Executing queries

Any query within Libgda is represented as a GdaStatement object. Each GdaStatement object can store exactly one SQL statement (SQL statements are generally separated by semi-colons). Several statements can be grouped into a GdaBatch object.

Libgda can execute any SQL understood by the database to which a connection is opened, even SQL code containing extensions specific to a database.

When creating an SQL string which contains values (literals), one can be tempted (as it is the easiest solution) to create a string containing the values themselves, execute that statement and apply the same process the next time the same statement needs to be executed with different values. This approach has two major flaws outlined below which is why Libgda recommends using variables in statements (also known as parameters or place holders) and reusing the same GdaStatement object when only the variable's values change. The flaws are:

Because each database has its own way of representing variables in an SQL string, and because those ways of representing variables don't contain enough information (it is usually impossible to specify the expected type for a variable for example) Libgda has defined a standard way of defining them, and translates it into the syntax understood by the database when needed. For more information about that syntax, see the GdaSqlParser's object description.

GdaStatement objects can be created by:

Executing a statement is a matter of calling gda_connection_statement_execute () or one of its simplified versions if the nature of the statement (SELECT or not) is known.

The following example shows how to use a GdaStatement to list the details of some data while making a variable (named "the_id") vary from 0 to 9 (for simplicity, error checking has been removed):

GdaConnection *cnc;
GdaSqlParser *parser;
GdaStatement *stmt;
GdaSet *params;
GdaHolder *p;
GValue *value;
gint i;

cnc = ...;


stmt = gda_sql_parser_parse_string (parser, "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id=##the_id::gint", NULL, NULL);
gda_statement_get_parameters (stmt, &params, NULL);

p = gda_set_get_holder (params, "the_id");
value = gda_value_new (G_TYPE_INT);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
	GdaDataModel *res;
	g_value_set_int (value, i);
	gda_holder_set_value (p, value);
	res = gda_connection_statement_execute_select (cnc, stmt, params, NULL);
	gda_data_model_dump (res, stdout);
	g_object_unref (res);
g_object_unref (params);
g_object_unref (stmt);