946 #ifndef _FB_PUBLIC_H_
947 #define _FB_PUBLIC_H_
948 #include <fixbuf/autoinc.h>
961 #define FB_ERROR_DOMAIN g_quark_from_string("fixbufError")
963 #define FB_ERROR_TMPL 1
968 #define FB_ERROR_EOM 2
974 #define FB_ERROR_EOF 3
979 #define FB_ERROR_IPFIX 4
985 #define FB_ERROR_BUFSZ 5
987 #define FB_ERROR_IMPL 6
989 #define FB_ERROR_IO 7
994 #define FB_ERROR_NLREAD 8
1000 #define FB_ERROR_NLWRITE 9
1004 #define FB_ERROR_NOELEMENT 10
1008 #define FB_ERROR_CONN 11
1013 #define FB_ERROR_NETFLOWV9 12
1017 #define FB_ERROR_TRANSMISC 13
1021 #define FB_ERROR_SFLOW 14
1055 struct fbInfoModel_st;
1081 #define FB_IE_INIT_FULL(_name_, _ent_, _num_, _len_, _flags_, _min_, _max_, _type_, _desc_)\
1082 { {(const struct fbInfoElement_st*)_name_}, 0, _ent_, _num_, _len_, _flags_, _min_, _max_, _type_, _desc_ }
1089 #define FB_IE_INIT(_name_, _ent_, _num_, _len_, _flags_) \
1090 FB_IE_INIT_FULL(_name_, _ent_, _num_, _len_, _flags_, 0, 0, 0, (char*)NULL)
1098 #define FB_IE_NULL FB_IE_INIT(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0)
1105 #define FB_IE_SEMANTIC(flags) ((flags & 0x0000ff00) >> 8)
1112 #define FB_IE_UNITS(flags) ((flags & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16)
1118 #define FB_IE_F_NONE 0x00000000
1124 #define FB_IE_F_ENDIAN 0x00000001
1135 #define FB_IE_F_REVERSIBLE 0x00000040
1144 #define FB_IE_F_ALIEN 0x00000080
1150 #define FB_IE_QUANTITY 0x00000100
1157 #define FB_IE_TOTALCOUNTER 0x00000200
1163 #define FB_IE_DELTACOUNTER 0x00000300
1169 #define FB_IE_IDENTIFIER 0x00000400
1175 #define FB_IE_FLAGS 0x00000500
1182 #define FB_IE_LIST 0x00000600
1189 #define FB_IE_DEFAULT 0x00000000
1201 #define FB_UNITS_BITS 0x00010000
1207 #define FB_UNITS_OCTETS 0x00020000
1213 #define FB_UNITS_PACKETS 0x00030000
1219 #define FB_UNITS_FLOWS 0x00040000
1225 #define FB_UNITS_SECONDS 0x00050000
1231 #define FB_UNITS_MILLISECONDS 0x00060000
1237 #define FB_UNITS_MICROSECONDS 0x00070000
1243 #define FB_UNITS_NANOSECONDS 0x00080000
1249 #define FB_UNITS_WORDS 0x00090000
1255 #define FB_UNITS_MESSAGES 0x000A0000
1261 #define FB_UNITS_HOPS 0x000B0000
1267 #define FB_UNITS_ENTRIES 0x000C0000
1273 #define FB_UNITS_FRAMES 0x000D0000
1278 #define FB_IE_VARLEN 65535
1284 #define FB_IE_BASIC_LIST 291
1289 #define FB_IE_SUBTEMPLATE_LIST 292
1303 #define FB_IE_PEN_REVERSE 29305
1313 #define FB_IE_VENDOR_BIT_REVERSE 0x4000
1320 #define FB_CISCO_GENERIC 9999
1328 #define FB_CISCO_ASA_EVENT_ID 9998
1338 #define FB_CISCO_ASA_EVENT_XTRA 9997
1344 #define FB_IE_REVERSE_STR "reverse"
1347 #define FB_IE_REVERSE_STRLEN 7
1465 #define FB_TID_AUTO 0
1475 #define FB_TID_OTS 3
1480 #define FB_TID_MIN_DATA 256
1495 #define FB_IESPEC_NULL { NULL, 0, 0 }
1519 struct fbSession_st;
1602 #define FB_SPREADPARAMS_INIT { 0, 0, 0 }
1604 typedef struct fbSpreadParams_st {
1618 struct fbExporter_st;
1626 struct fbCollector_st;
1636 struct fbListener_st;
1683 struct fbListenerGroup_st;
1811 #define FB_LIST_SEM_NONE_OF 0x00
1815 #define FB_LIST_SEM_EXACTLY_ONE_OF 0x01
1819 #define FB_LIST_SEM_ONE_OR_MORE_OF 0x02
1823 #define FB_LIST_SEM_ALL_OF 0x03
1827 #define FB_LIST_SEM_ORDERED 0x04
1882 uint16_t numElements);
1902 uint16_t numElements,
1903 uint16_t dataLength,
1998 uint16_t newNumElements);
2009 uint16_t numNewElements);
2095 uint16_t numElements);
2116 uint16_t numElements,
2117 uint16_t dataLength,
2213 uint16_t newNumElements);
2225 uint16_t numNewElements);
2332 uint16_t numElements);
2392 uint16_t newNumEntries);
2404 uint16_t numNewEntries);
2455 uint16_t numElements);
2469 uint16_t newNumElements);
2482 uint16_t numNewElements);
2702 struct sockaddr *peer,
2783 void fBufSetSpreadExportGroup(
2806 gboolean automatic);
3427 uint16_t scope_count);
3805 gboolean fbSessionAddTemplatesMulticast(
3934 int fbCollectorGetSpreadReturnGroups(
3952 fbSpreadParams_t *params );
4090 fbSpreadParams_t *params,
4135 struct sockaddr *address,
4136 size_t address_length);
4338 struct sockaddr *peer,
4361 struct sockaddr *peer,
4400 gboolean multi_session);
4418 gboolean manage_port);
fbInfoElement_t * fbTemplateGetIndexedIE(fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint32_t IEindex)
Return the information element in the template referenced by the index.
uint32_t ent
Private Enterprise Number.
Definition: public.h:1411
struct fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_st fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t
Entries contain the same type of information at SubTemplateLists: template ID and template pointers t...
fbExporter_t * fbExporterAllocFile(const char *path)
Allocate an exporting process endpoint for a named file.
fbListener_t * listener
pointer to the listener that received a new connection
Definition: public.h:1678
void fbTemplateFreeUnused(fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
Free a template if it is not currently in use by any Session.
char * ssl_ca_file
Path to certificate authority file.
Definition: public.h:1570
fbExporter_t * fbExporterAllocBuffer(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufsize)
Allocate an exporting process for a buffer.
void * vai
Pointer to address info cache.
Definition: public.h:1581
uint32_t ie_pen
private enterprise number
Definition: public.h:1444
A variable-length field value.
Definition: public.h:1042
void fbSubTemplateMultiListClearEntries(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
Clears the memory used by the entries of a sub template multi list NOTE: if any of those entries cont...
void fbBasicListClearWithoutFree(fbBasicList_t *basicList)
Clear the parameters of the basic list, but do not free the buffer.
uint32_t fbTemplateGetOptionsScope(fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
Determine number of scope information elements in a template.
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryAddNewElements(fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry, uint16_t numNewElements)
Allocates space for a number of additional elements in the sub template multi list entry...
fbExporter_t * fbExporterAllocFP(FILE *fp)
Allocate an exporting process endpoint for an opened ANSI C file pointer.
gboolean fBufAppend(fBuf_t *fbuf, uint8_t *recbase, size_t recsize, GError **err)
Append a record to a buffer.
char * ssl_cert_file
Path to certificate file.
Definition: public.h:1572
Partially reliable datagram transport via SCTP.
Definition: public.h:1534
void fBufListFree(fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint8_t *record)
Clear all of the memory that fixbuf allocated during transcode of this record.
uint64_t ie_range_begin
ie range min
Definition: public.h:1440
uint16_t numElements
number of elements in the list
Definition: public.h:2064
uint64_t min
range min
Definition: public.h:1423
uint64_t ie_range_end
ie range max
Definition: public.h:1442
void fbBasicListFree(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr)
Clear the basic list, then free the basic list pointer.
const fbInfoElement_t * fbInfoModelGetElementByName(fbInfoModel_t *model, const char *name)
Return a pointer to the canonical information element within an information model given the informati...
void fbExporterClose(fbExporter_t *exporter)
Force the file or socket underlying an exporting process endpoint to close.
fBuf_t * fbuf
pointer to the fbuf created for that new connection
Definition: public.h:1680
uint16_t tmplID
ID of the template used to structure the data in this entry.
Definition: public.h:2290
void * fbBasicListInitWithOwnBuffer(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr, uint8_t semantic, const fbInfoElement_t *infoElement, uint16_t numElements, uint16_t dataLength, uint8_t *dataPtr)
use this function to initialize the basic list, but it gets the pointer to a buffer and its length al...
void fbSessionSetDomain(fbSession_t *session, uint32_t domain)
Set the current observation domain on a session.
fbCollector_t * fbSessionGetCollector(fbSession_t *session)
Retrieve collector that was created with the session.
const fbInfoElement_t * fbBasicListGetInfoElement(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr)
This function returns a pointer to the information element used in the list it is mainly used in coll...
fBuf_t * fbListenerWait(fbListener_t *listener, GError **err)
Wait on a listener.
Multilists just contain the semantic to describe the sub lists, the number of sub lists...
Definition: public.h:2299
struct fbConnSpec_st fbConnSpec_t
Connection specifier.
void fBufSetAutomaticMode(fBuf_t *fbuf, gboolean automatic)
Set the automatic mode flag on a buffer.
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryRealloc(fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry, uint16_t newNumElements)
Frees the memory for the data used by the entry, then allocates a new buffer based on the size of the...
struct fbCollector_st fbCollector_t
IPFIX Collecting Process endpoint.
Definition: public.h:1634
struct fbExporter_st fbExporter_t
IPFIX Exporting Process endpoint.
Definition: public.h:1624
uint8_t semantic
value used to describe the contents of the list, all-of, one-of, etc
Definition: public.h:2066
fbSubTemplateMultiList_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListAlloc(void)
Allocates a subTemplateMultiList_t Based on how subTemplateMultiLists will be used and set up amidst ...
Secure, reliable stream transport via TLS over TCP.
Definition: public.h:1549
const fbTemplate_t * tmpl
pointer to the template used to structure the data
Definition: public.h:2058
void fbSubTemplateMultiListSetSemantic(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, uint8_t semantic)
Sets the semantic field for the multi list.
struct fbSession_st fbSession_t
An IPFIX Transport Session state container.
Definition: public.h:1526
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListInit(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, uint8_t semantic, uint16_t numElements)
Initializes the multi list with semantic, numbers of elements, and allocates memory to store numEleme...
size_t dataLength
length of the buffer used to hold the data in this entry
Definition: public.h:2288
void fbSessionRemoveTemplatePair(fbSession_t *session, uint16_t ext_tid)
remove a template pair from the list this is called by fixbuf when a template is revoked from the ses...
struct fbListenerGroup_st fbListenerGroup_t
Structure that holds the listeners that are added to the group.
Definition: public.h:1687
void * fbSubTemplateListInit(fbSubTemplateList_t *sTL, uint8_t semantic, uint16_t tmplID, const fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint16_t numElements)
Initializes a subTemplateList structure and alloc's the dataPtr to get a buffer able to hold numEleme...
struct fbListener_st fbListener_t
IPFIX Collecting Process session listener.
Definition: public.h:1643
size_t len
Length of content in buffer.
Definition: public.h:1044
Unreliable datagram transport via UDP.
Definition: public.h:1538
uint16_t dataLength
length of the buffer used to store the elements in the list
Definition: public.h:1852
void fbSubTemplateListFree(fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateListPtr)
Frees and clears a subTemplateList struct.
void fbSubTemplateListClear(fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateListPtr)
Clears a subtemplate list struct, notably freeing the dataPtr and setting it to NULL.
uint32_t fbCollectorGetNetflowMissed(fbCollector_t *collector, struct sockaddr *peer, size_t peerlen, uint32_t obdomain)
gboolean fbTemplateAppendSpecArray(fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElementSpec_t *spec, uint32_t flags, GError **err)
Append information elements described by a specifier array to a template.
uint8_t * dataPtr
pointer to the memory that stores the elements in the list
Definition: public.h:1848
uint16_t num
Information Element number.
Definition: public.h:1416
fbSubTemplateList_t * fbSubTemplateListAlloc(void)
Allocates a subTemplateList_t Based on how subTemplateLists will be used and set up amidst data struc...
gboolean fbCollectorSetNetflowV9Translator(fbCollector_t *collector, GError **err)
struct sockaddr * fbCollectorGetPeer(fbCollector_t *collector)
Retrieves information about the node connected to this collector.
uint16_t numElements
number of elements in the list
Definition: public.h:1850
gboolean fbTemplateAppend(fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElement_t *ex_ie, GError **err)
Append an information element to a template.
gboolean fBufEmit(fBuf_t *fbuf, GError **err)
Emit the message currently in a buffer using the associated exporting process endpoint.
void(* fbTemplateCtxCallback_fn)(fbSession_t *session, uint16_t tid, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, void **ctx, fbTemplateCtxFree_fn *fn)
A callback function that will be called when the session receives a new external template.
Definition: public.h:1760
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * firstEntry
pointer to the first entry in the multi list
Definition: public.h:2301
struct fbInfoElement_st fbInfoElement_t
A single IPFIX Information Element definition.
struct fbBasicList_st fbBasicList_t
A basic list element in a template which structure represents a basic list on the internal side...
fbCollector_t * fbCollectorAllocFP(void *ctx, FILE *fp)
Allocate a collecting process endpoint for an open file.
void fbSessionAddTemplateCallback(fbSession_t *session, fbNewTemplateCallback_fn callback)
This function sets the callback to let the user know when a new template has arrived from the connect...
void fBufInterruptSocket(fBuf_t *fbuf)
Interrupts the select call of a specific collector by way of its fBuf.
uint16_t len
Information element length in octets.
Definition: public.h:1418
fbExporter_t * fbExporterAllocNet(fbConnSpec_t *spec)
Allocate an exporting process endpoint for a network connection.
void fBufSetCollector(fBuf_t *fbuf, fbCollector_t *collector)
Associate an collecting process endpoint with a buffer.
gboolean fbTemplateContainsAllElementsByName(fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElementSpec_t *spec)
Determine if a template contains at least one instance of each information element in a given informa...
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListRealloc(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, uint16_t newNumEntries)
Clears the entries used by the multi list, then if newNumElements is different than numElements...
void fbSessionAddTemplatePair(fbSession_t *session, uint16_t ent_tid, uint16_t int_tid)
Adds an external-internal template pair to the session.
gboolean fBufNext(fBuf_t *fbuf, uint8_t *recbase, size_t *recsize, GError **err)
Retrieve a record from a buffer.
fBuf_t * fBufAllocForCollection(fbSession_t *session, fbCollector_t *collector)
Allocate a new buffer for collection.
gboolean fbTemplateContainsAllFlaggedElementsByName(fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElementSpec_t *spec, uint32_t flags)
Determine if a template contains at least one instance of each information element in a given informa...
void * fbSubTemplateListGetDataPtr(const fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateListPtr)
Returns a pointer to the buffer that contains the data for the list.
void fBufFree(fBuf_t *fbuf)
Free a buffer.
void fbBasicListClear(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr)
Clear the parameters of the basic list and free the data buffer.
const fbInfoElement_t * infoElement
pointer to the information element that is repeated in the list
Definition: public.h:1846
void * fbBasicListGetDataPtr(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr)
void fbSubTemplateListCollectorInit(fbSubTemplateList_t *STL)
Initializes a sub template list variable on a collector.
void fbSubTemplateListClearWithoutFree(fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateListPtr)
Clears the sub template list parameters but does not free the data ptr.
void fBufSetBuffer(fBuf_t *fbuf, uint8_t *buf, size_t buflen)
Set a buffer on an fBuf for collection.
fbSession_t * fbSessionAlloc(fbInfoModel_t *model)
Allocate a transport session state container.
fBuf_t * fbListenerWaitNoCollectors(fbListener_t *listener, GError **err)
Waits for an incoming connection, just like fbListenerWait, except that this function doesn't monitor...
uint16_t fbSessionLookupTemplatePair(fbSession_t *session, uint16_t ext_tid)
Function to find a pair, uniquely identified by the external ID, and return the associated internal t...
struct fbInfoElementOptRec_st fbInfoElementOptRec_t
The corresponding struct to the Information Element Type Options Template.
uint32_t flags
Application flags word.
Definition: public.h:1516
void(* fbNewTemplateCallback_fn)(fbSession_t *session, uint16_t tid, fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
The callback function to be called when the session receives a new external template from the connect...
Definition: public.h:1705
fbExporter_t * fBufGetExporter(fBuf_t *fbuf)
Retrieve the exporting process endpoint associated with a buffer.
struct fbSubTemplateList_st fbSubTemplateList_t
Structure used to hold information of a sub template list.
uint8_t ie_type
ie data type
Definition: public.h:1450
fbTemplate_t * fbInfoElementAllocTypeTemplate(fbInfoModel_t *model, GError **err)
Allocate the Options Template that will be used to define Information Element Type Records...
uint16_t numElements
number of sub template lists in the multi list
Definition: public.h:2303
guint index
iterator index
Definition: public.h:1073
void fbSubTemplateMultiListFree(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
Clears the multi list, then frees the memory pointed to by STML.
void fbSubTemplateMultiListClear(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
Clears all of the entries (frees their data pointers), then frees the memory containing the entries...
struct fbInfoElementSpec_st fbInfoElementSpec_t
A single IPFIX Information Element specification.
ListenerEntry's make up a listener group as a linked list.
Definition: public.h:1653
fBuf_t * fBufAllocForExport(fbSession_t *session, fbExporter_t *exporter)
Allocate a new buffer for export.
gboolean fbTemplateContainsElement(fbTemplate_t *tmpl, const fbInfoElement_t *ex_ie)
Determine if a template contains a given information element.
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetDataPtr(fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry)
Retrieves the data pointer for this entry.
ListenerGroupResult's contain the listener who's listening socket got a new connection.
Definition: public.h:1673
fbListenerGroup_t * fbListenerGroupAlloc(void)
Allocates and returns a fbListenerGroup with no entries.
enum fbTransport_en fbTransport_t
Transport protocol for connection specifier.
uint8_t * dataPtr
pointer to the buffer used to hold the data
Definition: public.h:2060
fbInfoModel_t * fbInfoModelAlloc(void)
Allocate a new information model.
fbVarfield_t ie_name
information element name
Definition: public.h:1456
uint8_t semantic
value used to describe the list of sub templates
Definition: public.h:2305
void fbCollectorSetAcceptOnly(fbCollector_t *collector, struct sockaddr *address, size_t address_length)
Set the collector to only receive from the given IP address over UDP.
void(* fbTemplateCtxCallback2_fn)(fbSession_t *session, uint16_t tid, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, void *app_ctx, void **tmpl_ctx, fbTemplateCtxFree2_fn *fn)
A callback function that will be called when the session receives a new external template.
Definition: public.h:1791
uint8_t fbSubTemplateMultiListGetSemantic(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
Get the semantic paramter from the multi list.
Structure used to hold information of a sub template list.
Definition: public.h:2050
char * name
Information element name.
Definition: public.h:1504
void * fbSubTemplateListGetNextPtr(const fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateListPtr, void *currentPtr)
This function also traverses the elements in the list by accepting a pointer to the last element the ...
void fBufSetExportTime(fBuf_t *fbuf, uint32_t extime)
Set the export time on the message currently in a buffer.
void * vssl_ctx
Pointer to SSL context cache.
Definition: public.h:1586
uint32_t midx
Multiple IE index.
Definition: public.h:1409
size_t fbExporterGetMsgLen(fbExporter_t *exporter)
Get the (transcoded) message length that was copied to the exporting buffer upon fBufEmit().
void * fbBasicListGetNextPtr(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr, void *currentPtr)
Function returns the next element in the list based on the currentPtr.
fbListenerEntry_t * prev
pointer to the previous listener entry in the linked list
Definition: public.h:1658
char * host
Hostname to connect/listen to.
Definition: public.h:1566
An iterator over the information elements in an information model.
Definition: public.h:1065
gboolean fbSessionExportTemplates(fbSession_t *session, GError **err)
Export all external templates in the current domain of a given session.
fbTemplate_t * fBufNextCollectionTemplate(fBuf_t *fbuf, uint16_t *ext_tid, GError **err)
Retrieve the external template that will be used to read the next record from the buffer...
uint8_t padding[6]
padding to align with template
Definition: public.h:1454
uint32_t fbCollectorGetSFlowMissed(fbCollector_t *collector, struct sockaddr *peer, size_t peerlen, uint32_t obdomain)
union fbSubTemplateList_st::@2 dataLength
length of the allocated buffer used to hold the data
void fbInfoModelFree(fbInfoModel_t *model)
Free an information model.
uint16_t tmplID
ID of the template used to structure the data.
Definition: public.h:2062
void fbSubTemplateListSetSemantic(fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateListPtr, uint8_t semantic)
Sets the semantic parameter of a subTemplateList.
const struct fbInfoElement_st * canon
Pointer to canonical copy of IE.
Definition: public.h:1396
fbTemplate_t * fBufGetCollectionTemplate(fBuf_t *fbuf, uint16_t *ext_tid)
Retrieve the external template used to read the last record from the buffer.
fbCollector_t * fBufGetCollector(fBuf_t *fbuf)
Retrieve the collecting process endpoint associated with a buffer.
gboolean fbInfoElementWriteOptionsRecord(fBuf_t *fbuf, const fbInfoElement_t *model_ie, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
Export an options record to the given fbuf with information element type information about the given ...
void * fbCollectorGetContext(fbCollector_t *collector)
Retrieve the application context associated with a collector.
The corresponding struct to the Information Element Type Options Template.
Definition: public.h:1438
gboolean fBufSetExportTemplate(fBuf_t *fbuf, uint16_t ext_tid, GError **err)
Set the external template for export on a buffer to the given template ID.
void * fbBasicListRealloc(fbBasicList_t *basicList, uint16_t newNumElements)
Free the current data pointer, allocating a new buffer to accomodate the new number of elements...
Secure, unreliable datagram transport via DTLS over UDP.
Definition: public.h:1555
void fbExporterSetStream(fbExporter_t *exporter, int sctp_stream)
Set the SCTP stream for the next message exported.
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryNextDataPtr(fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry, void *currentPtr)
This function traverses the elements in the entry by accepting a pointer to the last element the user...
struct fbInfoModel_st fbInfoModel_t
An IPFIX information model.
Definition: public.h:1060
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetIndexedPtr(fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry, uint16_t index)
Returns a pointer to a data element in the entry based on the index.
uint32_t flags
Definition: public.h:1421
gboolean fbInfoElementAddOptRecElement(fbInfoModel_t *model, fbInfoElementOptRec_t *rec)
Add an element that we received via an Options Record to the given info model.
const char * description
Definition: public.h:1429
uint16_t numElements
number of elements in this entry
Definition: public.h:2292
gboolean fbTemplateContainsElementByName(fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElementSpec_t *spec)
Determine if a template contains at least one instance of a given information element, specified by name in the template's information model.
Reliable stream transport via TCP.
Definition: public.h:1536
void fbInfoModelAddElement(fbInfoModel_t *model, fbInfoElement_t *ie)
Add a single information element to an information model.
uint32_t fbSessionGetDomain(fbSession_t *session)
Retrieve the current domain on a session.
void * fbBasicListAddNewElements(fbBasicList_t *basicList, uint16_t numNewElements)
Allocates an additional elememnt into the basic list must be called after calling BasicListInit...
Entries contain the same type of information at SubTemplateLists: template ID and template pointers t...
Definition: public.h:2282
gboolean(* fbListenerAppInit_fn)(fbListener_t *listener, void **ctx, int fd, struct sockaddr *peer, size_t peerlen, GError **err)
Application context initialization function type for fbListener_t.
Definition: public.h:2698
fbVarfield_t ie_desc
information element description
Definition: public.h:1458
void * fbBasicListInit(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr, uint8_t semantic, const fbInfoElement_t *infoElement, uint16_t numElements)
Initializes the basic list structure based on the parameters.
int fbListenerGroupAddListener(fbListenerGroup_t *group, const fbListener_t *listener)
Adds a previously allocated listener to the previously allocated group.
gboolean fbInfoModelTypeInfoRecord(fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
Checks to see if the template contains all of the elements the RFC 5610 info element type record shou...
gboolean fBufSetAutomaticInsert(fBuf_t *fbuf, GError **err)
Set the automatic insert flag on a buffer.
void fbExporterAutoStream(fbExporter_t *exporter)
Enable automatic SCTP stream selection for the next message exported.
struct fbVarfield_st fbVarfield_t
A variable-length field value.
fbInfoModel_t * fbSessionGetInfoModel(fbSession_t *session)
guint fbInfoModelCountElements(const fbInfoModel_t *model)
Return the number of information elements in the information model.
enum fbInfoElementDataType_en fbInfoElementDataType_t
From RFC 5610: A description of the abstract data type of an IPFIX information element as registered ...
union fbInfoElement_st::@1 ref
Information element name.
fbTransport_t transport
Transport protocol to use.
Definition: public.h:1564
void fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryClear(fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry)
Frees the memory pointed to by the data buffer holding the data elements.
const fbTemplate_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetTemplate(fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry)
Retrieve the template pointer used to structure the data elements.
struct fbInfoModelIter_st fbInfoModelIter_t
An iterator over the information elements in an information model.
char * svc
Service name or port number to connect/listen to.
Definition: public.h:1568
void fbCollectorSetUDPMultiSession(fbCollector_t *collector, gboolean multi_session)
Attempt to maintain backwards compatibility with UDP.
void fbSessionAddTemplateCtxCallback(fbSession_t *session, fbTemplateCtxCallback_fn callback)
This function sets the callback that allows the application to set its own context variable with a ne...
uint8_t * dataPtr
pointer to the buffer used to hold the data in this entry
Definition: public.h:2286
void fbCollectorManageUDPStreamByPort(fbCollector_t *collector, gboolean manage_port)
An attempt to fix what some netflow v9 exporters do wrong.
fbListener_t * fbListenerAlloc(fbConnSpec_t *spec, fbSession_t *session, fbListenerAppInit_fn appinit, fbListenerAppFree_fn appfree, GError **err)
Allocate a listener.
const fbInfoElement_t * fbInfoModelGetElementByID(fbInfoModel_t *model, uint16_t id, uint32_t ent)
Return a pointer to the canonical information element within an information model given the informati...
char * ssl_key_pass
Private key decryption password.
Definition: public.h:1576
void fbSessionAddTemplateCtxCallback2(fbSession_t *session, fbTemplateCtxCallback2_fn callback, void *app_ctx)
This function sets the callback that allows the application to set its own context variable with a ne...
uint16_t ie_id
information element id
Definition: public.h:1448
gboolean fBufNextMessage(fBuf_t *fbuf, GError **err)
Read a new message into a buffer using the associated collecting process endpoint.
void * fbSubTemplateListGetIndexedDataPtr(const fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateListPtr, uint16_t index)
This function is used to iterate over the elements in the list by passing in a counter to indicate wh...
void * fbBasicListGetIndexedDataPtr(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr, uint16_t bl_index)
Function retrieves the index'th element in the list index is 0-based.
From RFC 5610: A description of the abstract data type of an IPFIX information element as registered ...
Definition: public.h:1354
const fbInfoModel_t * model
information Model
Definition: public.h:1069
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListGetNextEntry(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *currentEntry)
This function also traverses the elements in the list by accepting a pointer to the last element the ...
uint32_t fBufGetExportTime(fBuf_t *fbuf)
Retrieve the export time on the message currently in a buffer.
void * fbSubTemplateListInitWithOwnBuffer(fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList, uint8_t semantic, uint16_t tmplID, const fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint16_t numElements, uint16_t dataLength, uint8_t *dataPtr)
Initializes the subTemplateList but does not allocate a buffer.
uint8_t * buf
Content buffer.
Definition: public.h:1051
fbListenerGroupResult_t * fbListenerGroupWait(fbListenerGroup_t *group, GError **err)
Similar to fbListenerWait, except that is looks for connections for multiple listeners.
uint16_t fbSubTemplateListGetTemplateID(fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateListPtr)
Gets the template ID for the template used by the list.
fbBasicList_t * fbBasicListAlloc(void)
allocates a Basic List Structure
Transport protocol for connection specifier.
Definition: public.h:1529
const fbInfoElement_t * fbInfoModelIterNext(fbInfoModelIter_t *iter)
Return a pointer to the next information element in the information model.
void * fbSubTemplateListRealloc(fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList, uint16_t newNumElements)
Free the current data pointer, allocating a new buffer to accomodate the new number of elements...
void fBufSetExporter(fBuf_t *fbuf, fbExporter_t *exporter)
Associate an exporting process endpoint with a buffer.
An IPFIX template or options template structure.
Definition: private.h:184
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListGetFirstEntry(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML)
Retrieve the first entry in the multi list.
void(* fbListenerAppFree_fn)(void *ctx)
Application context free function type for fbListener_t.
Definition: public.h:2713
void * fbTemplateGetContext(fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
Get the ctx pointer associated with a Template.
fbListenerEntry_t * next
pointer to the next listener entry in the linked list
Definition: public.h:1656
fbTemplate_t * fbTemplateAlloc(fbInfoModel_t *model)
Allocate a new empty template.
fbCollector_t * fbCollectorAllocFile(void *ctx, const char *path, GError **err)
Allocate a collecting process endpoint for a named file.
struct fbSubTemplateMultiList_st fbSubTemplateMultiList_t
Multilists just contain the semantic to describe the sub lists, the number of sub lists...
fbSession_t * fBufGetSession(fBuf_t *fbuf)
Retrieve the session associated with a buffer.
uint16_t ie_units
ie units
Definition: public.h:1446
void fbBasicListCollectorInit(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr)
This initializes a basic list structure for collection.
fbListenerGroupResult_t * next
Pointer to the next listener group result.
Definition: public.h:1676
void fbListenerFreeGroupResult(fbListenerGroupResult_t *result)
Free the fbListenerGroupResult_t returned from fbListenerGroupWait.
Secure, partially reliable datagram transport via DTLS over SCTP.
Definition: public.h:1544
void(* fbTemplateCtxFree_fn)(void *ctx)
A callback function that is called when a template is freed.
Definition: public.h:1717
uint32_t fbTemplateCountElements(fbTemplate_t *tmpl)
Determine number of information elements in a template.
uint32_t fbCollectorGetObservationDomain(fbCollector_t *collector)
Retrieves the observation domain of the node connected to the UDP collector.
size_t fBufRemaining(fBuf_t *fbuf)
Retrieve the length of the buffer that is remaining after processing.
void fbCollectorClose(fbCollector_t *collector)
Close the file or socket underlying a collecting process endpoint.
A basic list element in a template which structure represents a basic list on the internal side...
Definition: public.h:1844
void fbListenerGroupFree(fbListenerGroup_t *group)
frees a listener group
fBuf_t * fbListenerOwnSocketCollectorTCP(fbListener_t *listener, int sock, GError **err)
Returns an fBuf wrapped around an independently managed socket and a properly created listener for TC...
uint8_t fbBasicListGetSemantic(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr)
Get Semantic field for Basic List presumably used in collectors after decoding.
Connection specifier.
Definition: public.h:1562
fbListener_t * listener
pointer to the listener to add to the list
Definition: public.h:1660
fbTemplate_t * tmpl
pointer to the template used to structure the data in this entry
Definition: public.h:2284
struct fBuf_st fBuf_t
An IPFIX message buffer.
Definition: public.h:1034
uint64_t max
range max
Definition: public.h:1425
fbTemplate_t * fbSessionGetTemplate(fbSession_t *session, gboolean internal, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
Retrieve a template from a session by ID.
uint16_t len_override
Length override; if nonzero, replace the length of the IE from the model with this length...
Definition: public.h:1509
gboolean fbSessionExportTemplate(fbSession_t *session, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
Export a single external template in the current domain of a given session.
uint16_t fbSessionAddTemplate(fbSession_t *session, gboolean internal, uint16_t tid, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, GError **err)
Add a template to a session.
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListAddNewEntries(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, uint16_t numNewEntries)
Adds entries to the multi list of entries can only be run after the list has been initialized...
void * fbSubTemplateListAddNewElements(fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateList, uint16_t numNewElements)
Allocates space for a number of additional element in the sub template list must be called after the ...
uint8_t fbSubTemplateListGetSemantic(fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateListPtr)
Gets the semantic value from a sub template list.
gboolean fbTemplateAppendSpec(fbTemplate_t *tmpl, fbInfoElementSpec_t *spec, uint32_t flags, GError **err)
Append an information element described by specifier to a template.
A single IPFIX Information Element definition.
Definition: public.h:1388
int fbListenerGroupDeleteListener(fbListenerGroup_t *group, const fbListener_t *listener)
Removes the listener from the group.
void(* fbTemplateCtxFree2_fn)(void *tmpl_ctx, void *app_ctx)
A callback function that is called when a template is freed.
Definition: public.h:1729
gboolean fbSessionRemoveTemplate(fbSession_t *session, gboolean internal, uint16_t tid, GError **err)
Remove a template from a session.
uint8_t semantic
semantic field to describe the list
Definition: public.h:1854
const char * name
Information element name.
Definition: public.h:1401
const fbTemplate_t * fbSubTemplateListGetTemplate(fbSubTemplateList_t *subTemplateListPtr)
Gets the template pointer from the list structure.
void fbInfoModelIterInit(fbInfoModelIter_t *iter, const fbInfoModel_t *model)
Initialize an information model iterator for iteration.
void fbSessionResetExternal(fbSession_t *session)
Reset the external state (sequence numbers and templates) in a session state container.
uint8_t type
Data Type.
Definition: public.h:1427
uint16_t fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryGetTemplateID(fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry)
Retrieve the template ID for the template used to structure the data.
gboolean fbListenerGetCollector(fbListener_t *listener, fbCollector_t **collector, GError **err)
gboolean fbCollectorSetSFlowTranslator(fbCollector_t *collector, GError **err)
A single IPFIX Information Element specification.
Definition: public.h:1502
void fbListenerInterrupt(fbListener_t *listener)
Cause the current or next call to fbListenerWait to unblock and return.
fBuf_t * fbListenerOwnSocketCollectorTLS(fbListener_t *listener, int sock, GError **err)
Same as fbListenerOwnSocketCollectorTCP but for TLS (not tested)
fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t * fbSubTemplateMultiListGetIndexedEntry(fbSubTemplateMultiList_t *STML, uint16_t index)
Retrieve a pointer to the entry of a specific index.
gboolean fbCollectorClearTranslator(fbCollector_t *collector, GError **err)
char * ssl_key_file
Path to private key file.
Definition: public.h:1574
void fbInfoModelAddElementArray(fbInfoModel_t *model, fbInfoElement_t *ie)
Add multiple information elements in an array to an information model.
void fbBasicListSetSemantic(fbBasicList_t *basicListPtr, uint8_t semantic)
Sets the semantic for describing a basic list generally used in exporters before decoding.
gboolean fBufSetInternalTemplate(fBuf_t *fbuf, uint16_t int_tid, GError **err)
Set the internal template on a buffer to the given template ID.
uint8_t ie_semantic
ie semantic
Definition: public.h:1452
void * fbSubTemplateMultiListEntryInit(fbSubTemplateMultiListEntry_t *entry, uint16_t tmplID, fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint16_t numElements)
Initializes the multi list entry with the template values, and allocates the memory used by the entry...
void fbListenerFree(fbListener_t *listener)
Free a listener.
gboolean fbListValidSemantic(uint8_t semantic)
validates the value of the semantic field,
void fbSessionFree(fbSession_t *session)
Free a transport session state container.
void fbTemplateSetOptionsScope(fbTemplate_t *tmpl, uint16_t scope_count)
Set the number of information elements in a template that are scope.