Interface EventHook

  • @ConsumerType
    public interface EventHook
    OSGi Framework Bundle Event Hook Service.

    Bundles registering this service will be called during framework lifecycle (install, start, stop, update, and uninstall bundle) operations.

    $Id: 0b986db904e41d5a5bfb5d28fc849ee967decf0d $
    • Method Detail

      • event

        void event​(BundleEvent event,
                   java.util.Collection<BundleContext> contexts)
        Bundle event hook method. This method is called prior to bundle event delivery when a bundle is installed, resolved, started, stopped, unresolved, or uninstalled. This method can filter the bundles which receive the event.

        This method must be called by the framework one and only one time for each bundle event generated, this included bundle events which are generated when there are no bundle listeners registered. This method must be called on the same thread that is performing the action which generated the specified event. The specified collection includes bundle contexts with synchronous and asynchronous bundle listeners registered with them.

        event - The bundle event to be delivered
        contexts - A collection of Bundle Contexts for bundles which have listeners to which the specified event will be delivered. The implementation of this method may remove bundle contexts from the collection to prevent the event from being delivered to the associated bundles. The collection supports all the optional Collection operations except add and addAll. Attempting to add to the collection will result in an UnsupportedOperationException. The collection is not synchronized.