Frobby  0.9.5
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 C__gnu_cxx::_Hashtable_const_iterator< _Val, _Key, _HashFcn, _ExtractKey, _EqualKey, _Alloc >
 C__gnu_cxx::_Hashtable_iterator< _Val, _Key, _HashFcn, _ExtractKey, _EqualKey, _Alloc >
 C__gnu_cxx::_Hashtable_node< _Val >
 CArenaThis is an arena allocator
 CBigattiBaseCaseThis class handles the base cases for the Hilbert-Poincare series by Bigatti
 CBigattiPivotStrategyA BigattiPivotStrategy is an implementation of a pivot selection strategy for the Hilbert series algorithm by Bigatti
 CCommonParamsHelperUtility class for dealing with the contents of CommonParams
 CRawSquareFreeIdeal::const_iteratorConst_iterator doesn't have all it needs to be a proper STL iterator
 CDataTypeThe intention of this class is to describe the different kinds of mathematical structures that Frobby supports, such as a monomial ideal or a polynomial
 CDeformerObjects of this class encapsulate the process of applying a generic deformation to a monomial ideal
 CElementDeleter< Container >
 CElementDeleter< list< BigIdeal * > >
 CElementDeleter< std::list< InputConsumer::Entry * > >
 CElementDeleter< vector< ColumnPrinter::Col * > >
 CElementDeleter< vector< HilbertIndependenceConsumer * > >
 CElementDeleter< vector< Ideal * > >
 CElementDeleter< vector< Parameter * > >
 CElementDeleter< vector< T * > >
 CFacadeThis is the super class of all facades
 CFrobbyHash< Key >
 CFrobbyHash< mpz_class >This template specialization makes the hash code of an mpz_clas available to the implementation of HashMap
 CFrobbyHash< Term >This template specialization makes the hash code of a term available to the implementation of HashMap
 CFrobbyStringStreamA replacement for stringstream
 CGrobLatA lattice with associated Grobner basis/neighbors
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< _Key >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< char * >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< char >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< const char * >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< int >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< long >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< short >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< signed char >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< string >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< unsigned char >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< unsigned int >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< unsigned long >
 C__gnu_cxx::hash< unsigned short >
 CHashPolynomialA sparse multivariate polynomial represented by a hash table mapping terms to coefficients
 C__gnu_cxx::hashtable< _Val, _Key, _HashFcn, _ExtractKey, _EqualKey, _Alloc >
 CIdealRepresents a monomial ideal with int exponents
 CFrobby::IdealConsumerThis class provides a way to get monomial ideals as output from Frobby one generator at a time
 CIdealFactoryThis class has static methods that return various ideals
 CIdealTreeObjects of this class represents a monomial ideal
 CIOHandlerAn IOHandler implements input and output for some format in such a way that client code does not need to know which format is being used
 CRawSquareFreeIdeal::iteratorIterator doesn't have all it needs to be a proper STL iterator
 CLocalArray< T, ArenaSource >Emulates stack allocation of an array using an Arena
 CNameFactory< AbstractProduct >A NameFactory takes a name and then creates an instance of a class that has been previously registered under that name
 CObjectCache< T >An ObjectCache keeps a cache of previously-used objects to cut down on the number of allocations
 CObjectCache< BigattiState >
 CPivotStrategyA pivot selection strategy for the Euler algorithm
 CFrobby::PolynomialConsumerThis class provides a way to get polynomials as output from Frobby one term at a time
 CPolynomialFactoryThis class has static methods that return various polynomials
 CRawSquareFreeIdealA bit packed square free ideal placed in a pre-allocated buffer
 CSatBinomIdealRepresents a saturated binomial ideal
 CScannerThis class offers an input interface which is more convenient and for some purposes more efficient than dealing with a FILE* directly
 CSizeMaxIndepSetAlgEncapsulates an algorithm for computing size-maximal independent sets of a hypergraph
 CSliceStrategyThis class describes the interface of a strategy object for the Slice Algorithm
 CSplitStrategyA SplitStrategy is an implementation of a split selection strategy for the Slice Algorithm
 CBigattiBaseCase::StateUsed in enumerateScarfComplex and necessary to have here to define _states
 CStatisticsStrategy::StatTrackerTracks statistics on slices
 CStlTermPredicateAdapter for TermPredicate which allows it to be used as a predicate in STL
 CTaskA Task object represents a unit of work that is performed when the method run() is called
 CTaskEngineTaskEngine handles a list of tasks that are to be carried out
 CTermTerm represents a product of variables which does not include a coefficient
 CTermConsumerThis class is used to transfer terms one at a time from one part of the program to another, and possibly to perform computations on those terms
 CTermGraderA TermGrader assigns a value, the degree, to each monomial
 CTermTranslatorTermTranslator handles translation between terms whose exponents are infinite precision integers and terms whose exponents are 32 bit integers
 CTestThis class represents a test or a suite of tests according to the Composite Pattern
 CTestVisitorThis class is a visitor for classes derived from Test according to the Visitor Pattern
 CTimerMeasures spans of CPU time
 CTranslatedReverseLexComparatorA predicate that sorts according to reverse lexicographic order on the translated values of a term
 CUniHashPolynomialA sparse univariate polynomial represented by a hash table mapping terms to coefficients
 CVarNamesDefines the variables of a polynomial ring and facilities IO involving them