Class GreaterOperator

    • Constructor Detail

      • GreaterOperator

        public GreaterOperator()
    • Method Detail

      • getLevel

        public int getLevel()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • isLeftOperation

        public boolean isLeftOperation()
        Description copied from interface: InfixOperator
        Defines the bind-direction of the operator. That direction defines, in which direction a sequence of equal operators is resolved.
        true, if the operation is left-binding, false if right-binding
      • isAssociative

        public boolean isAssociative()
        Defines, whether the operation is associative. For associative operations, the evaluation order does not matter, if the operation appears more than once in an expression, and therefore we can optimize them a lot better than non-associative operations (ie. merge constant parts and precompute them once).
        true, if the operation is associative, false otherwise