Frobby  0.9.5
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 N__gnu_cxxThis file is a GNU extension to the Standard C++ Library (possibly containing extensions from the HP/SGI STL subset)
 Chash< char * >
 Chash< const char * >
 Chash< string >
 Chash< char >
 Chash< unsigned char >
 Chash< signed char >
 Chash< short >
 Chash< unsigned short >
 Chash< int >
 Chash< unsigned int >
 Chash< long >
 Chash< unsigned long >
 NFrobbyThe namespace Frobby contains the public interface of Frobby
 CIdealConsumerThis class provides a way to get monomial ideals as output from Frobby one generator at a time
 CPolynomialConsumerThis class provides a way to get polynomials as output from Frobby one term at a time
 NFrobbyImplThe namespace FrobbyImpl is for internal use inside Frobby only
 CCountingIOHandlerThis class displays the total number of things written to output, without actually displaying those things
 CIOHandlerCommonThis class contains further functionality that makes it more convenient to derive from than IOHandlerImpl in most but not all cases
 CIOHandlerImplThis class contains a minimum level of functionality that makes it more convenient to derive from than IOHandler
 CNullIOHandlerThis class ignores the input and discards all output