file | entitycommhelper.hh [code] |
file | globalindexset.hh [code] |
| Provides a globally unique index for all entities of a distributed Dune grid.
file | gridinfo-gmsh-main.hh [code] |
| Generic main() function for printing information about a mesh read from a .msh-file.
file | utility/gridinfo.hh [code] |
file | gridtype.hh [code] |
| This file can be included directly following config.h to test if a grid type was correctly selected.
file | hierarchicsearch.hh [code] |
| Utility class for hierarchically searching for an Entity containing a given point.
file | hostgridaccess.hh [code] |
file | multiindex.hh [code] |
| Implements a multiindex with arbitrary dimension and fixed index ranges This is used by various factory classes.
file | parmetisgridpartitioner.hh [code] |
| Compute a repartitioning of a Dune grid using ParMetis.
file | utility/persistentcontainer.hh [code] |
file | persistentcontainerinterface.hh [code] |
file | persistentcontainermap.hh [code] |
file | persistentcontainervector.hh [code] |
file | persistentcontainerwrapper.hh [code] |
file | utility/structuredgridfactory.hh [code] |
| A class to construct structured cube and simplex grids using the grid factory.
file | tensorgridfactory.hh [code] |
| This file provides a factory class for tensorproduct grids. This is a collection of methods to generate monotonous sequences as needed for a tensorproduct grid. Apart from easy ones for locally equidistant grids, there are also more involved methods like splitting a range according to a geometric series.
file | vertexorderfactory.hh [code] |