Description [src]
class Fwupd.Report : GObject.Object {
parent_instance: GObject
A firmware report from a vendor.
This is the LVFS formatted report that the fwupd user consumes, NOT the thing that gets uploaded.
See also: FwupdRelease
Instance methods
Gets the vendor identifier. The mapping is only known on the remote server, and this can be useful to filter on different QA teams that work for the same OEM.
since: 1.8.8
Gets the old version, i.e. what the upser was upgrading from.
since: 1.8.8
Sets the vendor identifier. The mapping is only known on the remote server, and this can be useful to filter on different QA teams that work for the same OEM.
since: 1.8.8
Sets the old version, i.e. what the upser was upgrading from.
since: 1.8.8