Functor Eliom_notif.Make

module Make: 
functor (A : ARG) -> S with type identity = A.identity and type key = A.key and type server_notif = A.server_notif and type client_notif = A.client_notif

Use this functor if you need to customise your notifications with client-specific data (or block notifications for specific clients). This is made to work specifically in a multi-server set-up as well, where In a multi-server set-up notifications might need to be serialised twice, once before broadcasting them to the other servers (without client information present), and then once more to forward them to the clients possibly augmenting it with client-specific data or block for specific clients; see ARG.prepare.

Note: The communication between servers is not implemented in this module. To `plug in' your method of transporting notifications between servers you can override S.notify. See the manual for an example (coming soon).


type identity 

identity is the type of values used to differentiate one listener from another. Typically it will be a user, but it could also for instance be a chat window.

type key 

key is the type of values designating a given resource.

type server_notif 

server notification type; Can be different from client_notif.

type client_notif 

client notification type; Can be different from server_notif.

val init : unit -> unit Lwt.t

Initialise the notification module for the current client. This function needs to be called before using most other functions of this module. It isn't called implicitly during module instantiation because it relies on identity data which might not be available yet.

val deinit : unit -> unit

Deinitialise/deactivate the notification module for the current client.

val listen : key -> unit

Make client process listen on data whose index is key

val unlisten : key -> unit

Stop listening on data key

module Ext: sig .. end
val notify : ?notfor:[ `Id of identity | `Me ] ->
key -> server_notif -> unit

Call notify key n to send a notification n to all clients currently listening on data referenced by key.

If ~notfor is `Me, notification will not be sent to the tab currently doing the request (the one which caused the notification to happen). Note that if notify is called with ~notfor:`Me outside of a request it will fail. If it is `Id id it won't be sent to the destination defined by id.

val client_ev : unit -> (key * client_notif) Eliom_react.Down.t

Returns the client react event.

'a Eliom_react.Down.t = 'a React.E.t on client side.

Map a function on this event to react to notifications from the server. For example:

let%client handle_notification some_stuff ev = ...

let%server something some_stuff = ignore %client (ignore ( (handle_notification ~%some_stuff) ~%(Notif_module.client_ev ()) ) : unit)

val clean : unit -> unit

Call clean () to clear the tables from empty data.