
org.freedesktop.impl.portal.PermissionStore — Database to store permissions


Lookup           (IN  s      table,
                  IN  s      id,
                  OUT a{sas} permissions,
                  OUT v      data);
Set              (IN  s      table,
                  IN  b      create,
                  IN  s      id,
                  IN  a{sas} app_permissions,
                  IN  v      data);
Delete           (IN  s      table,
                  IN  s      id);
SetValue         (IN  s      table,
                  IN  b      create,
                  IN  s      id,
                  IN  v      data);
SetPermission    (IN  s      table,
                  IN  b      create,
                  IN  s      id,
                  IN  s      app,
                  IN  as     permissions);
DeletePermission (IN  s      table,
                  IN  s      id,
                  IN  s      app);
List             (IN  s      table,
                  OUT as     ids);


Changed (s      table,
         s      id,
         b      deleted,
         v      data,
         a{sas} permissions);


version  readable   u


The permission store can be used by portals to store permissions that sandboxed applications have to various resources, such as files outside the sandbox.

Since the resources managed by portals can be varied, the permission store is fairly free-form: there can be multiple tables; resources are identified by an ID, as are applications, and permissions are stored as string arrays. None of these strings are interpreted by the permission store in any way.

In addition, the permission store allows to associate extra data (in the form of a GVariant) with each resource.

This document describes version 2 of the permission store interface.

Method Details

The Lookup() method

Lookup (IN  s      table,
        IN  s      id,
        OUT a{sas} permissions,
        OUT v      data);

Looks up the entry for a resource in one of the tables and returns all associated application permissions and data.

IN s table:

the name of the table to use

IN s id:

the resource ID to look up

OUT a{sas} permissions:

map from application ID to permissions

OUT v data:

data that is associated with the resource

The Set() method

Set (IN  s      table,
     IN  b      create,
     IN  s      id,
     IN  a{sas} app_permissions,
     IN  v      data);

Writes the entry for a resource in the given table.

IN s table:

the name of the table to use

IN b create:

whether to create the table if it does not exist

IN s id:

the resource ID to modify

IN a{sas} app_permissions:

map from application ID to permissions

IN v data:

data to associate with the resource

The Delete() method

Delete (IN  s table,
        IN  s id);

Removes the entry for a resource in the given table.

IN s table:

the name of the table to use

IN s id:

the resource ID to delete

The SetValue() method

SetValue (IN  s table,
          IN  b create,
          IN  s id,
          IN  v data);

Sets just the data for a resource in the given table.

IN s table:

the name of the table to use

IN b create:

whether to create the table if it does not exist

IN s id:

the resource ID to modify

IN v data:

data to associate with the resource

The SetPermission() method

SetPermission (IN  s  table,
               IN  b  create,
               IN  s  id,
               IN  s  app,
               IN  as permissions);

Sets the permissions for an application and a resource in the given table.

IN s table:

the name of the table to use

IN b create:

whether to create the table if it does not exist

IN s id:

the resource ID to modify

IN s app:

the application ID to modify

IN as permissions:

permissions to set

The DeletePermission() method

DeletePermission (IN  s table,
                  IN  s id,
                  IN  s app);

Removes the entry for an application and a resource in the given table.

This method was added in version 2.

IN s table:

the name of the table to use

IN s id:

the resource ID to modify

IN s app:

the application ID to modify

The List() method

List (IN  s  table,
      OUT as ids);

Returns all the resources that are present in the table.

IN s table:

the name of the table to use

OUT as ids:

IDs of all resources that are present in the table

Signal Details

The "Changed" signal

Changed (s      table,
         s      id,
         b      deleted,
         v      data,
         a{sas} permissions);

The Changed signal is emitted when the entry for a resource is modified or deleted. If the entry was deleted, then data and permissions contain the last values that were found in the database. If the entry was modified, they contain the new values.

s table:

the name of the table

s id:

b deleted:

whether the resource was deleted

v data:

the data that is associated the resource

a{sas} permissions:

the permissions that are associated with the resource

Property Details

The "version" property

version  readable   u