128 void print(FILE* file)
Represents a monomial ideal with int exponents.
This class describes the interface of a strategy object for the Slice Algorithm.
This class represents a slice, which is the central data structure of the Slice Algorithm.
size_t _varCount
The number of variables in the ambient polynomial ring.
Ideal _ideal
The of a slice .
void resetAndSetVarCount(size_t varCount)
Resets this slice to in an ambient polynomial ring of varCount variables.
SliceStrategy & _strategy
bool normalize()
Removes those generators of getIdeal() that are strictly divisible by some generator of getSubtract()...
void singleDegreeSortIdeal(size_t var)
Calls Ideal::singleDegreeSort on getIdeal().
void print(FILE *file) const
Write a text representation of this object to file in a format appropriate for debugging.
virtual bool innerSlice(const Term &pivot)
Sets this object to the inner slice according to pivot.
virtual void outerSlice(const Term &pivot)
Sets this object to the outer slice according to pivot.
size_t _lowerBoundHint
A hint that starting simplification through a lower bound at the variable indicated by _lowerBoundHin...
virtual Slice & operator=(const Slice &slice)=0
Performs a deep copy of slice into this object.
const Ideal & getIdeal() const
Returns for a slice .
bool adjustMultiply()
Ensure that for each var, var appears to the first power in some generator of getIdeal().
void setToProjOf(const Slice &slice, const Projection &projection)
Set this object to be the projection of slice according to projection.
Term _multiply
The of a slice .
void swap(Slice &slice)
Simultaneously set the value of this object to that of slice and vice versa.
Ideal & getSubtract()
Returns for a slice .
Slice(SliceStrategy &strategy)
Construct the slice in a ring of zero variables.
bool pruneSubtract()
Removes those generators of subtract that do not strictly divide the lcm of getIdeal(),...
virtual void run(TaskEngine &tasks)
Does whatever work this task represents.
Term _lcm
The lcm of getIdeal() if _lcmUpdated is true, and otherwise the value is undefind.
void clearIdealAndSubtract()
Clears getIdeal() and getSubtract() and does not change getMultiply().
bool applyLowerBound()
Calculates a lower bound on the content of the slice using getLowerBound() and calls innerSlice with ...
virtual bool getLowerBound(Term &bound, size_t var) const =0
Calculates a lower bound that depends on var.
Term & getMultiply()
Returns for a slice .
const Term & getLcm() const
Returns the least common multiple of the generators of getIdeal().
bool _lcmUpdated
Indicates whether _lcm is correct.
const Ideal & getSubtract() const
Returns for a slice .
Ideal _subtract
The of a slice .
size_t getVarCount() const
Returns the number of variables in the ambient ring.
virtual bool baseCase(bool simplified)=0
Returns true if this slice is a base case slice, and in that case produces output in a derivative-spe...
const Term & getMultiply() const
Returns for a slice .
virtual bool simplifyStep()=0
Like simplify(), except that only one simplification step is performed.
virtual void dispose()
Called when the task is no longer used but run has not and will not be called.
virtual bool simplify()
Simplifies this object such that it may become simpler without changing the content.
TaskEngine handles a list of tasks that are to be carried out.
A Task object represents a unit of work that is performed when the method run() is called.
Term represents a product of variables which does not include a coefficient.