Class |
Description |
AbsFunction |
This function returns the absolute (nonnegative) of the value.
AbsFunctionDescription |
Describes AbsFunction function.
AbstractCompareOperator |
Creation-Date: 06.06.2007, 18:52:25
AbstractFunctionCategory |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 14:31:22
AbstractFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:30:33
AbstractLValue |
Creation-Date: 01.11.2006, 18:19:00
AbstractNumericOperator |
Creation-Date: 10.04.2007, 15:02:39
AcosFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
AcosFunctionDescription |
Describes AcosFunction function.
AcoshFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
AcoshFunctionDescription |
Describes AcoshFunction function.
AddOperator |
Null-Values are converted into ZERO
AndFunction |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:15
AndFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:55
AnyNumberSequence |
A sequence that treats text-values as valid numbers that always evaluate to zero.
AnySequence |
AnyType |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 09:37:54
ArrayCallback |
AsinFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
AsinFunctionDescription |
Describes AsinFunction function.
Atan2Function |
This function returns the acos of the value.
Atan2FunctionDescription |
Describes Atan2Function function.
AtanFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
AtanFunctionDescription |
Describes AtanFunction function.
AverageAFunction |
This function returns the average of the number sequence.
AverageAFunctionDescription |
Describes AverageFunction function.
AverageFunction |
This function returns the average of the number sequence.
AverageFunctionDescription |
Describes AverageFunction function.
ChooseFunction |
This function uses an index to return a value from a list of values.
ChooseFunctionDescription |
Describes ChooseFunction function.
ConcatOperator |
Concats two strings operator.
ContextEvaluationException |
Creation-Date: Dec 5, 2006, 4:19:26 PM
ContextLookup |
A reference that queries the datarow.
CosFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
CosFunctionDescription |
Describes CosFunction function.
CountAFunction |
This function counts the number of non-empty values in the list of AnySequences provided.
CountAFunctionDescription |
Describes the CountFunction function.
CountBlankFunction |
This function counts the number of blank cells in the Reference provided.
CountBlankFunctionDescription |
Describes the CountBlankFunction function.
CountFunction |
This function counts the numbers in the list of NumberSequences provided.
CountFunctionDescription |
Describes the CountFunction function.
CsvArrayFunction |
Todo: Document me!
CsvArrayFunctionDescription |
Todo: Document me!
CsvTextFunction |
Todo: Document me!
CsvTextFunctionDescription |
Todo: Document me!
DataCube |
A multi-dimensional data collection.
DataTable |
A database is a two dimensional collection of data, arranged in a table.
DateDifFunction |
This function returns the number of years, months, or days between two date
DateDifFunctionDescription |
Describes DateDifFunction function.
DateFunction |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:59:11
DateFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:59:11
DateTimeFunctionCategory |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 14:30:36
DateTimeType |
This class regroups all related Types to date and time values.
DateUtil |
DateValueFunction |
This function returns
DateValueFunctionDescription |
Describes DateValueFunction function.
DayFunction |
This function extracts the day from a date.
DayFunctionDescription |
Describes DayFunction function.
DaysFunction |
This is the same as DATEDIFF(date_1, date_2, "d");
DaysFunctionDescription |
Describes DayFunction function.
DefaultComparator |
Creation-Date: 03.11.2006, 16:15:28
DefaultDataTable |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 13:34:01
DefaultFormulaContext |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 16:32:32
DefaultFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 15:13:03
DefaultFunctionRegistry |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 12:48:32
DefaultLocalizationContext |
Creation-Date: 03.11.2006, 14:28:12
DefaultNumberSequence |
DefaultOperatorFactory |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 12:29:27
DefaultType |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 09:37:54
DefaultTypeRegistry |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 12:46:08
DivideOperator |
A division operation.
EqualOperator |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 16:34:11
ErrorType |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 09:37:54
ErrorValue |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 13:06:05
EvaluationException |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 14:15:29
EvenFunction |
This function returns the rounding of a number up to the nearest even
EvenFunctionDescription |
Describes EvenFunction function.
ExactFunction |
This function reports if two given text values are exactly equal using a case-sensitive comparison.
ExactFunctionDescription |
Describes ExactFunction function.
ExpFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
ExpFunctionDescription |
Describes ExpFunction function.
ExtendedComparator |
A comparator, that offers type support.
FalseFunction |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:15
FalseFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:55
FinancialFunctionCategory |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 14:30:36
FindFunction |
This function returns the starting position of a given text in the given text.
FindFunctionDescription |
Describes FindFunction function.
Formula |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 14:43:05
FormulaContext |
The formula-context connects the formula functions with the outside world.
FormulaFunction |
A function.
FormulaParseException |
Todo: Document me!
FormulaParser |
FormulaUtil |
Todo: Document me!
Function |
A function is an arbitary computation.
FunctionCategory |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 14:24:20
FunctionDescription |
A static definition of the function's parameters, return values etc.
FunctionRegistry |
The function registry contains all information about all function available.
GeneratedFormulaParser |
GeneratedFormulaParserConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
GeneratedFormulaParserTokenManager |
Token Manager.
GreaterEqualOperator |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 16:34:11
GreaterOperator |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 16:34:11
HasChangedFunction |
Creation-Date: 24.11.2006, 13:02:41
HasChangedFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 17:41:12
HourFunction |
This function extracts the hour (0 through 23) from a time.
HourFunctionDescription |
Describes HourFunction function.
HSSFDateUtil |
Contains methods for dealing with Excel dates.
IfFunction |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:15
IfFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:55
IfNaFunction |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:15
IfNaFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:55
IndexFunction |
Todo: Document me!
IndexFunctionDescription |
Todo: Document me!
InfixOperator |
An operator.
InformationFunctionCategory |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 14:30:36
IntFunction |
This function returns a number down to the nearest integer.
IntFunctionDescription |
Describes IntFunction function.
InvalidFunctionCategory |
This category is used when a problem occured while loading a function metadata category.
IsBlankFunction |
Document me!
IsBlankFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 17:41:12
IsErrFunction |
This function returns true if the parameter is of error and not of error type NA.
IsErrFunctionDescription |
Describes IsErrFunction function.
IsErrorFunction |
This function returns true if the parameter is of error.
IsErrorFunctionDescription |
Describes IsErrFunction function.
IsEvenFunction |
This function retruns true if the given value is an even number.
IsEvenFunctionDescription |
Describes IsEvenFunction function.
IsLogicalFunction |
This function checks whatever the given value is of Logical type.
IsLogicalFunctionDescription |
Describes IsLogicalFunction function.
IsNaFunction |
This function returns true if the parameter is of error type NA.
IsNaFunctionDescription |
Describes IsNaFunction function.
IsNonTextFunction |
This function retruns false if the given value is of type Text.
IsNonTextFunctionDescription |
Describes IsNonTextFunction function.
IsNumberFunction |
This function retruns true if the given value is of type Number.
IsNumberFunctionDescription |
Describes IsNumberFunction function.
IsOddFunction |
This function retruns true if the given value is an odd number.
IsOddFunctionDescription |
Describes IsOddFunction function.
IsRefFunction |
This function retruns true if the given value is reference.
IsRefFunctionDescription |
Describes IsRefFunction function.
IsTextFunction |
This function retruns true if the given value is of type Text.
IsTextFunctionDescription |
Describes IsTextFunction function.
JavaCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (with java-like unicode escape processing).
LeftFunction |
This function returns a selected number of text characters from the left.
This function depends on MidFunction .
LeftFunctionDescription |
Describes LeftFunction function.
LenFunction |
This function returns the lengh in characters of the given value.
LenFunctionDescription |
Describes LenFunction function.
LesserEqualOperator |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 16:34:11
LesserOperator |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 16:34:11
LibFormulaBoot |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 12:30:43
LibFormulaErrorValue |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 13:07:37
LibFormulaInfo |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 12:31:15
LnFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
LnFunctionDescription |
Describes LnFunction function.
LocalizationContext |
Creation-Date: 03.11.2006, 14:26:26
Log10Function |
This function returns the acos of the value.
Log10FunctionDescription |
Describes Log10Function function.
LogFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
LogFunctionDescription |
Describes AtanFunction function.
LogicalFunctionCategory |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 14:30:36
LogicalType |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 09:37:54
LowerFunction |
This function returns the given text in lower case.
LowerFunctionDescription |
Describes LowerFunction function.
LValue |
A reference is an indirection to hide the details of where the actual
value came from.
MathFunctionCategory |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 14:30:36
MaxAFunction |
This function returns the maximum from a set of numbers.
MaxAFunctionDescription |
Describes MaxFunction function.
MaxFunction |
This function returns the maximum from a set of numbers.
MaxFunctionDescription |
Describes MaxFunction function.
MessageFunction |
Todo: Document me!
MessageFunctionDescription |
Messages |
MidFunction |
This function returns extracted text, given an original text, starting position, and length.
MidFunctionDescription |
Describes MidFunction function.
MinAFunction |
This function returns the minimum from a set of numbers.
MinAFunctionDescription |
Describes MinFunction function.
MinFunction |
This function returns the minimum from a set of numbers.
MinFunctionDescription |
Describes MinFunction function.
MinusSignOperator |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 10:27:03
MinuteFunction |
This function extracts the minute (0 through 59) from a time.
MinuteFunctionDescription |
Describes SecondFunction function.
ModFunction |
This function returns the remainder when one number is divided by another number.
ModFunctionDescription |
Describes ModFunction function.
MonthFunction |
This function extracts the month from a date.
MonthFunctionDescription |
Describes MonthFunction function.
MultiplyOperator |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 16:34:11
NaFunction |
This function class represents the constant error NA.
NaFunctionDescription |
NormalizeArrayFunction |
Todo: Document me!
NormalizeArrayFunctionDescription |
Todo: Document me!
NotEqualOperator |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 16:34:11
NotFunction |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:15
NotFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:55
NowFunction |
Return the serial number of the current date and time.
NowFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:59:11
NullFunction |
Creation-Date: Dec 18, 2006, 12:54:55 PM
NullFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:55
NumberConverter |
A class that converts arbitary data into a numeric representation.
NumberSequence |
Todo: Document Me
NumberType |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 09:37:54
NumberUtil |
OddFunction |
This function returns the rounding a number up to the nearest odd integer,
where "up" means "away from 0".
OddFunctionDescription |
Describes OddFunction function.
OperatorFactory |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 12:27:52
OrFunction |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:15
OrFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:55
ParameterCallback |
Creation-Date: 13.11.2006, 13:52:21
ParseDateFunction |
Todo: Document me!
ParseDateFunctionDescription |
Todo: Document me!
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParsePosition |
Todo: Document me!
ParserTools |
Creation-Date: 03.11.2006, 18:57:23
PercentageOperator |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 10:27:03
PiFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
PiFunctionDescription |
Describes PiFunction function.
PlusSignOperator |
This is a no-op-operator which is equal to "zero plus x".
PostfixOperator |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 10:17:03
PostfixTerm |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 10:20:27
PowerFunction |
This function returns the value of one number raised to the power of another number.
PowerFunctionDescription |
Describes PowerFunction function.
PowerOperator |
This has to be implemented manually if we want to support arbitary precision.
PrefixOperator |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 10:17:03
PrefixTerm |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 10:20:27
ReplaceFunction |
This function returns text where an old text is substituted with a new text.
ReplaceFunctionDescription |
Describes ReplaceFunction function.
ReptFunction |
This function returns text repeated Count times.
ReptFunctionDescription |
Describes ReptFunction function.
RightFunction |
This function returns a selected number of text characters from the right.
This function depends on MidFunction .
RightFunctionDescription |
Describes RightFunction function.
RoundingFunctionCategory |
SecondFunction |
This function extracts the minute (0 through 59) from a time.
SecondFunctionDescription |
Describes SecondFunction function.
Sequence |
Todo: Document Me
SinFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
SinFunctionDescription |
Describes SinFunction function.
SqrtFunction |
This function returns the sqrt of the value.
SqrtFunctionDescription |
Describes SqrtFunction function.
StaticArrayCallback |
An array call-back that copies all contents of the source into a private buffer.
StaticValue |
Creation-Date: 08.10.2006, 11:34:40
SubstituteFunction |
This function returns text where an old text is substituted with a new text.
SubstituteFunctionDescription |
Describes SubstituteFunction function.
SubtractOperator |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 16:34:11
SumAFunction |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 17:39:19
SumAFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 17:41:12
SumFunction |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 17:39:19
SumFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 31.10.2006, 17:41:12
Term |
An term is a list of LValues connected by operators.
TextFunction |
This function returns the given value as text.
TextFunctionCategory |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 14:30:36
TextFunctionDescription |
TextType |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 09:37:54
TFunction |
This function returns the given text value or a zero lenght string for non text type.
TFunctionDescription |
Describes TFunction function.
TimeFunction |
This fonction constructs a time from hours, minutes, and seconds.
TimeFunctionDescription |
Describes the TimeFunction function
TimeValueFunction |
This fonction constructs a time from hours, minutes, and seconds.
TimeValueFunctionDescription |
Describes the TimeFunction function
TodayFunction |
Todo: Document me!
TodayFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:59:11
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
TokenMgrError |
Token Manager Error.
TrimFunction |
This function returns the given text free of leading spaces.
TrimFunctionDescription |
Describes TrimFunction function.
TrueFunction |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:15
TrueFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:55
Type |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 09:32:21
TypeConversionException |
Creation-Date: 10.04.2007, 14:13:40
TypeRegistry |
The type registry manages the known value types.
TypeValuePair |
Creation-Date: 02.11.2006, 10:02:54
UnicharFunction |
This function returns the given value as text.
UnicharFunctionDescription |
UnicodeFunction |
This function returns the given value as text.
UnicodeFunctionDescription |
UpperFunction |
This function returns the given text in upper case.
UpperFunctionDescription |
Describes UpperFunction function.
URLEncodeFunction |
This function encodes a given text using the URL-Encoding schema.
URLEncodeFunctionDescription |
Describes LowerFunction function.
URLEncoder |
Creation-Date: Jan 22, 2007, 4:36:38 PM
UserDefinedFunctionCategory |
Creation-Date: 05.11.2006, 15:05:38
ValueFunction |
This function returns the number value of a text string.
ValueFunctionDescription |
Describes ValueFunction function.
VarFunction |
This function returns the acos of the value.
VarFunctionDescription |
Describes VarFunction function.
WeekDayFunction |
This function extracts the day of week from a date.
WeekDayFunctionDescription |
Describes WeekDayFunction function.
XorFunction |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:15
XorFunctionDescription |
Creation-Date: 04.11.2006, 18:28:55
YearFunction |
This function extracts the year from a date.
YearFunctionDescription |
Describes YearFunction function.