Module Eliom_client

module Eliom_client: sig .. end

Call server side services and change the current page.

val lock_request_handling : unit -> unit
val unlock_request_handling : unit -> unit

Mobile applications

val init_client_app : app_name:string ->
?ssl:bool ->
hostname:string -> ?port:int -> site_dir:Eliom_lib.Url.path -> unit -> unit

Call this function if you want to be able to run your client side app before doing the first request, that is, when the client side app is not sent by the server. This may be the case for example if you are developing a mobile app. The parameters correspond to the base URL of the server side of your application.

Alternatively, and to make sure it is done early enough, define JS variables called __eliom_server and __eliom_app_name at the beginning of your html file, containing the full URL of your server and Eliom app name.

site_dir (if given) specifies the path that the application runs under. It should correspond to the <site> tag of your server configuration. Calls to server functions use this path.

val is_client_app : unit -> bool

Returns whether the application is sent by a server or started on client side. If called on server side, always returns false. Otherwise, it tests the presence of JS variables added automatically by Eliom when the page is sent by a server. Example:

 if not (Eliom_client.is_client_app ())
 then Eliom_client.init_client_app ... 

Calling services

val change_page : ?ignore_client_fun:bool ->
?replace:bool ->
?window_name:string ->
?window_features:string ->
?absolute:bool ->
?absolute_path:bool ->
?https:bool ->
service:('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'h,
'i, Eliom_service.non_ocaml)
Eliom_service.t ->
?hostname:string ->
?port:int ->
?fragment:string ->
?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] ->
?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set ->
?keep_get_na_params:bool ->
?progress:(int -> int -> unit) ->
?upload_progress:(int -> int -> unit) ->
?override_mime_type:string -> 'a -> 'b -> unit Lwt.t

Call a service and change the current page. If the service belongs to the same application, the client side program is not stopped, and only the content (not the container) is reloaded. If the replace flag is set, the new page will replace the current page in the browser history if the service belongs to the same application. The last two parameters are respectively the GET and POST parameters to send to the service. If window_name is provided and not "_self" (for example "_blank"), will behave as exit_to.

val call_ocaml_service : ?absolute:bool ->
?absolute_path:bool ->
?https:bool ->
service:('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'h,
'i, 'return Eliom_service.ocaml)
Eliom_service.t ->
?hostname:string ->
?port:int ->
?fragment:string ->
?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] ->
?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set ->
?keep_get_na_params:bool ->
?progress:(int -> int -> unit) ->
?upload_progress:(int -> int -> unit) ->
?override_mime_type:string -> 'a -> 'b -> 'return Lwt.t

Call a server side service that return an OCaml value.

If the service raises an exception, the call to the call_ocaml_service raises an exception whose argument describes the server-side exception. (NB that we cannot send the original exception as-it, because OCaml permits the marshalling of exceptions ...)

val exit_to : ?window_name:string ->
?window_features:string ->
?absolute:bool ->
?absolute_path:bool ->
?https:bool ->
service:('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'h,
'i, Eliom_service.non_ocaml)
Eliom_service.t ->
?hostname:string ->
?port:int ->
?fragment:string ->
?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] ->
?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set ->
?keep_get_na_params:bool -> 'a -> 'b -> unit

Stop current program and load a new page. Note that for string arguments, sole line feed or sole carriage return characters are substituted by the string "\r\n". If window_name is specified (for example "_blank"), open in new window by calling Javascript function In that case, you can add window_features parameter (as in Javascript function Warning: opening in other window may not work on mobile apps if is not implemented.

val window_open : window_name:Js_of_ocaml.Js.js_string Js_of_ocaml.Js.t ->
?window_features:Js_of_ocaml.Js.js_string Js_of_ocaml.Js.t ->
?absolute:bool ->
?absolute_path:bool ->
?https:bool ->
service:('a, unit, Eliom_service.get, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e,
[< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'f, unit, 'g)
Eliom_service.t ->
?hostname:string ->
?port:int ->
?fragment:string ->
?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] ->
?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set ->
?keep_get_na_params:bool ->
'a -> Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.window Js_of_ocaml.Js.t Js_of_ocaml.Js.opt

Loads an Eliom service in a window (cf. Javascript's

val change_url : ?replace:bool ->
?absolute:bool ->
?absolute_path:bool ->
?https:bool ->
service:('get, unit, Eliom_service.get, 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd,
[< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'e, unit, 'f)
Eliom_service.t ->
?hostname:string ->
?port:int ->
?fragment:string ->
?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] ->
?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> 'get -> unit

Changes the URL, without doing a request. It takes a GET (co-)service as parameter and its parameters. If the replace flag is set, the current page is not saved in the history.

val call_service : ?absolute:bool ->
?absolute_path:bool ->
?https:bool ->
service:('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'h,
'i, 'j)
Eliom_service.t ->
?hostname:string ->
?port:int ->
?fragment:string ->
?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] ->
?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set ->
?keep_get_na_params:bool ->
?progress:(int -> int -> unit) ->
?upload_progress:(int -> int -> unit) ->
?override_mime_type:string -> 'a -> 'b -> string Lwt.t

(low level) Call a server side service and return the content of the resulting HTTP frame as a string.


val onload : (unit -> unit) -> unit

Registers some code to be executed after loading the client application, or after changing the page the next time.

It complements as a toplevel expression in the client module with the side effect from client values while creating the response of a service: While the latter are executed each time the service has been called; the former is executed only once; but each at a time where the document is in place:

Beware of using onload when using the DOM caching functionality, i.e. push_history_dom. When switching to a cached page (e.g. by going back) the onload event is not triggered (as the page is not loaded). To avoid this problem rely on Page_status.onactive which is triggered for freshly generated pages as well as pages served from the DOM cache.

val lwt_onload : unit -> unit Lwt.t

Returns a Lwt thread that waits until the next page is loaded.

type changepage_event = {
   in_cache : bool;
   origin_uri : string;
   target_uri : string;
   origin_id : int;
   target_id : int option;

changepage_event is a record of some parameters related to page changes. in_cache is true if the dom of the page is cached by push_history_dom. origin_uri is the uri of the current page and target_uri is the uri of the next page. origin_id is the state_id of the current page and target_id is the state_id of the next page. target_id is not None if and only if the onchangepage event takes place during a navigation in history.

val onchangepage : (changepage_event -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit

Run some code *before* the next page change, that is, before each call to a page-producing service handler. Just like onpreload, handlers registered with onchangepage only apply to the next page change.

module Page_status: sig .. end
val onbeforeunload : (unit -> string option) -> unit

onbeforeunload f registers f as a handler to be called before changing the page the next time. If f returns Some s, then we ask the user to confirm quitting. We try to use s in the confirmation pop-up. None means no confirmation needed.

The callback f is sometimes triggered by internal service calls, and sometimes by the browser onbeforeunload event. In the onbeforeunload case, the confirmation pop-up is managed by the browser. For Firefox, the string s returned by f is ignored:

onbeforeunload can be used to register multiple callbacks.

val onunload : (unit -> unit) -> unit

onunload f registers f as a handler to be called before page change. The callback f is sometimes triggered by internal service calls, and sometimes by the browser onunload event. onunload can be used to register multiple callbacks.

val wait_load_end : unit -> unit Lwt.t

Wait for the initialization phase to terminate

val get_application_name : unit -> string

Returns the name of currently running Eliom application, defined while applying Eliom_registration.App functor.

val persist_document_head : unit -> unit

After this function is called, the document head is no longer changed on page change.

RPC / Server functions

See the .

type ('a, 'b) server_function = 'a -> 'b Lwt.t 

A ('a, 'b) server_function provides transparently access to a server side function which has been created by .

See also .

The handling of exception on the server corresponds to that of <<a_api subproject="client"|val Eliom_client.call_ocaml_service>>.

val change_page_uri : ?replace:bool -> string -> unit Lwt.t

change_page_uri ?replace uri identifies and calls the client-side service that implements uri.

We fallback to a server service call if the service is not registered on the client.

If the replace flag is set to true, the current page is not saved in the history.

val set_client_html_file : string -> unit

Set the name of the HTML file loading our client app. The default is "eliom.html". A wrong value will not allow the app to initialize itself correctly.