Methods - data representation

This group of virtual methods is related to converting some data between the three representations which are the SQL representation (to be directly included in a SQL statement), the human readable representation, and the GValue representation. For each type of data (identified as a GType type) which the provider can handle, a GdaDataHandler object is responsible of the conversions.


This method returns a GdaDataHandler for the requested data type. It should only instantiate each GdaDataHandler once and reuse it if the same request happens (the returned object will not be modified).

This method is called by both gda_server_provider_get_data_handler_g_type() and gda_server_provider_get_data_handler_dbms() methods.


This method returns the name of the most common (database specific) data type which has the requested type.


This method adds escape characters to a string, to be able to safely add it into an SQL statement.


This method does the reverse of the escape_string() method.