

since: 1.1.2

Declaration [src]

fu_device_add_counterpart_guid (
  FuDevice* self,
  const gchar* guid

Description [src]

Adds a GUID to the device. If the guid argument is not a valid GUID then it is converted to a GUID using fwupd_guid_hash_string().

A counterpart GUID is typically the GUID of the same device in bootloader or runtime mode, if they have a different device PCI or USB ID. Adding this type of GUID does not cause a “cascade” by matching using the quirk database.

Available since: 1.1.2



Type: const gchar*

A GUID, e.g. 2082b5e0-7a64-478a-b1b2-e3404fab6dad

The data is owned by the caller of the function.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.