Module Eliom_lib

module Eliom_lib: sig .. end

A few common functions used by Eliom. Extension of OCaml stdlib. See also

include Ocsigen_lib

See .

include Eliom_lib_base
type file_info = Ocsigen_extensions.file_info 
val string_escape : string -> string
val to_json : ?typ:'a Deriving_Json.t -> 'a -> string
val of_json : ?typ:'a Deriving_Json.t -> string -> 'a
val debug : ('a, unit, string, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

Deprecated. Use Lwt_log.ign_info_f instead

val jsmarshal : 'a -> string

Marshal an OCaml value into a string. All characters are escaped

module Lwt_log: sig .. end

Extension of .

val make_cryptographic_safe_string : ?len:int -> unit -> string

Return a base-64 encoded cryptographic safe string of the given length. Not implemented client-side.