
iff — IFF file helper functions


#include <g3d/iff.h>

#define             G3D_IFF_PAD1
#define             G3D_IFF_PAD2
#define             G3D_IFF_PAD4
#define             G3D_IFF_PAD8
#define             G3D_IFF_LE
#define             G3D_IFF_LEN16
#define             G3D_IFF_SUBCHUNK_LEN16
#define             G3D_IFF_MKID                        (a,b,c,d)
gboolean            g3d_iff_check                       (G3DStream *stream,
                                                         guint32 *id,
                                                         gsize *len);
gsize               g3d_iff_read_chunk                  (G3DStream *stream,
                                                         guint32 *id,
                                                         gsize *len,
                                                         guint32 flags);
gpointer            g3d_iff_handle_chunk                (G3DIffGlobal *global,
                                                         G3DIffLocal *plocal,
                                                         G3DIffChunkInfo *chunks,
                                                         guint32 flags);
gboolean            g3d_iff_chunk_matches               (guint32 id,
                                                         gchar *tid);
gboolean            g3d_iff_read_ctnr                   (G3DIffGlobal *global,
                                                         G3DIffLocal *local,
                                                         G3DIffChunkInfo *chunks,
                                                         guint32 flags);
gchar*              g3d_iff_id_to_text                  (guint32 id);
FILE*               g3d_iff_open                        (const gchar *filename,
                                                         guint32 *id,
                                                         guint32 *len);
int                 g3d_iff_readchunk                   (FILE *f,
                                                         guint32 *id,
                                                         guint32 *len,
                                                         guint32 flags);
gboolean            (*G3DIffChunkCallback)              (G3DIffGlobal *global,
                                                         G3DIffLocal *local);
#define             g3d_iff_chunk_callback
#define             g3d_iff_chunk_info
#define             g3d_iff_gdata
#define             g3d_iff_ldata


These are helper functions to read data from the Interchange File Format (IFF).



#define G3D_IFF_PAD1   0x01

No padding is done after chunks.


#define G3D_IFF_PAD2   0x02

Chunks are 2-byte aligned


#define G3D_IFF_PAD4   0x04

Chunks are 4-byte aligned


#define G3D_IFF_PAD8   0x08

Chunks are 8-byte aligned


#define G3D_IFF_LE               0x40 /* little endian */

The file has little-endian data.


#define G3D_IFF_LEN16            0x20

All chunks have 16-bit sizes.


#define G3D_IFF_SUBCHUNK_LEN16   0x10

All chunks except the toplevel ones have 16-bit sizes.


#define             G3D_IFF_MKID(a,b,c,d)

Generate an IFF chunk identifier from character representation, e.g. G3D_IFF_MKID('F','O','R','M').

a :

first byte

b :

second byte

c :

third byte

d :

fourth byte

g3d_iff_check ()

gboolean            g3d_iff_check                       (G3DStream *stream,
                                                         guint32 *id,
                                                         gsize *len);

Checks a stream for a valid IFF signature and reads the top level container.

stream :

stream containing IFF file to check

id :

top level ID (out)

len :

length of top level container (out)

Returns :

TRUE on success (valid IFF), FALSE else

g3d_iff_read_chunk ()

gsize               g3d_iff_read_chunk                  (G3DStream *stream,
                                                         guint32 *id,
                                                         gsize *len,
                                                         guint32 flags);

Reads one chunk header from an IFF file.

stream :

stream to read from

id :

ID of chunk (out)

len :

length of chunk (excluding header) (out)

flags :


Returns :

real length of chunk including header and possible padding byte

g3d_iff_handle_chunk ()

gpointer            g3d_iff_handle_chunk                (G3DIffGlobal *global,
                                                         G3DIffLocal *plocal,
                                                         G3DIffChunkInfo *chunks,
                                                         guint32 flags);

Handle an IFF chunk based on chunk description.

global :

global data

plocal :

local data of parent chunk, must not be NULL

chunks :

chunk description list

flags :

IFF flags

Returns :

level object for siblings, may be NULL.

g3d_iff_chunk_matches ()

gboolean            g3d_iff_chunk_matches               (guint32 id,
                                                         gchar *tid);

Check whether id and tid match.

id :

IFF identifier

tid :

textual representation of identifier

Returns :

TRUE on match, FALSE else.

g3d_iff_read_ctnr ()

gboolean            g3d_iff_read_ctnr                   (G3DIffGlobal *global,
                                                         G3DIffLocal *local,
                                                         G3DIffChunkInfo *chunks,
                                                         guint32 flags);

Read subchunks in current chunk and handle them appropriately.

global :

global data

local :

local data of current chunk, must not be NULL

chunks :

chunk description list

flags :

IFF flags

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE else.

g3d_iff_id_to_text ()

gchar*              g3d_iff_id_to_text                  (guint32 id);

Get the text representation of an IFF chunk identifier.

id :

an IFF identifier

Returns :

a newly allocated string containing the text identifier.

g3d_iff_open ()

FILE*               g3d_iff_open                        (const gchar *filename,
                                                         guint32 *id,
                                                         guint32 *len);

Opens an IFF file, checks it and reads its top level container.

filename :

file name of IFF file

id :

top level ID (out)

len :

length of top level container (out)

Returns :

the file pointer of open file or NULL in case of an error

g3d_iff_readchunk ()

int                 g3d_iff_readchunk                   (FILE *f,
                                                         guint32 *id,
                                                         guint32 *len,
                                                         guint32 flags);

Reads one chunk header from an IFF file.

f :

the open IFF file pointer

id :

ID of chunk (out)

len :

length of chunk (excluding header) (out)

flags :


Returns :

real length of chunk including header and possible padding byte

G3DIffChunkCallback ()

gboolean            (*G3DIffChunkCallback)              (G3DIffGlobal *global,
                                                         G3DIffLocal *local);

IFF callback function prototype.

global :

the global data

local :

the local data

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE else.


#define g3d_iff_chunk_callback G3DIffChunkCallback

IFF chunk callback (deprecated).


typedef struct {
	gchar *id;
	gchar *description;
	gboolean container;
	G3DIffChunkCallback callback;
} G3DIffChunkInfo;

A chunk type description.

gchar *id;

identifier of chunk

gchar *description;

human-readable description of chunk type

gboolean container;

TRUE if this chunk contains sub-chunks

G3DIffChunkCallback callback;

function to be called if such a chunk is found


#define g3d_iff_chunk_info G3DIffChunkInfo

IFF chunk description (deprecated).


typedef struct {
	G3DContext *context;
	G3DModel *model;
	G3DStream *stream;
	guint32 flags;
	gpointer user_data;
	FILE *f;
	long int max_fpos;
} G3DIffGlobal;

The plugin-global data to be given to IFF callback functions.

G3DContext *context;

a valid context

G3DModel *model;

a model

G3DStream *stream;

the stream to read model from

guint32 flags;

IFF flags

gpointer user_data;

to be used by plugin

FILE *f;

file to read model from (DEPRECATED)

long int max_fpos;

maximum file position (DEPRECATED)


#define g3d_iff_gdata G3DIffGlobal

IFF global data (deprecated).


typedef struct {
	guint32 id;
	guint32 parent_id;
	gpointer object;
	gint32 level;
	gpointer level_object;
	gint32 nb;
	gboolean finalize;
} G3DIffLocal;

The function-local data for IFF callback functions.

guint32 id;

chunk identifier

guint32 parent_id;

parent chunk identifier

gpointer object;

an object set by parent callbacks, may be NULL

gint32 level;

level of chunk

gpointer level_object;

object shared by callbacks on the same level, may be NULL

gint32 nb;

number of bytes remaining in chunk, has to be decremented after correctly after reading from stream

gboolean finalize;

for container chunks the callback function is called before and after processing possible sub-chunks, the second time finalize is set to TRUE


#define g3d_iff_ldata G3DIffLocal

IFF local data (deprecated).