The gda-list-server-op-5.0 tool lists available DDL operations for one or all of the installed
providers. For each type of operation (and each provider), the named parameters are also displayed.
See the General words about DDL queries for more information
about possible operations and usage. This tool has got several options, use the --help
to list them all.
For example listing all the possible operations (for all the providers) is:
[prompt]> gda-list-server-op-5.0 -l Using XML descriptions in /usr/share/libgda-5.0 Existing operation types: CREATE_DB DROP_DB CREATE_TABLE DROP_TABLE RENAME_TABLE ADD_COLUMN DROP_COLUMN CREATE_INDEX DROP_INDEX
Listing all the operations supported by the SQLite provider (notice that the SQLite provider does not support the DROP_COLUMN operation as SQLite does not support it):
[prompt]> gda-list-server-op-5.0 -l -p SQLite Using XML descriptions in /usr/share/libgda-5.0 For provider SQLite Existing operation types for provider 'SQLite': CREATE_DB DROP_DB CREATE_TABLE DROP_TABLE RENAME_TABLE ADD_COLUMN CREATE_INDEX DROP_INDEX
Listing all the possible parameters for the MySQL provider and for the DROP_COLUMN operation:
[prompt]> gda-list-server-op-5.0 -o DROP_COLUMN -p MySQL Using XML descriptions in /usr/share/libgda-5.0 For provider MySQL Description for type: DROP_COLUMN <?xml version="1.0"?> <server_op> <path id="/COLUMN_DESC_P" node_type="PARAMLIST" name="Column's description"/> <path id="/COLUMN_DESC_P/TABLE_NAME" node_type="PARAMETER" gdatype="gchararray" name="Table" descr="Table's name"/> <path id="/COLUMN_DESC_P/COLUMN_NAME" node_type="PARAMETER" gdatype="gchararray" name="Field name"/> </server_op>
Listing all the possible parameters for the all the installed providers and for the DROP_COLUMN operation:
[prompt]> gda-list-server-op-5.0 -o DROP_COLUMN Using XML descriptions in /usr/share/libgda-5.0 Description for type: DROP_COLUMN <?xml version="1.0"?> <server_op> <path id="/COLUMN_DESC_P" node_type="PARAMLIST"> <prov prov_name="mysql" name="Column's description"/> <prov prov_name="postgres" name="Column's description"/> </path> <path id="/COLUMN_DESC_P/TABLE_NAME" node_type="PARAMETER" gdatype="gchararray"> <prov prov_name="mysql" name="Table" descr="Table's name"/> <prov prov_name="postgres" name="Table" descr="Table's name"/> </path> <path id="/COLUMN_DESC_P/COLUMN_NAME" node_type="PARAMETER" gdatype="gchararray"> <prov prov_name="mysql" name="Field name"/> <prov prov_name="postgres" name="Field name"/> </path> <path id="/COLUMN_DESC_P/REFERENCED_ACTION" node_type="PARAMETER" gdatype="gchararray"> <prov prov_name="postgres" name="References" descr="What to do with references on the column to delete"/> </path> </server_op>