Frobby  0.9.5
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Frobby: Software for monomial ideal computations.
2  Copyright (C) 2010 University of Aarhus
3  Contact Bjarke Hammersholt Roune for license information (
5  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  along with this program. If not, see
17 */
18 #include "stdinc.h"
19 #include "ScarfHilbertAlgorithm.h"
21 #include "CoefTermConsumer.h"
22 #include "TermTranslator.h"
23 #include "Deformer.h"
24 #include "CoefBigTermConsumer.h"
25 #include "HashPolynomial.h"
26 #include "UniHashPolynomial.h"
27 #include "ScarfParams.h"
28 #include "IdealTree.h"
29 #include "IdealOrderer.h"
32 public:
34  const TermTranslator& translator,
35  CoefBigTermConsumer& consumer,
36  const IdealOrderer& order,
37  bool univar,
38  bool canonical,
39  bool doStrongDeformation):
40  _univar(univar),
41  _tmp(toDeform.getVarCount()),
42  _deformer(toDeform, order, doStrongDeformation),
43  _translator(translator),
44  _canonical(canonical),
45  _consumer(consumer),
46  _poly(toDeform.getVarCount()) {
47  }
49  virtual void consumeRing(const VarNames& names) {
50  ASSERT(names == _translator.getNames());
51  }
53  virtual void beginConsuming() {
54  }
56  virtual void consume(const mpz_class& coef, const Term& term) {
57  ASSERT(term.getVarCount() == _tmp.getVarCount());
58  _tmp = term;
61  if (_univar) {
62  if (_tmp.getVarCount() == 0)
63  _tdeg = 0;
64  else
66  for (size_t var = 1; var < _tmp.getVarCount(); ++var)
68  _uniPoly.add(coef, _tdeg);
69  } else
70  _poly.add(coef, _tmp);
71  }
73  virtual void doneConsuming() {
74  if (_univar)
76  else
78  }
80 private:
81  bool _univar;
85  bool _canonical;
89  mpz_class _tdeg;
90 };
93 (const TermTranslator& translator,
94  const ScarfParams& params,
95  auto_ptr<IdealOrderer> enumerationOrder,
96  auto_ptr<IdealOrderer> deformationOrder):
97  _translator(translator),
98  _params(params),
99  _enumerationOrder(enumerationOrder),
100  _deformationOrder(deformationOrder),
101  _totalStates(0),
102  _totalFaces(0) {
103  ASSERT(_enumerationOrder.get() != 0);
104  ASSERT(_deformationOrder.get() != 0);
105 }
108  // Destructor defined so auto_ptr<T> in the header does not need
109  // definition of T.
110 }
113  CoefBigTermConsumer& consumer,
114  bool univariate,
115  bool canonical) {
116  Ideal deformed(ideal);
117  UndeformConsumer undeformer(deformed,
118  _translator,
119  consumer,
121  univariate,
122  canonical,
125  undeformer.consumeRing(_translator.getNames());
126  undeformer.beginConsuming();
127  ASSERT(_enumerationOrder.get() != 0);
128  _enumerationOrder->order(deformed);
129  enumerateScarfComplex(deformed, undeformer);
130  undeformer.doneConsuming();
132  if (_params.getPrintStatistics()) {
133  fputs("*** Statistics ***\n", stderr);
134  fprintf(stderr, "Total states considered: %u\n",
135  static_cast<unsigned int>(_totalStates));
136  fprintf(stderr, "Total faces accepted: %u\n",
137  static_cast<unsigned int>(_totalFaces));
138  }
139 }
142  size_t& activeStateCount) {
145  if (_params.getPrintDebug()) {
146  fputs("Enumerating faces of Scarf complex of:\n", stderr);
147  ideal.print(stderr);
148  }
150  // Set up _states with enough entries. The maximal number of active
151  // entries at any time is one for each generator plus one for the
152  // empty face. We need one more than this because we take a
153  // reference to the next state even when there is no next state.
154  size_t statesNeeded = ideal.getGeneratorCount() + 2;
155  if (_states.size() < statesNeeded) {
156  _states.resize(statesNeeded);
157  for (size_t i = 0; i < _states.size(); ++i) {
158  _states[i].term.reset(ideal.getVarCount());
159  _states[i].face.reserve(ideal.getVarCount());
160  }
161  }
163  // Set up the initial state
164  activeStateCount = 0;
165  if (ideal.containsIdentity())
166  return;
168  ++activeStateCount;
169  _states[0].plus = true;
170  _states[0].pos = ideal.begin();
171  ASSERT(_states[0].term.isIdentity());
172 }
175  const IdealTree& tree,
176  State& state,
177  State& nextState) {
178  if (_params.getPrintDebug()) {
179  fputs("DEBUG:*Looking at element ", stderr);
180  if (state.pos == ideal.end())
181  fputs("end", stderr);
182  else
183  Term::print(stderr, *state.pos, ideal.getVarCount());
184  fputs(" with lcm(face)=", stderr);
185  state.term.print(stderr);
186  fputs(" and face=", stderr);
187  if (state.face.empty())
188  fputs("empty", stderr);
189  for (size_t i = 0; i < state.face.size(); ++i) {
190  fputs("\nDEBUG: ", stderr);
191  Term::print(stderr, state.face[i], ideal.getVarCount());
192  }
193  fputc('\n', stderr);
194  fflush(stderr);
195  }
197  Exponent* termToAdd;
198  while (true) {
199  ++_totalStates;
200  if (state.face.size() == ideal.getVarCount() || state.pos == ideal.end())
201  return false; // A base case
203  termToAdd = *state.pos;
205  // This accounts for the possibility of not adding termToAdd to the
206  // face. We do that in-place on state.
207  ++state.pos;
209  // The other possibility is to add termToAdd to the face. We record
210  // this only if that is still a face of the complex, i.e. if no
211  // generator strictly divides the lcm of the set.
212  nextState.term.lcm(state.term, termToAdd);
213  // The elements of face are more likely to become strict divisors
214  // than a random generator, so check those first.
215  for (size_t i = 0; i < state.face.size(); ++i) {
216  if (Term::strictlyDivides(state.face[i],
217  nextState.term,
218  ideal.getVarCount())) {
219  goto doNext;
220  }
221  }
222  if (tree.strictlyContains(nextState.term))
223  goto doNext;
224  ASSERT(!ideal.strictlyContains(nextState.term));
225  break;
226  doNext:;
227  ASSERT(ideal.strictlyContains(nextState.term));
228  }
230 = !;
231  nextState.pos = state.pos;
232  nextState.face = state.face;
233  nextState.face.push_back(termToAdd);
235  return true;
236 }
239  CoefTermConsumer& consumer) {
240  if (_params.getPrintDebug()) {
241  fputs("DEBUG: Found base case with lcm(face)=", stderr);
242  state.term.print(stderr);
243  fputc('\n', stderr);
244  fflush(stderr);
245  }
247  consumer.consume( ? 1 : -1, state.term);
249  // Every face ends up as a base case exactly once, so this is a
250  // convenient place to count them.
251  ++_totalFaces;
252 }
255  CoefTermConsumer& consumer) {
256  ASSERT(Ideal(ideal).isWeaklyGeneric());
258  IdealTree tree(ideal);
260  size_t activeStateCount = 0;
261  initializeEnumeration(ideal, activeStateCount);
262  while (activeStateCount > 0) {
263  ASSERT(activeStateCount < _states.size());
264  State& currentState = _states[activeStateCount - 1];
265  State& nextState = _states[activeStateCount];
266  if (doEnumerationStep(ideal, tree, currentState, nextState))
267  ++activeStateCount;
268  else {
269  doEnumerationBaseCase(currentState, consumer);
270  --activeStateCount;
271  }
272  }
273 }
virtual void consume(const Polynomial &poly)
bool getPrintStatistics() const
Returns whether to print statistics on what the algorithm did to standard error after it has run.
Definition: CommonParams.h:66
bool getPrintDebug() const
Returns whether to print information about what the algorithm is doing to standard error as it runs.
Definition: CommonParams.h:61
Objects of this class encapsulate the process of applying a generic deformation to a monomial ideal.
Definition: Deformer.h:31
void undeform(Term &term) const
Apply the reverse transformation on term than that applied to the Ideal passed to the constructor.
Definition: Deformer.cpp:99
A sparse multivariate polynomial represented by a hash table mapping terms to coefficients.
void add(const mpz_class &coef, const Term &term)
Add coef*term to the polynomial.
void feedTo(const TermTranslator &translator, CoefBigTermConsumer &consumer, bool inCanonicalOrder) const
Objects of this class represents a monomial ideal.
Definition: IdealTree.h:29
bool strictlyContains(const Exponent *term) const
Definition: IdealTree.cpp:161
Represents a monomial ideal with int exponents.
Definition: Ideal.h:27
size_t getGeneratorCount() const
Definition: Ideal.h:57
bool containsIdentity() const
Definition: Ideal.cpp:65
bool strictlyContains(const Exponent *term) const
Definition: Ideal.cpp:73
const_iterator end() const
Definition: Ideal.h:49
void print(FILE *file) const
Definition: Ideal.cpp:440
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: Ideal.h:48
size_t getVarCount() const
Definition: Ideal.h:56
void enumerateScarfComplex(const Ideal &ideal, CoefTermConsumer &consumer)
void doEnumerationBaseCase(const State &state, CoefTermConsumer &consumer)
const ScarfParams & _params
bool doEnumerationStep(const Ideal &ideal, const IdealTree &tree, State &state, State &nextState)
void runGeneric(const Ideal &ideal, CoefBigTermConsumer &consumer, bool univariate, bool canonical)
const TermTranslator & _translator
const auto_ptr< IdealOrderer > _deformationOrder
void initializeEnumeration(const Ideal &ideal, size_t &activeStateCount)
ScarfHilbertAlgorithm(const TermTranslator &translator, const ScarfParams &params, auto_ptr< IdealOrderer > enumerationOrder, auto_ptr< IdealOrderer > deformationOrder)
const auto_ptr< IdealOrderer > _enumerationOrder
bool getDeformToStronglyGeneric() const
Returns true if deforming to a strongly generic ideal.
Definition: ScarfParams.h:33
TermTranslator handles translation between terms whose exponents are infinite precision integers and ...
const mpz_class & getExponent(size_t variable, Exponent exponent) const
This method translates from IDs to arbitrary precision integers.
size_t getVarCount() const
const VarNames & getNames() const
Term represents a product of variables which does not include a coefficient.
Definition: Term.h:49
static bool strictlyDivides(const Exponent *a, const Exponent *b, size_t varCount)
Returns whether a strictly divides b.
Definition: Term.h:196
size_t getVarCount() const
Definition: Term.h:85
static void print(FILE *file, const Exponent *e, size_t varCount)
Writes e to file in a format suitable for debug output.
Definition: Term.cpp:110
static void lcm(Exponent *res, const Exponent *a, const Exponent *b, size_t varCount)
Sets res equal to the least commom multiple of a and b.
Definition: Term.h:221
UniHashPolynomial _uniPoly
virtual void doneConsuming()
CoefBigTermConsumer & _consumer
virtual void consumeRing(const VarNames &names)
virtual void consume(const mpz_class &coef, const Term &term)
UndeformConsumer(Ideal &toDeform, const TermTranslator &translator, CoefBigTermConsumer &consumer, const IdealOrderer &order, bool univar, bool canonical, bool doStrongDeformation)
virtual void beginConsuming()
const TermTranslator & _translator
A sparse univariate polynomial represented by a hash table mapping terms to coefficients.
void feedTo(CoefBigTermConsumer &consumer, bool inCanonicalOrder=false) const
void add(bool plus, const mpz_class &exponent)
Add +t^exponent or -t^exponent to the polynomial depending on whether plus is true or false,...
Defines the variables of a polynomial ring and facilities IO involving them.
Definition: VarNames.h:40
unsigned int Exponent
Definition: stdinc.h:89
#define ASSERT(X)
Definition: stdinc.h:86