
Libgda's report feature has been reworked and is only offers it report engine object, a low level general usage engine to generate reports in the XML format. More specifically it converts an XML tree containing special tags into another XML tree where all the specific tags have been expanded/replaced with database contents. For more information about the special tags taken into account, please refer to the GdaReportEngine's documentation.

Working on any XML file allows the report engine to work with all the existing post-processors which will actually generate the final file(s) in HTML, PDF or other; for example:

To make it easier to use RML or Docbook XML dialects, Libgda has the GdaReportDocbookDocument and GdaReportRmlDocument which both offer high level of features when dealing with those XML dialects.

From a programmer's point of view, the following code example shows how to convert the "report-spec.xml" file to a "report.xml" report:

GdaConnection *cnc;
GdaReportEngine *eng
xmlDocPtr doc;
GError *error = NULL;

cnc = gda_connection_open_from_dsn (...);
eng = gda_report_engine_new_from_file ("report-spec.xml");
gda_report_engine_declare_object (eng, G_OBJECT (cnc), "main_cnc");

doc = gda_report_engine_run_as_doc (eng, &error);
if (!doc) {
    /* ERROR */
else {
    xmlSaveFile ("report.xml", doc);
    xmlFreeDoc (doc);
g_object_unref (eng);

For example the XML "report-spec.xml" file could be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "">
    <title>Customers report example</title>
      <!-- Use the "abstract" parameter which is supposed to be defined using gda_report_engine_declare_object() -->
      <para><gda_report_param_value param_name="abstract"/></para>

       Start a new section, with the "customers" SELECT query, which is supposed to be defined using 

       Any <gda_report_iter> node will repeat its contents as many times as there are rows in the
       data model returned by the "customers" SELECT query.
  <gda_report_section query_name="customers" cnc_name="main_cnc">
      <!-- Will be replaced by: <title>List of customers (5)</title> if there are 5 rows for example -->
      <title>List of customers (<gda_report_param_value param_name="customers|?nrows"/>)</title>

      <!-- List all the customer's names -->
	  <li><gda_report_param_value param_name="customers|@name"/></li>

For a more detailed example, have a look at the samples/Report of Libgda's sources.