Module Eliom_registration.Any

module Any: Eliom_registration_sigs.S_poly_with_create_with_send 
  with type 'a page = 'a kind
   and type options = unit
   and type 'a return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml
   and type 'a result = 'a kind

Eliom service registration for services that choose dynamically what they want to send. The content is created using for example Html.send or String.send functions. See the Eliom manual for more information about

include Eliom_registration_sigs.S_poly_with_create
type 'a result 
val send : ?options:options ->
?charset:string ->
?code:int ->
?content_type:string ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
'a page ->
'a result Lwt.t