Frobby  0.9.5
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 N__gnu_cxxThis file is a GNU extension to the Standard C++ Library (possibly containing extensions from the HP/SGI STL subset)
 NFrobbyThe namespace Frobby contains the public interface of Frobby
 NFrobbyImplThe namespace FrobbyImpl is for internal use inside Frobby only
 CArenaThis is an arena allocator
 CBigattiBaseCaseThis class handles the base cases for the Hilbert-Poincare series by Bigatti
 CBigattiFacadeA facade for computing Hilbert series of monomial ideals using the divide-and-conquer algorithm by Bigatti
 CBigattiPivotStrategyA BigattiPivotStrategy is an implementation of a pivot selection strategy for the Hilbert series algorithm by Bigatti
 CBigTermRecorderBigTermRecorder records all the terms it consumes into an ideal
 CCanonicalTermConsumerPasses consumed items on in a canonical order
 CCommonParamsHelperUtility class for dealing with the contents of CommonParams
 CDataTypeThe intention of this class is to describe the different kinds of mathematical structures that Frobby supports, such as a monomial ideal or a polynomial
 CDebugStrategyA wrapper for a SliceStrategy that prints out what is going out for debugging purposes, while delegating everything to the strategy being wrapped
 CDeformerObjects of this class encapsulate the process of applying a generic deformation to a monomial ideal
 CDeprecatedFrobeniusSplitThis class is deprecated and is only here to create the alias "frob" for the degree split
 CDimensionActionImplements the command line interface action dimension
 CDynamicFrobeniusFacadeA facade for using the dynamic programming Frobenius problem algorithm
 CEqualsPredicateA predicate that compares for equality
 CEulerActionImplements the command line interface action euler
 CFacadeThis is the super class of all facades
 CFrobbyExceptionThis is the base of the Frobby exception hierarchy for exceptions that can occur due to expected error conditions
 CFrobbyHash< mpz_class >This template specialization makes the hash code of an mpz_clas available to the implementation of HashMap
 CFrobbyHash< Term >This template specialization makes the hash code of a term available to the implementation of HashMap
 CFrobbyStringStreamA replacement for stringstream
 CGenerateDataFacadeA facade for random and other kinds of data
 CGrobLatA lattice with associated Grobner basis/neighbors
 CHashPolynomialA sparse multivariate polynomial represented by a hash table mapping terms to coefficients
 CIdealRepresents a monomial ideal with int exponents
 CIdealFacadeA facade for performing operations on BigIdeal
 CIdealFactoryThis class has static methods that return various ideals
 CIdealTreeObjects of this class represents a monomial ideal
 CInternalFrobbyExceptionThis exception signals that a bug in Frobby has been detected
 CIntersectFacadeA facade for intersecting monomial ideals
 CIOFacadeA facade for input and output of mathematical objects
 CIOHandlerAn IOHandler implements input and output for some format in such a way that client code does not need to know which format is being used
 CLatticeFacadeA facade for operations on lattices
 CLexComparatorA predicate that sorts terms according to lexicographic order
 CLibIdealConsumerRecords library interface output into a BigIdeal
 CLibIdealsConsumerRecords library interface output into a vector of BigIdeals
 CLibPolynomialConsumerRecords library interface output into a BigPolynomial
 CLocalArrayEmulates stack allocation of an array using an Arena
 CMsmSliceInvariant: either the slice is a trivial base case, or removeDoubleLcm returns false
 CNameFactoryA NameFactory takes a name and then creates an instance of a class that has been previously registered under that name
 CNullCoefTermConsumerThis follows the null object pattern
 CNullTermConsumerThis follows the null object pattern
 CObjectCacheAn ObjectCache keeps a cache of previously-used objects to cut down on the number of allocations
 COptimizeStrategyOptimizeStrategy optimizes a function on the maximal standard monomials of a monomial ideal using branch-and-bound
 CPivotStrategyA pivot selection strategy for the Euler algorithm
 CPolynomialFacadeA facade for operations on polynomials
 CPolynomialFactoryThis class has static methods that return various polynomials
 CRawSquareFreeIdealA bit packed square free ideal placed in a pre-allocated buffer
 CReverseLexComparatorA predicate that sorts according to reverse lexicographic order
 CReverseSingleDegreeComparatorA predicate that sorts terms in weakly descending order according to degree of the specified variable
 CSatBinomIdealRepresents a saturated binomial ideal
 CSatBinomRecorderSatBinomRecorder records all consumed saturated binomials into a passed-in ideal
 CScannerThis class offers an input interface which is more convenient and for some purposes more efficient than dealing with a FILE* directly
 CSingleDegreeComparatorA predicate that sorts terms in weakly ascending order according to degree of the specified variable
 CSizeMaxIndepSetAlgEncapsulates an algorithm for computing size-maximal independent sets of a hypergraph
 CSliceThis class represents a slice, which is the central data structure of the Slice Algorithm
 CSliceFacadeA facade for operations on monomial ideals using the Slice Algorithm
 CSliceParametersThis class represents the parameters associated to the Slice Algorithm and the similar Bigatti
 CSliceStrategyThis class describes the interface of a strategy object for the Slice Algorithm
 CSliceStrategyCommonThis class adds code to the SliceStrategy base class that is useful for derived classes
 CSplitStrategyA SplitStrategy is an implementation of a split selection strategy for the Slice Algorithm
 CSplitStrategyCommonThis common base class provides code that is useful for writing pivot split strategies
 CStatisticsStrategyA wrapper for a SliceStrategy that collects statistics on what is going on, while delegating everything to the strategy being wrapped
 CStlTermPredicateAdapter for TermPredicate which allows it to be used as a predicate in STL
 CTaskA Task object represents a unit of work that is performed when the method run() is called
 CTaskEngineTaskEngine handles a list of tasks that are to be carried out
 CTermTerm represents a product of variables which does not include a coefficient
 CTermConsumerThis class is used to transfer terms one at a time from one part of the program to another, and possibly to perform computations on those terms
 CTermGraderA TermGrader assigns a value, the degree, to each monomial
 CTermTranslatorTermTranslator handles translation between terms whose exponents are infinite precision integers and terms whose exponents are 32 bit integers
 CTestThis class represents a test or a suite of tests according to the Composite Pattern
 CTestCaseRepresents a test case, which is usually created through a macro that defines a subclass
 CTestQualifierVisits a tree of Test while keeping track of the path taken from the root to the current node as a dot-separated string
 CTestRunnerRuns every test in forward order
 CTestSorterSorts tests to avoid using the order imposed by the order of construction of global objects, since this is inconsistent across compilers and platforms
 CTestSuiteRepresents a collection of tests, be they individual tests or yet other collections of tests
 CTestVisitorThis class is a visitor for classes derived from Test according to the Visitor Pattern
 CTimerMeasures spans of CPU time
 CTranslatedReverseLexComparatorA predicate that sorts according to reverse lexicographic order on the translated values of a term
 CUniHashPolynomialA sparse univariate polynomial represented by a hash table mapping terms to coefficients
 CVarNamesDefines the variables of a polynomial ring and facilities IO involving them