OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code.

Implements OGRGeometry.

◆ WkbSize()

int OGRCurvePolygon::WkbSize ( ) const

Returns size of related binary representation.

This method returns the exact number of bytes required to hold the well known binary representation of this geometry object. Its computation may be slightly expensive for complex geometries.

This method relates to the SFCOM IWks::WkbSize() method.

This method is the same as the C function OGR_G_WkbSize().

size of binary representation in bytes.

Implements OGRGeometry.

Reimplemented in OGRPolygon.

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