Quality settings

Generic quality settings. More...


 Fastest processing. More...
 Highest quality. More...
 Default quality. More...

Detailed Description

Generic quality settings.

Gavl allows multiple versions of each conversion routine. Optimized routines often have a worse precision, while highly accurate routines are too slow for live playback. Quality level 3 enables the standard ANSI-C versions, which are always available, or an optimized version of the same accuracy. Qualities 1 and 2 choose optimized versions which are less accurate. Qualities 4 and 5 enable high quality versions.

Not all routines are available for quality levels other than 3. In these cases, the quality will be ignored.

Macro Definition Documentation



Fastest processing.

Worst quality.



Highest quality.

Slowest, may not work in realtime applications



Default quality.

Default quality, most probably the choice for realtime playback applications.