▼ doc | |
doxygen | |
▼ recipes | |
recipe-integration.cc | |
recipe-iterate-over-grid.cc | |
▼ dune | |
▼ grid | |
► albertagrid | |
agrid.hh | AlbertaGrid class |
albertagrid.cc | |
albertaheader.hh | |
albertareader.hh | |
algebra.hh | |
albertagrid/backuprestore.hh | |
albertagrid/capabilities.hh | |
coordcache.hh | |
albertagrid/datahandle.hh | |
albertagrid/dgfparser.cc | |
albertagrid/dgfparser.hh | |
dofadmin.hh | |
dofvector.hh | |
elementinfo.cc | Wrapper for ALBERTA's el_info structure |
elementinfo.hh | Wrapper for ALBERTA's el_info structure |
entity.cc | |
albertagrid/entity.hh | |
albertagrid/entityseed.hh | |
geometry.cc | |
albertagrid/geometry.hh | |
geometrycache.hh | |
geometryreference.hh | Wrapper and interface classes for element geometries |
albertagrid/gridfactory.hh | Specialization of the generic GridFactory for AlbertaGrid |
albertagrid/gridfamily.hh | GridFamily for AlbertaGrid |
albertagrid/gridview.hh | |
hierarchiciterator.hh | |
indexsets.cc | |
albertagrid/indexsets.hh | |
indexstack.hh | Provides an index stack that supplies indices for element numbering for a grid (i.e. AlbertaGrid and ALUGrid) |
intersection.cc | |
albertagrid/intersection.hh | |
albertagrid/intersectioniterator.hh | Implementation of the IntersectionIterator for AlbertaGrid |
leafiterator.hh | |
level.hh | |
leveliterator.hh | |
macrodata.cc | Wrapper for ALBERTA's macro_data structure |
macrodata.hh | Wrapper for ALBERTA's macro_data structure |
macroelement.hh | |
meshpointer.cc | |
meshpointer.hh | Wrapper for ALBERTA's mesh structure |
misc.hh | |
albertagrid/persistentcontainer.hh | |
albertagrid/projection.hh | |
refinement.hh | Wrapper for ALBERTA's refinement patches and the corners for geometryInFather |
albertagrid/structuredgridfactory.hh | Specialization of the generic StructuredGridFactory for AlbertaGrid |
transformation.hh | |
treeiterator.hh | |
undefine-2.0.hh | Contains #undef s for all preprocessor macros defined by alberta |
undefine-3.0.hh | Contains #undef s for all preprocessor macros defined by alberta |
► common | |
adaptcallback.hh | Interfaces and wrappers needed for the callback adaptation provided by AlbertaGrid and dune-ALUGrid |
common/backuprestore.hh | |
boundaryprojection.hh | |
boundarysegment.hh | Base class for grid boundary segments of arbitrary geometry |
common/capabilities.hh | A set of traits classes to store static information about grid implementation |
datahandleif.hh | Describes the parallel communication interface class for MessageBuffers and DataHandles |
defaultgridview.hh | |
common/entity.hh | |
entityiterator.hh | |
common/entityseed.hh | Interface class EntitySeed |
exceptions.hh | |
common/geometry.hh | Wrapper and interface classes for element geometries |
common/grid.hh | Different resources needed by all grid implementations |
gridenums.hh | |
common/gridfactory.hh | Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids |
common/gridinfo.hh | Some functions to list information about a grid |
common/gridview.hh | |
indexidset.hh | Provides base classes for index and id sets |
common/intersection.hh | |
common/intersectioniterator.hh | |
mapper.hh | Provides classes with basic mappers which are used to attach data to a grid |
mcmgmapper.hh | Mapper for multiple codim and multiple geometry types |
partitionset.hh | |
rangegenerators.hh | |
scsgmapper.hh | Mapper classes are used to attach data to a grid |
sizecache.hh | Provides size cache classes to implement the grids size method efficiently |
► geometrygrid | |
geometrygrid/backuprestore.hh | |
cachedcoordfunction.hh | |
geometrygrid/capabilities.hh | |
coordfunction.hh | |
coordfunctioncaller.hh | |
cornerstorage.hh | |
geometrygrid/datahandle.hh | |
declaration.hh | |
geometrygrid/entity.hh | |
geometrygrid/entityseed.hh | |
geometrygrid/geometry.hh | |
geometrygrid/grid.hh | |
geometrygrid/gridfamily.hh | |
geometrygrid/gridview.hh | |
hostcorners.hh | |
identity.hh | |
idset.hh | |
geometrygrid/indexsets.hh | |
geometrygrid/intersection.hh | |
geometrygrid/intersectioniterator.hh | |
iterator.hh | |
geometrygrid/persistentcontainer.hh | |
► identitygrid | |
identitygridentity.hh | The IdentityGridEntity class |
identitygridentityseed.hh | The IdentityGridEntitySeed class |
identitygridgeometry.hh | The IdentityGridGeometry class and its specializations |
identitygridhierarchiciterator.hh | The IdentityGridHierarchicIterator class |
identitygridindexsets.hh | The index and id sets for the IdentityGrid class |
identitygridintersectioniterator.hh | The IdentityGridLeafIntersectionIterator and IdentityGridLevelIntersectionIterator classes |
identitygridintersections.hh | The IdentityGridLeafIntersection and IdentityGridLevelIntersection classes |
identitygridleafiterator.hh | The IdentityGridLeafIterator class |
identitygridleveliterator.hh | The IdentityGridLevelIterator class |
► io | |
► file | |
► dgfparser | |
► blocks | |
basic.cc | |
basic.hh | |
boundarydom.cc | |
boundarydom.hh | |
boundaryseg.cc | |
boundaryseg.hh | |
cube.cc | |
cube.hh | |
dim.cc | |
dim.hh | |
general.cc | |
general.hh | |
gridparameter.cc | |
gridparameter.hh | |
interval.cc | |
interval.hh | |
periodicfacetrans.cc | |
periodicfacetrans.hh | |
polygon.hh | |
polyhedron.hh | |
projection.cc | |
io/file/dgfparser/blocks/projection.hh | |
simplex.cc | |
simplex.hh | |
simplexgeneration.cc | |
simplexgeneration.hh | |
vertex.cc | |
vertex.hh | |
► utils | |
dgf2dgf.cc | Small program converting a DGF file into a DGF file |
gmsh2dgf.cc | Small program converting a gmsh file into a DGF file |
dgfexception.hh | |
dgfgeogrid.hh | |
dgfgridfactory.hh | |
dgfidentitygrid.hh | |
dgfoned.hh | |
io/file/dgfparser/dgfparser.cc | |
io/file/dgfparser/dgfparser.hh | |
dgfug.cc | |
dgfug.hh | |
dgfwriter.hh | Write a GridView to a DGF file |
dgfyasp.hh | |
entitykey.hh | |
entitykey_inline.hh | |
gridptr.hh | |
macrogrid.hh | |
parser.hh | |
► gnuplot | |
gnuplot.cc | Implementation of gnuplot output for 1D and 2D grids |
► vtk | |
b64enc.hh | Simple base64 encode |
basicwriter.hh | |
boundaryiterators.hh | Functions for VTK output on the skeleton |
boundarywriter.hh | |
common.hh | Common stuff for the VTKWriter |
corner.hh | |
corneriterator.hh | |
dataarraywriter.hh | Data array writers for the VTKWriter |
function.hh | Functions for VTK output |
functionwriter.hh | |
pointiterator.hh | |
pvtuwriter.hh | |
skeletonfunction.hh | Functions for VTK output on the skeleton |
streams.hh | |
subsamplingvtkwriter.hh | Provides subsampled file i/o for the visualization toolkit |
volumeiterators.hh | |
volumewriter.hh | |
vtksequencewriter.hh | |
vtksequencewriterbase.hh | |
vtkwriter.hh | Provides file i/o for the visualization toolkit |
vtuwriter.hh | |
io/file/dgfparser.hh | |
gmshreader.hh | |
gmshwriter.hh | |
gnuplot.hh | Provides gnuplot output for 1D Grids |
printgrid.hh | |
starcdreader.hh | |
vtk.hh | Convenience header which includes all available VTK writers |
► uggrid | |
uggridfactory.hh | The specialization of the generic GridFactory for UGGrid |
► utility | |
entitycommhelper.hh | |
globalindexset.hh | Provides a globally unique index for all entities of a distributed Dune grid |
gridinfo-gmsh-main.hh | Generic main() function for printing information about a mesh read from a .msh-file |
utility/gridinfo.hh | |
gridtype.hh | This file can be included directly following config.h to test if a grid type was correctly selected |
hierarchicsearch.hh | Utility class for hierarchically searching for an Entity containing a given point |
hostgridaccess.hh | |
multiindex.hh | Implements a multiindex with arbitrary dimension and fixed index ranges This is used by various factory classes |
parmetisgridpartitioner.hh | Compute a repartitioning of a Dune grid using ParMetis |
utility/persistentcontainer.hh | |
persistentcontainerinterface.hh | |
persistentcontainermap.hh | |
persistentcontainervector.hh | |
persistentcontainerwrapper.hh | |
utility/structuredgridfactory.hh | A class to construct structured cube and simplex grids using the grid factory |
tensorgridfactory.hh | This file provides a factory class for tensorproduct grids. This is a collection of methods to generate monotonous sequences as needed for a tensorproduct grid. Apart from easy ones for locally equidistant grids, there are also more involved methods like splitting a range according to a geometric series |
vertexorderfactory.hh | |
► yaspgrid | |
yaspgrid/backuprestore.hh | |
coordinates.hh | This provides container classes for the coordinates to be used in YaspGrid Upon implementation of the tensorproduct feature, the coordinate information has been encapsulated to keep performance for the equidistant grid. Containers for equidistant and tensorproduct grids are provided here |
partitioning.hh | This file provides tools to partition YaspGrids. If you want to write your own partitioner, inherit from Yasp::Partitioning and implement the partition() method. You can also browse this file for already available useful partitioners, like Yasp::FixedSizePartitioning |
structuredyaspgridfactory.hh | Specialization of the StructuredGridFactory class for YaspGrid |
torus.hh | This file provides the infrastructure for toroidal communication in YaspGrid |
yaspgridentity.hh | YaspEntity class and its specializations |
yaspgridentityseed.hh | The YaspEntitySeed class |
yaspgridgeometry.hh | The YaspGeometry class and its specializations |
yaspgridhierarchiciterator.hh | |
yaspgrididset.hh | |
yaspgridindexsets.hh | Level-wise, non-persistent, consecutive indices for YaspGrid |
yaspgridintersection.hh | The YaspIntersection class |
yaspgridintersectioniterator.hh | The YaspIntersectionIterator class |
yaspgridleveliterator.hh | The YaspLevelIterator class |
yaspgridpersistentcontainer.hh | Specialization of the PersistentContainer for YaspGrid |
ygrid.hh | This provides a YGrid, the elemental component of the yaspgrid implementation |
albertagrid.hh | |
geometrygrid.hh | |
identitygrid.hh | The IdentityGrid class |
onedgrid.hh | The OneDGrid class |
uggrid.hh | The UGGrid class |
yaspgrid.hh | |