Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- MacroData : Dune::Alberta::MacroData< dim >::Library< int >, Dune::Alberta::MacroData< dim >
- MacroElement : Dune::Alberta::ElementInfo< dim >
- macroElement() : Dune::Alberta::ElementInfo< dim >, Dune::Alberta::MeshPointer< dim >::MacroIterator
- MacroGrid() : Dune::MacroGrid
- macroIndex() : Dune::Alberta::ElementInfo< dim >::Seed
- MacroIterator() : Dune::Alberta::MeshPointer< dim >::MacroIterator, Dune::AlbertaGridTreeIterator< codim, GridImp, leafIterator >
- main : Dune::VTK::VTUWriter
- make() : Dune::VertexOrderByIdFactory< IdSet, Index >, Dune::VTK::DataArrayWriterFactory
- MakeableInterfaceObject() : Dune::MakeableInterfaceObject< InterfaceType >
- makeArrayWriter() : Dune::VTK::VTUWriter
- makeConnectivity() : Dune::VTK::ConformingVolumeIteratorFactory< GV >, Dune::VTK::NonConformingBoundaryIteratorFactory< GV >, Dune::VTK::NonConformingVolumeIteratorFactory< GV >
- makelevel() : Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >
- Mapping() : Dune::GeoGrid::Geometry< mydim, cdim, Grid >::Mapping
- mark() : Dune::AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >, Dune::GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator >, Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::GridDefaultImplementation< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::IdentityGrid< HostGrid >, Dune::OneDGrid, Dune::UGGrid< dim >, Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >
- markAllOld() : Dune::AlbertaGridLevelProvider< dim >
- MarkerVector : Dune::AlbertaGridLeafIterator< codim, pitype, GridImp >, Dune::AlbertaGridLeafIterator< codim, Ghost_Partition, GridImp >, Dune::AlbertaGridLevelIterator< codim, pitype, GridImp >, Dune::AlbertaGridLevelIterator< codim, Ghost_Partition, GridImp >, Dune::AlbertaGridTreeIterator< codim, GridImp, leafIterator >
- markLongestEdge() : Dune::Alberta::MacroData< dim >::Library< int >, Dune::Alberta::MacroData< dim >, Dune::dgf::GridParameterBlock, Dune::GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
- markLongestEdge_ : Dune::dgf::GridParameterBlock
- markSubEntities() : Dune::AlbertaMarkerVector< dim, dimworld >
- Matrix : Dune::Alberta::GlobalSpace
- matrix : Dune::dgf::PeriodicFaceTransformationBlock::AffineTransformation
- Matrix() : Dune::dgf::PeriodicFaceTransformationBlock::Matrix< T >
- MatrixHelper : Dune::GeoGrid::GeometryTraits< Grid >
- max() : Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >
- maxArea() : Dune::dgf::SimplexGenerationBlock
- maxFaceTwist : Dune::AlbertaGridLocalGeometryProvider< Grid >
- maxLevel() : Dune::AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >, Dune::AlbertaGridLevelProvider< dim >::CalcMaxLevel, Dune::AlbertaGridLevelProvider< dim >, Dune::GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator >, Dune::Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >, Dune::IdentityGrid< HostGrid >, Dune::OneDGrid, Dune::UGGrid< dim >, Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates >
- maxLevelNeighbors : Dune::Alberta::ElementInfo< dim >
- maxNeighbors : Dune::Alberta::ElementInfo< dim >
- maxTwist : Dune::Alberta::Twist< dim, subdim >, Dune::Alberta::Twist< 1, 1 >, Dune::Alberta::Twist< 2, 2 >, Dune::Alberta::Twist< dim, 1 >, Dune::Alberta::Twist< dim, 2 >
- mesh() : Dune::Alberta::ElementInfo< dim >, Dune::Alberta::HierarchyDofNumbering< dim >, Dune::Alberta::MeshPointer< dim >::MacroIterator, Dune::AlbertaGridLevelProvider< dim >
- MeshPointer : Dune::Alberta::CoordCache< dim >, Dune::Alberta::ElementInfo< dim >, Dune::Alberta::HierarchyDofNumbering< dim >, Dune::Alberta::MeshPointer< dim >::MacroIterator, Dune::Alberta::MeshPointer< dim >
- meshPointer() : Dune::AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >
- MeshPointer : Dune::AlbertaGridEntitySeed< 0, const AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >, Dune::AlbertaGridEntitySeed< codim, const AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >, Dune::AlbertaGridLevelProvider< dim >, Dune::AlbertaGridTreeIterator< codim, GridImp, leafIterator >
- meshsize() : Dune::EquidistantCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates< ct, dim >, Dune::YGrid< Coordinates >::Iterator, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >::Iterator
- MessageBufferIF() : Dune::MessageBufferIF< MessageBufferImp >
- mightBeCoarsened() : Dune::IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >
- mightVanish() : Dune::Alberta::ElementInfo< dim >, Dune::AlbertaGridEntity< 0, dim, Grid >, Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::EntityDefaultImplementation< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::GeoGrid::Entity< 0, dim, Grid >, Dune::YaspEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >
- migrateEntry() : Dune::PersistentContainerMap< G, IdSet, Map >
- migrateLevel() : Dune::PersistentContainerMap< G, IdSet, Map >
- min() : Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >
- minAngle() : Dune::dgf::SimplexGenerationBlock
- minFaceTwist : Dune::AlbertaGridLocalGeometryProvider< Grid >
- minTwist : Dune::Alberta::Twist< dim, subdim >, Dune::Alberta::Twist< 1, 1 >, Dune::Alberta::Twist< 2, 2 >, Dune::Alberta::Twist< dim, 1 >, Dune::Alberta::Twist< dim, 2 >
- MinusExpression() : Dune::dgf::Expr::MinusExpression
- minVertexDistance : Dune::DuneGridFormatParser
- move() : Dune::YGrid< Coordinates >::Iterator, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >::Iterator, Dune::YGridComponent< Coordinates >
- MPICommunicator : Dune::DGFGridFactory< GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator > >, Dune::DGFGridFactory< IdentityGrid< HostGrid > >
- MPICommunicatorType : Dune::DGFGridFactory< G >, Dune::DGFGridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >, Dune::DGFGridFactory< OneDGrid >, Dune::DGFGridFactory< UGGrid< dim > >, Dune::DGFGridFactory< YaspGrid< dim, EquidistantCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >, Dune::DGFGridFactory< YaspGrid< dim, EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >, Dune::GridPtr< GridType >, Dune::MacroGrid
- MultiIndex() : Dune::FactoryUtilities::MultiIndex< dim >
- MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper() : Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper< GV >
- mydim : Dune::VTK::PointIterator< CellIterator, IS >
- mydimension : Dune::AlbertaGridCoordinateReader< codim, GridImp >, Dune::AlbertaGridEntity< codim, dim, Grid >, Dune::AlbertaGridEntity< 0, dim, Grid >, Dune::AlbertaGridEntitySeed< 0, const AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >, Dune::AlbertaGridEntitySeed< codim, const AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >, Dune::AlbertaGridGeometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp >, Dune::AlbertaGridGlobalGeometry< dim, cdim, const AlbertaGrid< dim, cdim > >, Dune::AlbertaGridIntersectionBase< Grid >::GlobalCoordReader< GridImp >, Dune::AlbertaGridIntersectionBase< Grid >::LocalCoordReader< GridImp >, Dune::Entity< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::EntityDefaultImplementation< cd, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::EntityDefaultImplementation< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >, Dune::GeoGrid::Entity< 0, dim, Grid >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, false >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntityBase< codim, Grid, true >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntitySeed< codim, Grd, false >, Dune::GeoGrid::EntitySeed< codim, Grd, true >, Dune::GeoGrid::Geometry< mydim, cdim, Grid >, Dune::Geometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp, GeometryImp >, Dune::GeometryDefaultImplementation< mydim, cdim, GridImp, GeometryImp >, Dune::GeometryDefaultImplementation< 0, cdim, GridImp, GeometryImp >, Dune::GeometryReference< Implementation >, Dune::Intersection< GridImp, IntersectionImp >
- mygrid_ptr() : Dune::GridPtr< GridType >::mygrid_ptr