
matrix — Matrix manipulation and calculation


#include <g3d/matrix.h>

typedef             G3DMatrix;
gboolean            g3d_matrix_identity                 (G3DMatrix *matrix);
gboolean            g3d_matrix_multiply                 (G3DMatrix *m1,
                                                         G3DMatrix *m2,
                                                         G3DMatrix *rm);
gboolean            g3d_matrix_translate                (G3DFloat x,
                                                         G3DFloat y,
                                                         G3DFloat z,
                                                         G3DMatrix *rm);
gboolean            g3d_matrix_rotate                   (G3DFloat angle,
                                                         G3DFloat ax,
                                                         G3DFloat ay,
                                                         G3DFloat az,
                                                         G3DMatrix *rm);
gboolean            g3d_matrix_rotate_xyz               (G3DFloat rx,
                                                         G3DFloat ry,
                                                         G3DFloat rz,
                                                         G3DMatrix *rm);
gboolean            g3d_matrix_scale                    (G3DFloat x,
                                                         G3DFloat y,
                                                         G3DFloat z,
                                                         G3DMatrix *rm);
gboolean            g3d_matrix_transpose                (G3DMatrix *matrix);
G3DFloat            g3d_matrix_determinant              (G3DMatrix *matrix);
gboolean            g3d_matrix_dump                     (G3DMatrix *matrix);


Matrices in libg3d have the following layout:

G3DMatrix matrix[16]:

matrix[col * 4 + row] = f;



typedef G3DFloat G3DMatrix;

Matrix element type.

g3d_matrix_identity ()

gboolean            g3d_matrix_identity                 (G3DMatrix *matrix);

Sets the given matrix to the identity matrix.

matrix :

4x4 matrix (float[16])

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE else

g3d_matrix_multiply ()

gboolean            g3d_matrix_multiply                 (G3DMatrix *m1,
                                                         G3DMatrix *m2,
                                                         G3DMatrix *rm);

Multiplies the matrixes.

m1 :

first matrix

m2 :

second matrix

rm :

resulting matrix

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE else

g3d_matrix_translate ()

gboolean            g3d_matrix_translate                (G3DFloat x,
                                                         G3DFloat y,
                                                         G3DFloat z,
                                                         G3DMatrix *rm);

Adds a translation to the the matrix.

x :

x translation

y :

y translation

z :

z translation

rm :

resulting matrix

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE else

g3d_matrix_rotate ()

gboolean            g3d_matrix_rotate                   (G3DFloat angle,
                                                         G3DFloat ax,
                                                         G3DFloat ay,
                                                         G3DFloat az,
                                                         G3DMatrix *rm);

Adds a rotation to the matrix.

angle :

rotation angle

ax :

x component of rotation axis

ay :

y component of rotation axis

az :

z component of rotation axis

rm :

resulting matrix

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE else

g3d_matrix_rotate_xyz ()

gboolean            g3d_matrix_rotate_xyz               (G3DFloat rx,
                                                         G3DFloat ry,
                                                         G3DFloat rz,
                                                         G3DMatrix *rm);

Adds a rotation around the 3 coordinate system axes to the matrix.

rx :

rotation around x axis

ry :

rotation around y axis

rz :

rotation around z axis

rm :

resulting matrix

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE else

g3d_matrix_scale ()

gboolean            g3d_matrix_scale                    (G3DFloat x,
                                                         G3DFloat y,
                                                         G3DFloat z,
                                                         G3DMatrix *rm);

Adds a scaling to the matrix.

x :

x factor

y :

y factor

z :

z factor

rm :

resulting matrix

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE else

g3d_matrix_transpose ()

gboolean            g3d_matrix_transpose                (G3DMatrix *matrix);

Transposes the matrix.

matrix :

the matrix

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE else

g3d_matrix_determinant ()

G3DFloat            g3d_matrix_determinant              (G3DMatrix *matrix);

Calculate the determinant of the matrix (FIXME: not verified).

matrix :

the matrix

Returns :

the determinant.

g3d_matrix_dump ()

gboolean            g3d_matrix_dump                     (G3DMatrix *matrix);

If debugging is enabled, this function dump the matrix to stderr.

matrix :

the matrix

Returns :

TRUE if matrix is dumped, FALSE else