Chapter 4. MIME

Table of Contents
Quick start
Data types
Parser functions
Rendering of MIME parts
Creation functions
Helper functions

libEtPan! implements a MIME message parser (also known as messages with attachments or multipart messages). This also allows to generate MIME messages.


All allocation functions will take as argument allocated data and will store these data in the structure they will allocate. Data should be persistant during all the use of the structure and will be freed by the free function of the structure

allocation functions will return NULL on failure functions returning integer will be returning one of the following error code: MAILIMF_NO_ERROR, MAILIMF_ERROR_PARSE, MAILIMF_ERROR_MEMORY, MAILIMF_ERROR_INVAL, or MAILIMF_ERROR_FILE.

Quick start

You will need this module when you want to parse a MIME message.

Render the MIME message

Build your MIME message, then use mailmime_write (the Section called mailmime_write) to render a MIME message.