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5. Free Objects

In some applications the standard object classes as provided by the Forms Library may not be enough for your task. There are three ways of solving this problem. First of all, the application program can also open its own window or use a canvas (the preferred way) in which it does interaction with the user). A second way is to add your own object classes (see Part IV). This is especially useful when your new type of objects is of general use.

The third way is to add free objects to your form. Free objects are objects for which the application program handles the drawing and interaction. This chapter will give all the details needed to design and use free objects.

5.1 Free Object

To add a free object to a form use the call

FL_OBJECT *fl_add_free(int type, FL_Coord x, FL_Coord y,
                       FL_Coord w, FL_Coord h,
                       const char *label, int (*handle)());

type indicates the type of free object, see below for a list and their meaning. x, y, w and h are the bounding box. The label is normally not drawn unless the handle routine takes care of this. handle is the routine that does the redrawing and handles the interaction with the free object. The application program must supply this routine.

This routine handle is called by the library whenever an action has to be performed. The routine should have the form:

int handle(FL_OBJECT *obj, int event, FL_Coord mx, FL_Coord my,
           int key, void *xev);

where obj is the object to which the event applies. event indicates what has to happen to the object. See below for a list of possible events. mx and my indicate the position of the mouse (only meaningful with mouse related events) relative to the form origin and key is the KeySym of the key typed in by the user (only for FL_KEYPRESS events). xev is the (cast) XEvent that causes the invocation of this handler. event and xev->type can both be used to obtain the event types. The routine should return whether the status of the object has changed, i.e., whether fl_do_forms() or fl_check_forms() should return this object.

The following types of events exist for which the routine must take action:


The object has to be redrawn. To figure out the size of the object you can use the fields obj->x, obj->y, obj->w and obj->h. Some other aspects might also influence the way the object has to be drawn. E.g., you might want to draw the object differently when the mouse is on top of it or when the mouse is pressed on it. This can be figured out as follows. The field obj->belowmouse indicates whether the object is below the mouse. The field obj->pushed indicates whether the object is currently being pushed with the mouse. Finally, obj->focus indicates whether input focus is directed towards this object. When required, the label should also be drawn. This label can be found in the field obj->label. The drawing should be done such that it works correctly in the visual/depth the current form is in. Complete information is available on the state of the current form as well as several routines that will help you to tackle the trickiest (also the most tedious) part of X programming. In particular, the return value of fl_get_vclass() can be used as an index into a table of structures, fl_state[], from which all information about current active visual can be obtained. See section Drawing Objects, for details on drawing objects and the routines.


This event is not always generated. It typically follows FL_DRAW and indicates the object label needs to be (re)drawn. You can ignore this event if (a) the object handler always draws the label upon receiving FL_DRAW or (b) the object label is not drawn at all(9).


This event is sent when the mouse has entered the bounding box. This might require some action. Note that also the field belowmouse in the object is being set. If entering only changes the appearance redrawing the object normally suffices. Don't do this directly! Always redraw the object using the routine fl_redraw_object(). It will send an FL_DRAW event to the object but also does some other things (like setting window id's, taking care of double buffering and some other bookkeeping tasks).


The mouse has left the bounding box. Again, normally a redraw is enough (or nothing at all).


A motion event is sent between FL_ENTER and FL_LEAVE events when the mouse position changes on the object. The mouse position is given with the routine.


The user has pushed a mouse button in the object. Normally this requires some action.


The user has released the mouse button. This event is only sent if a FL_PUSH event was sent earlier.


The user has pushed a mouse button twice within a certain time limit (FL_CLICK_TIMEOUT), which by default is about 400 msec.


The user has pushed a mouse button three times within a certain time window between each push. This event is sent after a FL_DBLCLICK, FL_PUSH, FL_RELEASE sequence.


The mouse position has changed. This event is sent to an object between an FL_PUSH and an FL_RELEASE event (actually this event is sent periodically, even if mouse has not moved). The mouse position is given as the parameter mx and my and action can be taken based on the position.


Input got focussed to this object. This event and the next two are only sent to a free object of type FL_INPUT_FREE (see below).


Input is no longer focussed on this object.


A key was pressed. The KeySym is given with the routine. This event only happens between FL_FOCUS and FL_UNFOCUS events.


A step event is sent all the time (at most 50 times per second but often less because of time consuming redraw operations) to a free object of type FL_CONTINUOUS_FREE such that it can update its state or appearance.


Hotkeys for the object have been triggered. Typically this should result in the returning of the free object.


Upon receiving this event, the handler should free all object class specific memory allocated.


Some other events typically caused by window manager events or inter-client events. All information regarding the details of the events is in xev.

Many of these events might make it necessary to (partially) redraw the object. Always do this using the routine fl_redraw_object().

As indicated above not all events are sent to all free objects. It depends on their types. The following types exist (all objects are sent FL_OTHER when it occurs):


The object will receive the events FL_DRAW, FL_ENTER, FL_LEAVE, FL_MOTION, FL_PUSH, FL_RELEASE and FL_MOUSE.


The object only receives FL_DRAW events. This should be used for objects without interaction (e.g., a picture).


Same as FL_NORMAL_FREE but the object also receives FL_FOCUS, FL_UNFOCUS and FL_KEYPRESS events. The obj->wantkey is by default set to FL_KEY_NORMAL, i.e., the free object will receive all normal keys (0-255) except <Tab> and <Return> key. If you're interested in <Tab> or <Return> key, you need to change obj->wantkey to FL_KEY_TAB or FL_KEY_ALL. See section Events, for details.


Same as FL_NORMAL_FREE but the object also receives FL_STEP events. This should be used for objects that change themselves continuously.


The object receives all types of events.

See `free1.c' for a (terrible) example of the use of free objects. See also `freedraw.c', which is a nicer example of the use of free objects.

Free objects provide all the generality you want from the Forms Library. Because free objects behave a lot like new object classes it is recommended that you also read part IV of this documentation before designing free objects.

5.2 An Example

We conclude our discussion of the free object by examining a simple drawing program capable of drawing simple geometric figures like squares, circles, and triangles of various colors and sizes, and of course it also utilizes a free object.

The basic UI consists of three logical parts. A drawing area onto which the squares etc. are to be drawn; a group of objects that control what figure to draw and with what size; and a group of objects that control the color with which the figure is to be drawn.

The entire UI is designed interactively using the GUI builder fdesign with most objects having their own callbacks. fdesign writes two files, one is a header file containing forward declarations of callback functions and other function prototypes:

#ifndef FD_drawfree_h_
#define FD_drawfree_h_

extern void change_color(FL_OBJECT *, long);
extern void switch_figure(FL_OBJECT *, long);

/* more callback declarations omitted */

typedef struct {
    FL_FORM   * drawfree;
    FL_OBJECT * freeobj;
    FL_OBJECT * figgrp;
    FL_OBJECT * colgrp;
    FL_OBJECT * colorobj;
    FL_OBJECT * miscgrp;
    FL_OBJECT * sizegrp;
    FL_OBJECT * wsli;
    FL_OBJECT * hsli;
    FL_OBJECT * drobj[3];
    void      * vdata;
    long        ldata;
} FD_drawfree;

extern FD_drawfree *create_form_drawfree(void);
#endif /* FD_drawfree_h_ */

The other file contains the actual C-code that creates the form when compiled and executed. Since free objects are not directly supported by fdesign, a box was used as a stub for the location and size of the drawing area. After the C-code was generated, the box was changed manually to a free object by replacing fl_add_box(FL_DOWN_BOX,...) with fl_add_free(FL_NORMAL_FREE,...). We list below the output generated by fdesign with some comments:

FD_drawfree *create_form_drawfree(void) {
    FL_OBJECT *obj;
    FD_drawfree *fdui = fl_calloc(1, sizeof *fdui);

    fdui->drawfree = fl_bgn_form(FL_NO_BOX, 530, 490);
    obj = fl_add_box(FL_UP_BOX, 0, 0, 530, 490, "");

This is almost always the same for any form definition: we allocate a structure that will hold all objects on the form as well as the form itself. In this case, the first object on the form is a box of type FL_UP_BOX.

    fdui->figgrp = fl_bgn_group();

    obj = fl_add_button(FL_RADIO_BUTTON, 10, 60, 40, 40,
    fl_set_object_callback(obj, switch_figure, 0);

    obj = fl_add_button(FL_RADIO_BUTTON, 50, 60, 40, 40,
    fl_set_object_lcolor(obj, FL_YELLOW);
    fl_set_object_callback(obj, switch_figure, 1);

    obj = fl_add_button(FL_RADIO_BUTTON, 90, 60, 40, 40,
    fl_set_object_lcolor(obj, FL_YELLOW);
    fl_set_object_callback(obj, switch_figure, 2);


This creates three buttons that control what figures are to be drawn. Since figure selection is mutually exclusive, we use RADIO_BUTTON for this. Further, the three buttons are placed inside a group so that they won't interfere with other radio buttons on the same form. Notice that the callback function switch_figure() is bound to all three buttons but with different arguments. Thus the callback function can resolve the associated object via the callback function argument. In this case, 0 is used for circle, 1 for square and 2 for triangle. This association of a callback function with a piece of user data can often reduce the amount of code substantially, especially if you have a large group of objects that control similar things. The advantage will become clear as we proceed.

Next we add three sliders to the form. By using appropriate colors for these sliding bars (red, green, blue), there is no need to label them. There's also no need to store their addresses as their callback routine change_color() will receive them automatically.

   fdui->colgrp = fl_bgn_group();

   obj = fl_add_slider(FL_VERT_FILL_SLIDER, 25, 170, 30, 125, "");
   fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_COL1, FL_RED);
   fl_set_object_callback(obj, change_color, 0);

   obj = fl_add_slider(FL_VERT_FILL_SLIDER, 55, 170, 30, 125, "");
   fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_COL1, FL_GREEN);
   fl_set_object_callback(obj, change_color, 1);

    obj = fl_add_slider(FL_VERT_FILL_SLIDER, 85, 170, 30, 125, "");
    fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_COL1, FL_BLUE);
    fl_set_object_callback(obj, change_color, 2);

    fdui->colorobj = obj = fl_add_box(FL_BORDER_BOX,
                                      25, 140, 90, 25, "");
    fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_FREE_COL1, FL_FREE_COL1);


Again, a single callback function, change_color(), is bound to all three sliders. In addition to the sliders, a box object is added to the form. This box is set to use the color indexed by FL_FREE_COL1 and will be used to show visually what the current color setting looks like. This implies that in the change_color() callback function, the entry FL_FREE_COL1 in the Forms Library's internal colormap will be changed. We also place all the color related objects inside a group even though they are not of radio buttons. This is to facilitate gravity settings which otherwise require setting the gravities of each individual object.

Next we create our drawing area which is simply a free object of type NORMAL_FREE with a handler to be written

    obj = fl_add_frame(FL_DOWN_FRAME, 145, 30, 370, 405, "");
    fl_set_object_gravity(obj, FL_NorthWest, FL_SouthEast);

    fdui->freeobj = obj = fl_add_free(FL_NORMAL_FREE,
                                      145, 30, 370, 405, "",
    fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_FLAT_BOX);
    fl_set_object_gravity(obj, FL_NorthWest, FL_SouthEast);

The frame is added for decoration purposes only. Although a free object with a down box would appear the same, the down box can be written over by the free object drawing while the free object can't draw on top of the frame since the frame is outside of the free object. Notice the gravity settings. This kind of setting maximizes the real estate of the free object when the form is resized.

Next, we need to have control over the size of the object. For this, two sliders are added, using the same callback function but with different user data (0 and 1 in this case):

    fdui->sizegrp = fl_bgn_group();

    fdui->wsli = obj = fl_add_valslider(FL_HOR_SLIDER,
                                        15, 370, 120, 25, "Width");
    fl_set_object_lalign(obj, FL_ALIGN_TOP);
    fl_set_object_callback(obj, change_size, 0);

    fdui->hsli = obj = fl_add_valslider(FL_HOR_SLIDER,
                                        15, 55, 410,25, "Height");
    fl_set_object_lalign(obj, FL_ALIGN_TOP);
    fl_set_object_callback(obj, change_size, 1);


The rest of the UI consists of some buttons the user can use to exit the program, elect to draw outlined instead of filled figures etc. The form definition ends with fl_end_form(). The structure that holds the form as well as all the objects within it is returned to the caller:

    fdui->miscgrp = fl_bgn_group();

    obj = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 395, 445, 105, 30,
    fl_set_button_shortcut(obj, "Qq#q", 1);

    obj = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 280, 445, 105, 30,
    fl_set_object_callback(obj, refresh_cb, 0);
    obj = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 165, 445, 105, 30,
    fl_set_object_callback(obj,clear_cb,0); fl_end_group();

    obj = fl_add_checkbutton(FL_PUSH_BUTTON, 15, 25, 100, 35,
    fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_MCOL, FL_BLUE);
    fl_set_object_callback(obj, fill_cb, 0);
    fl_set_object_gravity(obj, FL_NorthWest, FL_NorthWest);


    return fdui;

After creating the UI we need to write the callback functions and the free object handler. The callback functions are relatively easy since each object is designed to perform a very specific task.

Before we proceed to code the callback functions we first need to define the overall data structure that will be used to glue together the UI and the routines that do real work.

The basic structure is the DrawFigure structure that holds the current drawing function as well as object attributes such as size and color:

#define MAX_FIGURES 500

typedef void (*DrawFunc)(int                  /* fill */,
                         int, int, int, int,  /* x,y,w,h */
                         FL_COLOR             /* color */ );

typedef struct {
    DrawFunc drawit;      /* how to draw this figure */
    int      fill,        /* is it to be filled? */
             x, y, w, h;  /* position and sizes */
    int      pc[3];       /* primary color R,G,B */
    int      newfig;      /* indicate a new figure */
    FL_COLOR col;         /* color index */
} DrawFigure;

static DrawFigure saved_figure[MAX_FIGURES],
static FD_drawfree *drawui;
int max_w = 30,               /* max size of figures */
    max_h = 30;

All changes to the figure attributes will be buffered in cur_fig and when the actual drawing command is issued (mouse click inside the free object), cur_fig is copied into saved_figure array buffer.

Forms Library contains some low-level drawing routines that can draw and optionally fill arbitrary polygonal regions, so in principle, there is no need to use Xlib calls directly. To show how Xlib drawing routines are combined with Forms Library, we use Xlib routines to draw a triangle:

void draw_triangle(int fill, int x, int y,
                   int w, int h, FL_COLOR col) {
    XPoint xp[4];
    GC gc = fl_state[fl_get_vclass()].gc[0];
    Window win = fl_winget();
    Display *disp = fl_get_display();

    xp[0].x = x;
    xp[0].y = y + h - 1;
    xp[1].x = x + w / 2;
    xp[1].y = y;
    xp[2].x = x + w - 1;
    xp[2].y = y + h - 1;
    XSetForeground(disp, gc, fl_get_pixel(col));

    if (fill)
        XFillPolygon(disp, win, gc, xp, 3, Nonconvex, Unsorted);
    else {
        xp[3].x = xp[0].x;
        xp[3].y = xp[0].y;
        XDrawLines(disp, win, gc, xp, 4, CoordModeOrigin);

Although more or less standard stuff, some explanation is in order. As you have probably guessed, fl_winget() returns the current "active" window, defined to be the window the object receiving the dispatcher's messages (FL_DRAW etc.) belongs to(10). Similarly the routine fl_get_display() returns the current connection to the X server. Part IV has more details on the utility functions in the Forms Library.

The array of structures fl_state[] keeps much "inside" information on the state of the Forms Library. For simplicity, we choose to use the Forms Library's default GC. There is no fundamental reason that this has be so. We certainly can copy the default GC and change the foreground color in the copy. Of course unlike using the default GC directly, we might have to set the clip mask in the copy whereas the default GC always have the proper clip mask (in this case, to the bounding box of the free object).

We use the Forms Library's built-in drawing routines to draw circles and rectangles. Then our drawing functions can be defined as follows:

static DrawFunc drawfunc[] = {
    fl_oval, fl_rectangle, draw_triangle };

Switching what figure to draw is just changing the member drawit in cur_fig. By using the proper object callback argument, figure switching is achieved by the following callback routine that is bound to all figure buttons

void switch_object(FL_OBJECT *obj, long which) {
    cur_fig->drawit = drawfunc[which];

So this takes care of the drawing functions. Similarly, the color callback function can be written as follows

void change_color(FL_OBJECT *obj, long which) {
    cur_fig->c[which] = 255 * fl_get_slider_value(obj);
                cur_fig->c[0], cur_fig->c[1], cur_fig->c[2]);
                cur_fig->c[0], cur_fig->c[1], cur_fig->c[2]);

The first call of fl_mapcolor() defines the RGB components for index cur_fig->col and the second fl_mapcolor() call defines the RGB component for index FL_FREE_COL1, which is the color index used by colorobj that serves as current color visual feedback.

Object size is taken care of in a similar fashion by using a callback function bound to both size sliders:

void change_size(FL_OBJECT * obj, long which) {
    if (which == 0)
        cur_fig->w = fl_get_slider_value(obj);
        cur_fig->h = fl_get_slider_value(obj);

Lastly, we toggle the fill/outline option by querying the state of the push button

void outline_callback(FL_OBJECT *obj, long data) {
    cur_fig->fill = !fl_get_button(obj);

To clear the drawing area and delete all saved figures, a Clear button is provided with the following callback:

void clear_cb(FL_OBJECT *obj, long notused) {
    saved_figure[0] = *cur_fig;  /* copy attributes */
    cur_fig = saved_figure;

To clear the drawing area and redraw all saved figures, a Refresh button is provided with the following callback:

void refresh_cb(FL_OBJECT *obj, long notused) {

With all attributes and other services taken care of, it is time to write the free object handler. The user can issue a drawing command inside the free object by clicking either the left or right mouse button.

int freeobject_handler(FL_OBJECT *obj, int event,
                       FL_Coord mx, FL_Coord my,
                       int key, void *xev) {
    DrawFigure *dr;

    switch (event) {
        case FL_DRAW:
            if (cur_fig->newfig == 1)
                                 cur_fig->x + obj->x,
                                 cur_fig->y + obj->y,
                                 cur_fig->w, cur_fig->h,
            else {
                fl_drw_box(obj->boxtype, obj->x, obj->y, obj->w,
                           obj->h, obj->col1, obj->bw);
                for (dr = saved_figure; dr < cur_fig; dr++) {
                                dr->c[0], dr->c[1], dr->c[2]);
                    dr->drawit(dr->fill,dr->x + obj->x,
                               dr->y + obj->y,
                               dr->w, dr->h, dr->col);
            cur_fig->newfig = 0;

        case FL_PUSH:
            if (key == FL_MIDDLE_MOUSE)

            cur_fig->x = mx - cur_fig->w / 2;
            cur_fig->y = my - cur_fig->h / 2;

            /* convert figure center to relative to the object*/
            cur_fig->x -= obj->x;
            cur_fig->y -= obj->y;

            cur_fig->newfig = 1;
            *(cur_fig + 1) = *cur_fig;
            fl_mapcolor(cur_fig->col + 1, cur_fig->c[0],
                        cur_fig->c[1], cur_fig->c[2] );

    return FL_RETURN_NONE;

In this particular program, we are only interested in mouse clicks and redraw. The event dispatching routine cooks the X event and drives the handler via a set of events (messages). For a mouse click inside the free object, its handler is notified with an FL_PUSH together with the current mouse position mx, my. In addition, the driver also sets the clipping mask to the bounding box of the free object prior to sending FL_DRAW. Mouse position (always relative to the origin of the form) is directly usable in the drawing function. However, it is a good idea to convert the mouse position so it is relative to the origin of the free object if the position is to be used later. The reason for this is that the free object can be resized or moved in ways unknown to the handler and only the position relative to the free object is meaningful in these situations.

It is tempting to call the drawing function in response to FL_PUSH since it is FL_PUSH that triggers the drawing. However, it is a (common) mistake to do this. The reason is that much bookkeeping is performed prior to sending FL_DRAW, such as clipping, double buffer preparation and possibly active window setting etc. All of these is not done if the message is anything else than FL_DRAW. So always use fl_redraw_object() to draw unless it is a response to FL_DRAW. Internally fl_redraw_object() calls the handler with FL_DRAW (after some bookkeeping), so we only need to mark FL_PUSH with a flag newfig and let the drawing part of the handler draw the newly added figure.

FL_DRAW has two parts. One is simply to add a figure indicated by newfig being true and in this case, we only need to draw the figure that is being added. The other branch might be triggered as a response to damaged drawing area resulting from Expose event or as a response to Refresh command. We simply loop over all saved figures and (re)draw each of them.

The only thing left to do is to initialize the program, which includes initial color and size, and initial drawing function. Since we will allow interactive resizing and also some of the objects on the form are not resizeable, we need to take care of the gravities.

void draw_initialize(FD_drawfree *ui) {
    fl_set_form_minsize(ui->drawfree, 530, 490);
    fl_set_object_gravity(ui->colgrp, FL_West, FL_West);
    fl_set_object_gravity(ui->sizegrp, FL_SouthWest, FL_SouthWest);
    fl_set_object_gravity(ui->figgrp, FL_NorthWest, FL_NorthWest);
    fl_set_object_gravity(ui->miscgrp, FL_South, FL_South);
    fl_set_object_resize(ui->miscgrp, FL_RESIZE_NONE);

    cur_fig = saved_figure;
    cur_fig->pc[0] = cur_fig->pc[1] = cur_fig->pc[2] = 127;
    cur_fig->w = cur->fig->h = 30;
    cur_fig->drawit = fl_oval;
    cur_fig->col = FL_FREE_COL1 + 1;
    cur_fig->fill = 1;
    fl_set_button(ui->drobj[0], 1);  /* show current selection */

    fl_mapcolor(cur_fig->col, cur_fig->pc[0],
                cur->fig->pc[1], cur->fig->pc[2]);
    fl_mapcolor(FL_FREE_COL1, cur_fig->pc[0],
                cur->fig->pc[1], cur->fig->pc[2]);

    fl_set_slider_bounds(ui->wsli, 1, max_w);
    fl_set_slider_bounds(ui->hsli, 1, max_h);
    fl_set_slider_precision(ui->wsli, 0);
    fl_set_slider_precision(ui->hsli, 0);
    fl_set_slider_value(ui->wsli, cur_fig->w);
    fl_set_slider_value(ui->hsli, cur_fig->h);

With all the parts in place, the main program simply creates, initializes and shows the UI, then enters the main loop:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    fl_initialize(&argc, argv, "FormDemo", 0, 0);
    drawui = create_form_drawfree();
    fl_show_form(drawui->drawfree, FL_PLACE_CENTER|FL_FREE_SIZE,
                 FL_FULLBORDER, "Draw");
    return 0;

Since the only object that does not have a callback is the Quit button, fl_do_forms() will return only if that button is pushed. Full source code to this simple drawing program can be found in `demos/freedraw.c'.



Label for free objects can't be drawn outside of the bounding box because of the clippings by the dispatcher.


If fl_winget() is called while not handling messages, the return value must be checked.

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