
Libgda's offers several tools, the most useful being an SQL console which allows one to issue SQL statement from the command line. This component has the following files:

Diagnostic tools

The diagnostic tools are useful to test connections. This component has the following files:

`-- bin
    |-- gda-list-config -> gda-list-config-5.0
    |-- gda-list-config-5.0
    |-- gda-list-jdbc-providers-5.0
    |-- gda-list-server-op -> gda-list-server-op-5.0
    |-- gda-list-server-op-5.0
    `-- gda-test-connection-5.0

This component should be made dependent on the runtime component.

SQL console

|-- bin
|   `-- gda-sql-5.0
 `-- share
    |-- gnome
    |   `-- help
    |       `-- gda-sql
    |           |-- C
    |           `[ยทยทยท]
    |-- libgda-5.0
    |   `-- web
    |       |-- cnc.js
    |       |-- gda-print.css
    |       |-- gda.css
    |       |-- irb.css
    |       |-- irb.js
    |       |-- jquery.js
    |       |-- md5.js
    |       |-- mouseapp_2.js
    |       `-- mouseirb_2.js
    `-- man
        `-- man1
            |-- gda-sql-5.0.1
            `-- gda-sql.1 -> gda-sql-5.0.1

This component should be made dependent on the runtime component.