
texture — Texture loading and manipulation


#include <g3d/texture.h>

#define             G3D_FLAG_IMG_GREYSCALE
enum                G3DTexEnv;
G3DImage*           g3d_texture_load_cached             (G3DContext *context,
                                                         G3DModel *model,
                                                         const gchar *filename);
G3DImage*           g3d_texture_load_from_stream        (G3DContext *context,
                                                         G3DModel *model,
                                                         G3DStream *stream);
G3DImage*           g3d_texture_load                    (G3DContext *context,
                                                         const gchar *filename);
void                g3d_texture_free                    (G3DImage *texture);
gboolean            g3d_texture_prepare                 (G3DImage *texture);
gboolean            g3d_texture_flip_y                  (G3DImage *texture);
G3DImage*           g3d_texture_merge_alpha             (G3DImage *image,
                                                         G3DImage *aimage);


A texture is an image used in materials. Here are some helper functions, mostly for cached loading of a G3DImage.



#define G3D_FLAG_IMG_GREYSCALE       (1L << 1)

The image just uses the red channel for grey value

enum G3DTexEnv

typedef enum {
} G3DTexEnv;

Specify how the texture should interact with other material properties.


unspecified, application decides


use blending


use as decal


use modulate


replace color


typedef struct {
	gchar *name;
	guint32 width;
	guint32 height;
	guint8 depth;
	guint32 flags;
	guint8 *pixeldata;

	guint32 tex_id;
	G3DTexEnv tex_env;
	G3DFloat tex_scale_u;
	G3DFloat tex_scale_v;
} G3DImage;

Object containing a two-dimensional pixel image.

gchar *name;

name of image

guint32 width;

width of image in pixels

guint32 height;

height of image in pixels

guint8 depth;

depth of image in bits

guint32 flags;


guint8 *pixeldata;

the binary image data

guint32 tex_id;

the OpenGL texture id, should be unique model-wide

G3DTexEnv tex_env;

texture environment flags

G3DFloat tex_scale_u;

factor scaling texture width, should be 1.0 for most cases

G3DFloat tex_scale_v;

factor scaling texture height, should be 1.0 for most cases

g3d_texture_load_cached ()

G3DImage*           g3d_texture_load_cached             (G3DContext *context,
                                                         G3DModel *model,
                                                         const gchar *filename);

Loads a texture image from file and attaches it to a hash table in the model. On a second try to load this texture it is returned from cache.

context :

a valid context

model :

a valid model

filename :

the file name of the texture to load

Returns :

the texture image

g3d_texture_load_from_stream ()

G3DImage*           g3d_texture_load_from_stream        (G3DContext *context,
                                                         G3DModel *model,
                                                         G3DStream *stream);

Load a texture image from a stream. The file type is determined by the extension of the stream URI, so it should be valid. If model is not NULL the texture image is cached (or retrieved from cache if available).

context :

a valid context

model :

a valid model or NULL

stream :

an open stream

Returns :

the texture image or NULL in case of an error.

g3d_texture_load ()

G3DImage*           g3d_texture_load                    (G3DContext *context,
                                                         const gchar *filename);

Load a texture from a file. The type of file is determined by the file extension.

context :

a valid context

filename :

the file name of the texture

Returns :

the texture image or NULL in case of an error.

g3d_texture_free ()

void                g3d_texture_free                    (G3DImage *texture);

Frees all memory used by this texture image.

texture :

a texture image

g3d_texture_prepare ()

gboolean            g3d_texture_prepare                 (G3DImage *texture);

Resizes the image to dimensions which are a power of 2 to be usable as an OpenGL texture. (FIXME: unimplemented)

texture :

a texture image

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE else

g3d_texture_flip_y ()

gboolean            g3d_texture_flip_y                  (G3DImage *texture);

Mirror the image along the x axis - all y coordinates are inverted.

texture :

a texture image

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on error.

g3d_texture_merge_alpha ()

G3DImage*           g3d_texture_merge_alpha             (G3DImage *image,
                                                         G3DImage *aimage);

Merges alpha information from aimage into output image. If image is NULL a new image is created, else image is returned with alpha from aimage.

image :

a texture image or NULL

aimage :

an image with alpha information

Returns :

a texture image or NULL in case of an error.