Module Eliom_service

module Eliom_service: sig .. end

Creation and manipulation of Eliom services.

See the Eliom manual for a detailed introduction to the concept of .

See Eliom_service.create for the main service creation function.x

include Eliom_service_sigs.S
val create : ?name:string ->
?csrf_safe:bool ->
?csrf_scope:[< Eliom_common.user_scope ] ->
?csrf_secure:bool ->
?max_use:int ->
?timeout:float ->
?https:bool ->
?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] ->
?priority:int ->
meth:('m, 'gp, 'gn, 'pp, 'pn, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ] as 'a, 'gp_)
meth ->
path:('att, 'co, 'gp_) path_option ->
unit -> ('gp, 'pp, 'm, 'att, 'co, non_ext, reg, 'a, 'gn, 'pn, non_ocaml) t

Service definition

The function create ~id ~path () creates a service (Eliom_service_sigs.S.t) identified as per path and accepting parameters as per meth. See Eliom_service_sigs.S.path_option and Eliom_service_sigs.TYPES.meth for the respective arguments.

If path = Path p, the service appears on path p. Otherwise (No_path), the service doesn't have its own path. Rather, the service responds on any path as long as an internal automatically-generated parameter is provided.

In addition to ~path and ~meth, create accepts a series of optional arguments described below.

If ~https:true is provided, all links towards that service will use HTTPS. By default, links will keep the current protocol.

The optional argument ~priority allows one to change the priority order between services that share the same path. The default priority is 0. If you want the service to be tried before (resp. after) other services, put a higher (resp. lower) priority.

The remaining arguments are ignored for services identified by a path (constructor Path).

The optional ~timeout argument specifies a timeout (in seconds) after which the coservice will disappear. This amount of time is computed from the creation or from the last call to the service. The default is "no timeout". The optional ~max_use argument specifies that the service can be used only a fixed number of times. The default is "no limitation".

If the optional argument ~keep_nl_params:`Persistent (resp. ~keep_nl_params:`All) is given, all links towards that service will keep persistent (resp. all) non localized GET arguments of the current service. The default is `None. See the eliom manual for more information about .

The optional ~name argument provides a name for the service; otherwise, it will be anonymous (with an auto-generated internal name).

If the optional ~csrf_safe argument is true, we create a . In that case the ~name argument is ignored. The default is false.

The ~csrf_scope and ~csrf_secure, if present, should respectively correspond to the ~scope and ~secure arguments that will be given to the associated register function. Otherwise the registration will fail with . See Eliom_registration.Html.register, Eliom_registration.App.register or any other Eliom_registration.*.register functions for a description of these arguments.

Warning: create must be called when the site information is available, that is, either during a request or during the initialisation phase of the site. Otherwise, it will raise the exception Eliom_common.Eliom_site_information_not_available. If you are using static linking, you must delay the call to this function until the configuration file is read, using Eliom_service.register_eliom_module. Otherwise you will also get this exception.

val create_attached_get : ?name:string ->
?csrf_safe:bool ->
?csrf_scope:[< Eliom_common.user_scope ] ->
?csrf_secure:bool ->
?max_use:int ->
?timeout:float ->
?https:bool ->
?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] ->
fallback:(unit, unit, get, att, non_co, non_ext, 'a, [ `WithoutSuffix ],
unit, unit, non_ocaml)
t ->
get_params:('gp, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'gn) Eliom_parameter.params_type ->
unit ->
('gp, unit, get, att, co, non_ext, reg, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'gn, unit,

create_attached_get ~fallback ~get_params () attaches a new service on the path of fallback. The new service implements the GET method and accepts get_params, in addition to an automatically-generated parameter that is used to identify the service and does not need to be provided by the programmer. fallback remains available. For a description of the optional parameters see Eliom_service.create.

val create_attached_post : ?name:string ->
?csrf_safe:bool ->
?csrf_scope:[< Eliom_common.user_scope ] ->
?csrf_secure:bool ->
?max_use:int ->
?timeout:float ->
?https:bool ->
?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] ->
fallback:('gp, unit, get, att, non_co, non_ext, 'a,
[< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ] as 'b, 'gn, unit, non_ocaml)
t ->
post_params:('pp, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'pn) Eliom_parameter.params_type ->
unit -> ('gp, 'pp, post, att, co, non_ext, reg, 'b, 'gn, 'pn, non_ocaml) t

create_attached_post ~fallback ~post_params () attaches a new service on the path of fallback. The new service implements the POST method and accepts the GET parameters of fallback, in addition to the POST parameters post_params. An automatically-generated parameter is used to identify the service and does not need to be provided by the programmer. fallback remains available. For a description of the optional parameters see Eliom_service.create.

val attach : fallback:(unit, unit, get, att, 'a, non_ext, 'b,
[< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], unit, unit, 'return1)
t ->
service:('get, 'post, 'meth, non_att, co, non_ext, 'c,
[< `WithoutSuffix ] as 'd, 'gn, 'pn, 'return)
t ->
unit ->
('get, 'post, 'meth, att, co, non_ext, non_reg, 'd, 'gn, 'pn, 'return) t

attach ~fallback ~service () attaches the preexisting pathless service service on the URL of fallback. This allows creating a link to a pathless service but with another URL than the current one. It is not possible to register something on the service returned by this function.

Static loading of Eliom modules

This functionality allows one to register initialization functions for Eliom modules which will be executed when the corresponding module is loaded in ocsigenserver.conf. If the module is loaded dynamically, you probably don't need this. But if the module is linked statically, some computations, like service registrations must be delayed.

val register_eliom_module : string -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

The function register_eliom_module mod f is used to register the initialization function f to be executed when then module mod is loaded by Ocsigen server. The module mod could either be a dynamically loaded module or linked statically into the server: in each case, the f function will be invoked when the module is initialized in the configuration file using <eliommodule ...> ... </eliommodule>. If register_eliom_module is called twice with the same module name, the second initialization function will replace the previous one.

val unregister : ?scope:[< Eliom_common.scope ] ->
?secure:bool ->
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, non_ext, 'f, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'g, 'h,
t -> unit

The function unregister service unregister the service handler previously associated to service with Eliom_registration.Html.register, Eliom_registration.App.register or any other Eliom_registration.*.register functions. See the documentation of those functions for a description of the ~scope and ~secure optional parameters.

val is_external : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'h, 'i, 'j) t ->

Returns whether it is an external service or not.