►N__gnu_cxx | This file is a GNU extension to the Standard C++ Library (possibly containing extensions from the HP/SGI STL subset) |
Chash | |
Chash< char * > | |
Chash< const char * > | |
Chash< string > | |
Chash< char > | |
Chash< unsigned char > | |
Chash< signed char > | |
Chash< short > | |
Chash< unsigned short > | |
Chash< int > | |
Chash< unsigned int > | |
Chash< long > | |
Chash< unsigned long > | |
C_Hashtable_node | |
Chashtable | |
C_Hashtable_iterator | |
C_Hashtable_const_iterator | |
►NFrobby | The namespace Frobby contains the public interface of Frobby |
CIdeal | |
CIdealConsumer | This class provides a way to get monomial ideals as output from Frobby one generator at a time |
CPolynomialConsumer | This class provides a way to get polynomials as output from Frobby one term at a time |
►NFrobbyImpl | The namespace FrobbyImpl is for internal use inside Frobby only |
CFrobbyIdealHelper | |
►NIO | |
CCoCoA4IdealWriter | |
CCoCoA4PolyWriter | |
CCoCoA4IOHandler | |
CCountingIOHandler | This class displays the total number of things written to output, without actually displaying those things |
CFourti2IdealWriter | |
CFourti2PolyWriter | |
CFourti2IOHandler | |
CIdealWriter | |
CIOHandlerCommon | This class contains further functionality that makes it more convenient to derive from than IOHandlerImpl in most but not all cases |
CIOHandlerImpl | This class contains a minimum level of functionality that makes it more convenient to derive from than IOHandler |
CM2IdealWriter | |
CM2PolyWriter | |
CMacaulay2IOHandler | |
CMonosIdealWriter | |
CMonosIOHandler | |
CNewMonosIdealWriter | |
CNewMonosIOHandler | |
CNullIOHandler | This class ignores the input and discards all output |
CPolyWriter | |
CSingularIdealWriter | |
CSingularPolyWriter | |
CSingularIOHandler | |
►NTestInternal | |
CStdData | |
CAction | |
CActionPrinter | |
CAlexanderDualAction | |
CAnalyzeAction | |
CAnalyzeConsumer | |
►CArena | This is an arena allocator |
CBlock | |
CAssertException | |
CAssociatedPrimesAction | |
►CBigattiBaseCase | This class handles the base cases for the Hilbert-Poincare series by Bigatti et.al |
CState | Used in enumerateScarfComplex and necessary to have here to define _states |
CBigattiFacade | A facade for computing Hilbert series of monomial ideals using the divide-and-conquer algorithm by Bigatti et.al |
CBigattiHilbertAlgorithm | |
CBigattiParams | |
CBigattiPivotStrategy | A BigattiPivotStrategy is an implementation of a pivot selection strategy for the Hilbert series algorithm by Bigatti et.al |
CBigattiState | |
CBigIdeal | |
CBigIdealComparator | |
CBigIntVector | |
►CBigPolynomial | |
CBigCoefTerm | |
CBigTermConsumer | |
CBigTermRecorder | BigTermRecorder records all the terms it consumes into an ideal |
CBoolParameter | |
CCanonicalCoefTermConsumer | |
CCanonicalTermConsumer | Passes consumed items on in a canonical order |
CChunkPool | |
CCliParams | |
CCoefBigTermConsumer | |
CCoefBigTermRecorder | |
CCoefTermConsumer | |
►CColumnPrinter | |
CCol | |
CCommonParams | |
CCommonParamsHelper | Utility class for dealing with the contents of CommonParams |
CConsumerWrapper | |
CDataType | The intention of this class is to describe the different kinds of mathematical structures that Frobby supports, such as a monomial ideal or a polynomial |
CDebugStrategy | A wrapper for a SliceStrategy that prints out what is going out for debugging purposes, while delegating everything to the strategy being wrapped |
CDecomRecorder | |
CDeformer | Objects of this class encapsulate the process of applying a generic deformation to a monomial ideal |
CDegreeSplit | |
CDeprecatedFrobeniusSplit | This class is deprecated and is only here to create the alias "frob" for the degree split |
CDimensionAction | Implements the command line interface action dimension |
CDoubleLcmPredicate | |
CDynamicFrobeniusAction | |
CDynamicFrobeniusFacade | A facade for using the dynamic programming Frobenius problem algorithm |
CElementDeleter | |
CEqualsPredicate | A predicate that compares for equality |
CEulerAction | Implements the command line interface action euler |
CEulerState | |
CExternalIdealConsumerWrapper | |
CExternalPolynomialConsumerWrapper | |
CFacade | This is the super class of all facades |
CFrobbyException | This is the base of the Frobby exception hierarchy for exceptions that can occur due to expected error conditions |
CFrobbyHash | |
CFrobbyHash< mpz_class > | This template specialization makes the hash code of an mpz_clas available to the implementation of HashMap |
CFrobbyHash< Term > | This template specialization makes the hash code of a term available to the implementation of HashMap |
►CFrobbyStringStream | A replacement for stringstream |
CNotAnIntegerException | |
CFrobeniusAction | |
CGcdSplit | |
CGenerateDataFacade | A facade for random and other kinds of data |
CGenerateFrobeniusAction | |
CGenerateIdealAction | |
CGrobLat | A lattice with associated Grobner basis/neighbors |
CHashMap | |
CHashPolynomial | A sparse multivariate polynomial represented by a hash table mapping terms to coefficients |
CHelpAction | |
CHilbertAction | |
►CHilbertBasecase | |
CEntry | |
►CHilbertIndependenceConsumer | |
CRightConsumer | |
CHilbertSlice | |
CHilbertStrategy | |
►CIdeal | Represents a monomial ideal with int exponents |
CExponentAllocator | |
CIdealComparator | |
CIdealConsolidator | |
CIdealFacade | A facade for performing operations on BigIdeal |
CIdealFactory | This class has static methods that return various ideals |
CIdealOrderer | |
►CIdealTree | Objects of this class represents a monomial ideal |
CNode | |
CIndependencePivotSplit | |
CIndependenceSplitter | |
►CInputConsumer | |
CEntry | |
CIntegerParameter | |
CInternalFrobbyException | This exception signals that a bug in Frobby has been detected |
CIntersectFacade | A facade for intersecting monomial ideals |
CIntersectionAction | |
CIOFacade | A facade for input and output of mathematical objects |
CIOHandler | An IOHandler implements input and output for some format in such a way that client code does not need to know which format is being used |
CIOParameters | |
CIrreducibleDecomAction | |
CIrreducibleIdealDecoder | |
CIrreducibleIdealSplitter | |
CLabelSplit | |
CLatticeAnalyzeAction | |
CLatticeFacade | A facade for operations on lattices |
CLatticeFormatAction | |
CLexComparator | A predicate that sorts terms according to lexicographic order |
CLibIdealConsumer | Records library interface output into a BigIdeal |
CLibIdealsConsumer | Records library interface output into a vector of BigIdeals |
CLibPolynomialConsumer | Records library interface output into a BigPolynomial |
CLocalArray | Emulates stack allocation of an array using an Arena |
CMatrix | |
CMaximalStandardAction | |
CMaximumSplit | |
CMaxLabelSplit | |
CMedianSplit | |
CMinGenSplit | |
CMinimizer | |
CMinimumSplit | |
CMinLabelSplit | |
CMlfb | |
►CMsmIndependenceSplit | |
CRightConsumer | |
CMsmSlice | Invariant: either the slice is a trivial base case, or removeDoubleLcm returns false |
CMsmStrategy | |
CNameFactory | A NameFactory takes a name and then creates an instance of a class that has been previously registered under that name |
CNeighbor | |
CNullCoefTermConsumer | This follows the null object pattern |
CNullTermConsumer | This follows the null object pattern |
CObjectCache | An ObjectCache keeps a cache of previously-used objects to cut down on the number of allocations |
COffsetTermCompare | |
COptimizeAction | |
COptimizeStrategy | OptimizeStrategy optimizes a function on the maximal standard monomials of a monomial ideal using branch-and-bound |
CParameter | |
CParameterGroup | |
CPartition | |
CPivotEulerAlg | |
CPivotSplit | |
CPivotStrategy | A pivot selection strategy for the Euler algorithm |
CPlane | |
►CPolynomial | |
CCoefTerm | |
CPolynomialConsolidator | |
CPolynomialFacade | A facade for operations on polynomials |
CPolynomialFactory | This class has static methods that return various polynomials |
CPolyTransformAction | |
CPrimaryDecomAction | |
CProjection | |
►CRawSquareFreeIdeal | A bit packed square free ideal placed in a pre-allocated buffer |
Cconst_iterator | Const_iterator doesn't have all it needs to be a proper STL iterator |
Citerator | Iterator doesn't have all it needs to be a proper STL iterator |
CReverseLexComparator | A predicate that sorts according to reverse lexicographic order |
CReverseSingleDegreeComparator | A predicate that sorts terms in weakly descending order according to degree of the specified variable |
CSatBinomConsumer | |
CSatBinomIdeal | Represents a saturated binomial ideal |
CSatBinomRecorder | SatBinomRecorder records all consumed saturated binomials into a passed-in ideal |
CScanner | This class offers an input interface which is more convenient and for some purposes more efficient than dealing with a FILE* directly |
CScarfFacade | |
►CScarfHilbertAlgorithm | |
CState | |
CScarfParams | |
CSeqPos | |
CSingleDegreeComparator | A predicate that sorts terms in weakly ascending order according to degree of the specified variable |
CSizeMaxIndepSetAlg | Encapsulates an algorithm for computing size-maximal independent sets of a hypergraph |
CSlice | This class represents a slice, which is the central data structure of the Slice Algorithm |
CSliceFacade | A facade for operations on monomial ideals using the Slice Algorithm |
CSliceLikeParams | |
CSliceParameters | This class represents the parameters associated to the Slice Algorithm and the similar Bigatti et.al |
CSliceParams | |
CSliceStrategy | This class describes the interface of a strategy object for the Slice Algorithm |
CSliceStrategyCommon | This class adds code to the SliceStrategy base class that is useful for derived classes |
CSplitStrategy | A SplitStrategy is an implementation of a split selection strategy for the Slice Algorithm |
CSplitStrategyCommon | This common base class provides code that is useful for writing pivot split strategies |
CSquareFreeIdeal | |
►CStatisticsStrategy | A wrapper for a SliceStrategy that collects statistics on what is going on, while delegating everything to the strategy being wrapped |
CStatTracker | Tracks statistics on slices |
CStlTermPredicate | Adapter for TermPredicate which allows it to be used as a predicate in STL |
CStrictMultiplePredicate | |
CStringParameter | |
CTask | A Task object represents a unit of work that is performed when the method run() is called |
CTaskEngine | TaskEngine handles a list of tasks that are to be carried out |
CTerm | Term represents a product of variables which does not include a coefficient |
CTermConsumer | This class is used to transfer terms one at a time from one part of the program to another, and possibly to perform computations on those terms |
CTermGrader | A TermGrader assigns a value, the degree, to each monomial |
CTermIgnorer | |
CTermPredicate | |
CTermTranslator | TermTranslator handles translation between terms whose exponents are infinite precision integers and terms whose exponents are 32 bit integers |
CTest | This class represents a test or a suite of tests according to the Composite Pattern |
CTestAction | |
CTestCase | Represents a test case, which is usually created through a macro that defines a subclass |
CTestQualifier | Visits a tree of Test while keeping track of the path taken from the root to the current node as a dot-separated string |
CTestRunner | Runs every test in forward order |
CTestSorter | Sorts tests to avoid using the order imposed by the order of construction of global objects, since this is inconsistent across compilers and platforms |
CTestSuite | Represents a collection of tests, be they individual tests or yet other collections of tests |
CTestVisitor | This class is a visitor for classes derived from Test according to the Visitor Pattern |
CTimer | Measures spans of CPU time |
CTotalDegreeCoefTermConsumer | |
CTransformAction | |
CTranslatedIdealComparator | |
CTranslatedReverseLexComparator | A predicate that sorts according to reverse lexicographic order on the translated values of a term |
CTranslatingCoefTermConsumer | |
CTranslatingTermConsumer | |
CTreeNode | |
CTri | |
CTriPlane | |
CUndeformConsumer | |
CUniHashPolynomial | A sparse univariate polynomial represented by a hash table mapping terms to coefficients |
CVarLabelSplit | |
CVarNames | Defines the variables of a polynomial ring and facilities IO involving them |
CVarSorter | |
CVarSorterCompare | |