Class BundleWiringImpl

    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
      • hasPackageSource

        public boolean hasPackageSource​(java.lang.String pkgName)
      • getImportedPackageSource

        public BundleRevision getImportedPackageSource​(java.lang.String pkgName)
      • isCurrent

        public boolean isCurrent()
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns true if this bundle wiring is the current bundle wiring. The bundle wiring for a bundle is the current bundle wiring if it is the most recent bundle wiring for the current bundle revision. All bundles with non-current, in use bundle wirings are considered removal pending.
        Specified by:
        isCurrent in interface BundleWiring
        true if this bundle wiring is the current bundle wiring; false otherwise.
      • isInUse

        public boolean isInUse()
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns true if this bundle wiring is in use. A bundle wiring is in use if it is the current wiring or if some other in use bundle wiring is dependent upon it. Once a bundle wiring is no longer in use, it is considered stale and is discarded by the framework.
        Specified by:
        isInUse in interface BundleWiring
        true if this bundle wiring is in use; false otherwise.
      • getResourceCapabilities

        public java.util.List<Capability> getResourceCapabilities​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the capabilities provided by this wiring.

        Only capabilities considered by the resolver are returned. For example, capabilities with effective directive not equal to resolve are not returned.

        A capability may not be required by any wiring and thus there may be no wires for the capability.

        A wiring for a non-fragment resource provides a subset of the declared capabilities from the resource and all attached fragment resources. Not all declared capabilities may be provided since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be both exported and imported, only one is selected and the other is discarded.

        A wiring for a fragment resource with a symbolic name must provide exactly one osgi.identity capability.

        † The osgi.identity capability provided by attached fragment resource must not be included in the capabilities of the host wiring.

        This method returns the same value as BundleWiring.getCapabilities(String).

        Specified by:
        getResourceCapabilities in interface BundleWiring
        Specified by:
        getResourceCapabilities in interface Wiring
        namespace - The namespace of the capabilities to return or null to return the capabilities from all namespaces.
        A list containing a snapshot of the Capabilitys, or an empty list if this wiring provides no capabilities in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the capabilities in the order the capabilities were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
      • getCapabilities

        public java.util.List<BundleCapability> getCapabilities​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the capabilities provided by this bundle wiring.

        Only capabilities considered by the resolver are returned. For example, capabilities with effective directive not equal to resolve are not returned.

        A capability may not be required by any bundle wiring and thus there may be no wires for the capability.

        A bundle wiring for a non-fragment revision provides a subset of the declared capabilities from the bundle revision and all attached fragment revisions. Not all declared capabilities may be provided since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be both exported and imported, only one is selected and the other is discarded.

        A bundle wiring for a fragment revision with a symbolic name must provide exactly one identity capability.

        † The identity capability provided by attached fragment revisions must not be included in the capabilities of the host bundle wiring.

        Specified by:
        getCapabilities in interface BundleWiring
        namespace - The namespace of the capabilities to return or null to return the capabilities from all namespaces.
        A list containing a snapshot of the BundleCapabilitys, or an empty list if this bundle wiring provides no capabilities in the specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not in use, null will be returned. For a given namespace, the list contains the capabilities in the order the capabilities were specified in the manifests of the bundle revision and the attached fragments of this bundle wiring. There is no ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
      • getResourceRequirements

        public java.util.List<Requirement> getResourceRequirements​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the requirements of this wiring.

        Only requirements considered by the resolver are returned. For example, requirements with effective directive not equal to resolve are not returned.

        A wiring for a non-fragment resource has a subset of the declared requirements from the resource and all attached fragment resources. Not all declared requirements may be present since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be optionally imported and is not actually imported, the requirement must be discarded.

        This method returns the same value as BundleWiring.getRequirements(String).

        Specified by:
        getResourceRequirements in interface BundleWiring
        Specified by:
        getResourceRequirements in interface Wiring
        namespace - The namespace of the requirements to return or null to return the requirements from all namespaces.
        A list containing a snapshot of the Requirements, or an empty list if this wiring uses no requirements in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the requirements in the order the requirements were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between requirements in different namespaces.
      • getRequirements

        public java.util.List<BundleRequirement> getRequirements​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the requirements of this bundle wiring.

        Only requirements considered by the resolver are returned. For example, requirements with effective directive not equal to resolve are not returned.

        A bundle wiring for a non-fragment revision has a subset of the declared requirements from the bundle revision and all attached fragment revisions. Not all declared requirements may be present since some may be discarded. For example, if a package is declared to be optionally imported and is not actually imported, the requirement must be discarded.

        Specified by:
        getRequirements in interface BundleWiring
        namespace - The namespace of the requirements to return or null to return the requirements from all namespaces.
        A list containing a snapshot of the BundleRequirements, or an empty list if this bundle wiring uses no requirements in the specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not in use, null will be returned. For a given namespace, the list contains the requirements in the order the requirements were specified in the manifests of the bundle revision and the attached fragments of this bundle wiring. There is no ordering defined between requirements in different namespaces.
      • getNativeLibraries

        public java.util.List<NativeLibrary> getNativeLibraries()
      • getProvidedResourceWires

        public java.util.List<Wire> getProvidedResourceWires​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the Wires to the provided capabilities of this wiring.

        This method returns the same value as BundleWiring.getProvidedWires(String).

        Specified by:
        getProvidedResourceWires in interface BundleWiring
        Specified by:
        getProvidedResourceWires in interface Wiring
        namespace - The namespace of the capabilities for which to return wires or null to return the wires for the capabilities in all namespaces.
        A list containing a snapshot of the Wires for the capabilities of this wiring, or an empty list if this wiring has no capabilities in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the capabilities were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
      • getProvidedWires

        public java.util.List<BundleWire> getProvidedWires​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the BundleWires to the provided capabilities of this bundle wiring.
        Specified by:
        getProvidedWires in interface BundleWiring
        namespace - The namespace of the capabilities for which to return wires or null to return the wires for the capabilities in all namespaces.
        A list containing a snapshot of the BundleWires for the capabilities of this bundle wiring, or an empty list if this bundle wiring has no capabilities in the specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not in use, null will be returned. For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the capabilities were specified in the manifests of the bundle revision and the attached fragments of this bundle wiring. There is no ordering defined between capabilities in different namespaces.
      • getRequiredResourceWires

        public java.util.List<Wire> getRequiredResourceWires​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the Wires to the requirements in use by this wiring.

        This method returns the same value as BundleWiring.getRequiredWires(String).

        Specified by:
        getRequiredResourceWires in interface BundleWiring
        Specified by:
        getRequiredResourceWires in interface Wiring
        namespace - The namespace of the requirements for which to return wires or null to return the wires for the requirements in all namespaces.
        A list containing a snapshot of the Wires for the requirements of this wiring, or an empty list if this wiring has no requirements in the specified namespace. For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the requirements were specified in the manifests of the resource and the attached fragment resources of this wiring. There is no ordering defined between requirements in different namespaces.
      • getRequiredWires

        public java.util.List<BundleWire> getRequiredWires​(java.lang.String namespace)
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the BundleWires to the requirements in use by this bundle wiring.

        This method may return different results if this bundle wiring establishes additional wires to more requirements. For example, dynamically importing a package will establish a new wire to the dynamically imported package.

        Specified by:
        getRequiredWires in interface BundleWiring
        namespace - The namespace of the requirements for which to return wires or null to return the wires for the requirements in all namespaces.
        A list containing a snapshot of the BundleWires for the requirements of this bundle wiring, or an empty list if this bundle wiring has no requirements in the specified namespace. If this bundle wiring is not in use, null will be returned. For a given namespace, the list contains the wires in the order the requirements were specified in the manifests of the bundle revision and the attached fragments of this bundle wiring followed by dynamically established wires, if any, in the order they were established. There is no ordering defined between requirements in different namespaces.
      • addDynamicWire

        public void addDynamicWire​(BundleWire wire)
      • getRevision

        public BundleRevision getRevision()
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the bundle revision for the bundle in this bundle wiring. Since a bundle update can change the entries in a bundle, different bundle wirings for the same bundle can have different bundle revisions.

        The bundle object referenced by the returned BundleRevision may return different information than the returned BundleRevision since the returned BundleRevision may refer to an older revision of the bundle.

        Specified by:
        getRevision in interface BundleWiring
        The bundle revision for this bundle wiring.
        See Also:
      • getClassLoader

        public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the class loader for this bundle wiring. Since a bundle refresh creates a new bundle wiring for a bundle, different bundle wirings for the same bundle will have different class loaders.
        Specified by:
        getClassLoader in interface BundleWiring
        The class loader for this bundle wiring. If this bundle wiring is not in use or this bundle wiring is for a fragment revision, null will be returned.
      • findEntries

        public java.util.List<> findEntries​(java.lang.String path,
                                                        java.lang.String filePattern,
                                                        int options)
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns entries in this bundle wiring's bundle revision and its attached fragment revisions. This bundle wiring's class loader is not used to search for entries. Only the contents of this bundle wiring's bundle revision and its attached fragment revisions are searched for the specified entries.

        This method takes into account that the "contents" of this bundle wiring can have attached fragments. This "bundle space" is not a namespace with unique members; the same entry name can be present multiple times. This method therefore returns a list of URL objects. These URLs can come from different JARs but have the same path name. This method can either return only entries in the specified path or recurse into subdirectories returning entries in the directory tree beginning at the specified path.

        URLs for directory entries must have their path end with "/".

        Note: Jar and zip files are not required to include directory entries. URLs to directory entries will not be returned if the bundle contents do not contain directory entries.

        Specified by:
        findEntries in interface BundleWiring
        path - The path name in which to look. The path is always relative to the root of this bundle wiring and may begin with "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of this bundle wiring.
        filePattern - The file name pattern for selecting entries in the specified path. The pattern is only matched against the last element of the entry path. If the entry is a directory then the trailing "/" is not used for pattern matching. Substring matching is supported, as specified in the Filter specification, using the wildcard character ("*"). If null is specified, this is equivalent to "*" and matches all files.
        options - The options for listing resource names. See BundleWiring.FINDENTRIES_RECURSE. The method must ignore unrecognized options.
        An unmodifiable list of URL objects for each matching entry, or an empty list if no matching entry could be found, if this bundle wiring is for a fragment revision or if the caller does not have the appropriate AdminPermission[bundle,RESOURCE] and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions. The list is ordered such that entries from the bundle revision are returned first followed by the entries from attached fragment revisions in attachment order. If this bundle wiring is not in use, null must be returned.
        See Also:
        Bundle.findEntries(String, String, boolean)
      • listResources

        public java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> listResources​(java.lang.String path,
                                                                    java.lang.String filePattern,
                                                                    int options)
        Description copied from interface: BundleWiring
        Returns the names of resources visible to this bundle wiring's class loader. The returned names can be used to access the resources via this bundle wiring's class loader.
        • Only the resource names for resources in bundle wirings will be returned. The names of resources visible to a bundle wiring's parent class loader, such as the bootstrap class loader, must not be included in the result.
        • Only established wires will be examined for resources. This method must not cause new wires for dynamic imports to be established.
        Specified by:
        listResources in interface BundleWiring
        path - The path name in which to look. The path is always relative to the root of this bundle wiring's class loader and may begin with "/". A path value of "/" indicates the root of this bundle wiring's class loader.
        filePattern - The file name pattern for selecting resource names in the specified path. The pattern is only matched against the last element of the resource path. If the resource is a directory then the trailing "/" is not used for pattern matching. Substring matching is supported, as specified in the Filter specification, using the wildcard character ("*"). If null is specified, this is equivalent to "*" and matches all files.
        options - The options for listing resource names. See BundleWiring.LISTRESOURCES_LOCAL and BundleWiring.LISTRESOURCES_RECURSE. This method must ignore unrecognized options.
        An unmodifiable collection of resource names for each matching resource, or an empty collection if no matching resource could be found, if this bundle wiring is for a fragment revision or if the caller does not have the appropriate AdminPermission[bundle,RESOURCE] and the Java Runtime Environment supports permissions. The collection is unordered and must contain no duplicate resource names. If this bundle wiring is not in use, null must be returned.
      • getBundle

        public Bundle getBundle()
        Description copied from interface: BundleReference
        Returns the Bundle object associated with this BundleReference.
        Specified by:
        getBundle in interface BundleReference
        The Bundle object associated with this BundleReference.
      • getResourcesByDelegation

        public java.util.Enumeration getResourcesByDelegation​(java.lang.String name)
      • getClassByDelegation

        public java.lang.Class getClassByDelegation​(java.lang.String name)
                                             throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
      • getResourceByDelegation

        public getResourceByDelegation​(java.lang.String name)