dune-grid 2.9.0
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Dune Namespace Reference

Include standard header files. More...


namespace  Alberta
namespace  Capabilities
 Contains all capabilities classes.
namespace  dgf
namespace  FactoryUtilities
namespace  GeoGrid
 namespace containing the implementations of GeometryGrid
namespace  Gmsh
namespace  Partitions
 Predefined PartitionSets for commonly used combinations of parallel grid PartitionTypes.
namespace  VTK
namespace  Yasp


class  AdaptDataHandle
class  AdaptDataHandleInterface
 Interface class for the Grid's adapt method where the parameter is a AdaptDataHandleInterface. More...
class  AlbertaError
class  AlbertaGrid
 [ provides Dune::Grid ] More...
struct  AlbertaGridCoordinateReader
class  AlbertaGridEntity
class  AlbertaGridEntity< 0, dim, Grid >
class  AlbertaGridEntityPointer
class  AlbertaGridEntitySeed
class  AlbertaGridEntitySeed< 0, const AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
class  AlbertaGridEntitySeed< codim, const AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
struct  AlbertaGridFamily
class  AlbertaGridGeometry
 geometry implementation for AlbertaGrid More...
class  AlbertaGridGlobalGeometry
class  AlbertaGridGlobalGeometry< dim, cdim, const AlbertaGrid< dim, cdim > >
class  AlbertaGridHierarchicIndexSet
class  AlbertaGridHierarchicIterator
class  AlbertaGridIdSet
 hierarchic index set of AlbertaGrid More...
class  AlbertaGridIndexSet
class  AlbertaGridIntersectionBase
class  AlbertaGridLeafIntersection
class  AlbertaGridLeafIntersectionIterator
class  AlbertaGridLeafIterator
class  AlbertaGridLeafIterator< codim, Ghost_Partition, GridImp >
class  AlbertaGridLevelIterator
class  AlbertaGridLevelIterator< codim, Ghost_Partition, GridImp >
class  AlbertaGridLevelProvider
class  AlbertaGridLocalGeometryProvider
class  AlbertaGridTreeIterator
class  AlbertaIOError
class  AlbertaLeafGridView
struct  AlbertaLeafGridViewTraits
class  AlbertaLevelGridView
struct  AlbertaLevelGridViewTraits
class  AlbertaMarkerVector
 marker assigning subentities to one element containing them More...
class  AlbertaReader
class  AlbertaTransformation
class  AnalyticalCoordFunction
 Derive an implementation of an analytical coordinate function from this class. More...
class  AnalyticalCoordFunctionInterface
 Interface class for using an analytical function to define the geometry of a Dune::GeometryGrid. An implementation should be derived from Dune::AnalyticalCoordFunction and the evaluate method mapping $ R^d\to R^r $ has to be supplied. More...
struct  b64chunk
 struct representing the three byte text as well as the four 6 bit chunks More...
class  BackupRestoreFacility
 facility for writing and reading grids More...
struct  BackupRestoreFacility< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
struct  BackupRestoreFacility< const Grid >
 BackupRestoreFacility taking const Grid as type and deriving from the version with the const. More...
struct  BackupRestoreFacility< Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates > >
 facility for writing and reading grids More...
struct  BackupRestoreFacility< GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator > >
struct  BackupRestoreFacility< YaspGrid< dim, TensorProductCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >
 facility for writing and reading grids More...
class  Base64Stream
 class to base64 encode a stream of data More...
class  BoundaryProjectionWrapper
struct  BoundarySegment
 Base class for classes implementing geometries of boundary segments. More...
class  BoundarySegmentBackupRestore
class  BoundarySegmentWrapper
class  CachedCoordFunction
struct  CircleBoundaryProjection
class  CombinedAdaptProlongRestrict
 class for combining 2 index sets together for adaptation process More...
class  CommDataHandleIF
 CommDataHandleIF describes the features of a data handle for communication in parallel runs using the Grid::communicate methods. Here the Barton-Nackman trick is used to interprete data handle objects as its interface. Therefore usable data handle classes need to be derived from this class. More...
class  DefaultCoordFunction
class  DefaultLeafGridView
struct  DefaultLeafGridViewTraits
class  DefaultLevelGridView
struct  DefaultLevelGridViewTraits
struct  DGFBoundaryParameter
 Contains types for additional features. More...
class  DGFCoordFunction
struct  DGFCoordFunctionFactory
struct  DGFCoordFunctionFactory< HostGrid, CoordFunction, false >
struct  DGFCoordFunctionFactory< HostGrid, CoordFunction, true >
struct  DGFCoordFunctionFactory< HostGrid, DGFCoordFunction< dimD, dimR >, false >
struct  DGFEntityKey
class  DGFException
 exception class for IO errors in the DGF parser More...
struct  DGFGridFactory
struct  DGFGridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
class  DGFGridFactory< Dune::YaspGrid< dim, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >
 Placeholder for grid factory for YaspGrid with tensor product coordinates. More...
struct  DGFGridFactory< GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator > >
struct  DGFGridFactory< IdentityGrid< HostGrid > >
struct  DGFGridFactory< OneDGrid >
struct  DGFGridFactory< UGGrid< dim > >
struct  DGFGridFactory< YaspGrid< dim, EquidistantCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >
 Grid factory for YaspGrid with equidistant coordinates. More...
struct  DGFGridFactory< YaspGrid< dim, EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >
 Grid factory for YaspGrid with equidistant coordinates. More...
struct  DGFGridInfo
 Some simple static information for a given GridType. More...
struct  DGFGridInfo< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
struct  DGFGridInfo< GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator > >
struct  DGFGridInfo< IdentityGrid< HostGrid > >
struct  DGFGridInfo< OneDGrid >
struct  DGFGridInfo< UGGrid< dim > >
struct  DGFGridInfo< YaspGrid< dim, Coordinates > >
class  DGFPrintInfo
class  DGFWriter
 write a GridView to a DGF file More...
class  DiscreteCoordFunction
 Derive an implementation of a discrete coordinate function from this class. More...
class  DiscreteCoordFunctionInterface
 Interface class for using a discrete function to define the geometry of a Dune::GeometryGrid. An implementation should be derived from Dune::DiscreteCoordinateFunction and the evaluate method taking an entity of the host grid together with the number of a vertex returns the coordinate in $ R^r $ of that corner. The user must ensure continuity of this mapping. In addition an adapt method is provided which is called whenever adapt() is called on the Dune::GeometryGrid. More...
struct  DuneBoundaryProjection
 Interface class for vertex projection at the boundary. More...
class  DuneGridFormatParser
 The DuneGridFormatParser class: reads a DGF file and stores build information in vector structures used by the MacroGrid class. More...
struct  ElementFaceUtil
class  Entity
 Wrapper class for entities. More...
class  Entity< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >
 Template specialization of Dune::Entity for Elements (codim==0) More...
struct  EntityCommHelper
struct  EntityCommHelper< All_All_Interface >
struct  EntityCommHelper< InteriorBorder_All_Interface >
struct  EntityCommHelper< InteriorBorder_InteriorBorder_Interface >
struct  EntityCommHelper< Overlap_All_Interface >
struct  EntityCommHelper< Overlap_OverlapFront_Interface >
class  EntityDefaultImplementation
 Default Implementations for EntityImp. More...
class  EntityDefaultImplementation< 0, dim, GridImp, EntityImp >
 Default Implementations for EntityImp (Elements [cd=0]) More...
struct  EntityInfo
 Structure to hold statistical information about one type of entity. More...
class  EntityIterator
 interface class for an iterator over grid entities More...
class  EntitySeed
 Store a reference to an entity with a minimal memory footprint. More...
class  EquidistantCoordinates
 Container for equidistant coordinates in a YaspGrid. More...
class  EquidistantOffsetCoordinates
 Container for equidistant coordinates in a YaspGrid with non-trivial origin. More...
class  Geometry
 Wrapper class for geometries. More...
class  GeometryDefaultImplementation
 Default implementation for class Geometry. More...
class  GeometryDefaultImplementation< 0, cdim, GridImp, GeometryImp >
class  GeometryGrid
 grid wrapper replacing the geometries More...
class  GeometryReference
class  GlobalGeometryReference
class  GlobalIndexSet
 Calculate globally unique index over all processes in a Dune grid. More...
class  GmshReader
 Read Gmsh mesh file. More...
struct  GmshReaderOptions
 Options for read operation. More...
class  GmshReaderParser
 dimension independent parts for GmshReaderParser More...
class  GmshWriter
 Write Gmsh mesh file. More...
class  GnuplotWriter
 Writer for 1D grids in gnuplot format. More...
class  Grid
 Grid abstract base class. More...
class  GridDefaultImplementation
class  GridError
 Base class for exceptions in Dune grid modules. More...
class  GridFactory
 Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids. More...
class  GridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
 specialization of the generic GridFactory for AlbertaGrid More...
class  GridFactory< UGGrid< dimworld > >
 Specialization of the generic GridFactory for UGGrid. More...
class  GridFactoryInterface
 Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids. More...
struct  GridPtr
 Class for constructing grids from DGF files. More...
struct  GridTraits
 A traits struct that collects all associated types of one grid model. More...
class  GridView
 Grid view abstract base class. More...
struct  GridViewInfo
 structure to hold information about a certain GridView. More...
struct  GridViewInfoGTCompare
 Comparison object to sort GeometryType by majorly dimension. More...
class  HierarchicSearch
 Search an IndexSet for an Entity containing a given point. More...
class  HostGridAccess
 provides access to host grid objects from GeometryGrid More...
struct  HostGridAccess< GeometryGrid< HG, CoordFunction, Allocator > >
struct  HostGridAccess< IdentityGrid< HG > >
class  IdenticalCoordFunction
class  IdentityGrid
 Provides a meta grid that is identical to its host. More...
class  IdentityGridEntity
 The implementation of entities in a IdentityGrid. More...
class  IdentityGridEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >
 Specialization for codim-0-entities. More...
class  IdentityGridEntitySeed
 The EntitySeed class provides the minimal information needed to restore an Entity using the grid. More...
struct  IdentityGridFamily
class  IdentityGridGeometry
class  IdentityGridGlobalIdSet
class  IdentityGridHierarchicIterator
 Iterator over the descendants of an entity.Mesh entities of codimension 0 ("elements") allow to visit all entities of codimension 0 obtained through nested, hierarchic refinement of the entity. Iteration over this set of entities is provided by the HierarchicIterator, starting from a given entity. More...
class  IdentityGridLeafIndexSet
class  IdentityGridLeafIntersection
 An intersection with a leaf neighbor elementMesh entities of codimension 0 ("elements") allow to visit all neighbors, where a neighbor is an entity of codimension 0 which has a common entity of codimension 1 These neighbors are accessed via a IntersectionIterator. This allows the implement non-matching meshes. The number of neighbors may be different from the number of an element! More...
class  IdentityGridLeafIntersectionIterator
 Iterator over all element neighborsMesh entities of codimension 0 ("elements") allow to visit all neighbors, where a neighbor is an entity of codimension 0 which has a common entity of codimension 1 These neighbors are accessed via a IntersectionIterator. This allows the implement non-matching meshes. The number of neighbors may be different from the number of an element! More...
class  IdentityGridLeafIterator
 Iterator over all entities of a given codimension and level of a grid. More...
class  IdentityGridLevelIndexSet
class  IdentityGridLevelIntersection
class  IdentityGridLevelIntersectionIterator
class  IdentityGridLevelIterator
 Iterator over all entities of a given codimension and level of a grid. More...
class  IdentityGridLocalIdSet
class  IdSet
 Id Set Interface. More...
class  IndexSet
 Index Set Interface base class. More...
class  IndexSetDefaultImplementation
 Provide default implementation of method if IndexSet. More...
class  IndexStack
class  Intersection
 Intersection of a mesh entity of codimension 0 ("element") with a "neighboring" element or with the domain boundary. More...
class  IntersectionDefaultNormalVectors
 Default Implementations of integrationOuterNormal and unitOuterNormal for IntersectionImp. More...
class  IntersectionIterator
 Mesh entities of codimension 0 ("elements") allow to visit all intersections with "neighboring" elements and with the domain boundary. More...
class  LeafGnuplotWriter
 GnuplotWriter on the leaf grid. More...
class  LeafMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper
 Multiple codim and multiple geometry type mapper for leaf entities. More...
class  LeafSingleCodimSingleGeomTypeMapper
 Single codim and single geometry type mapper for leaf entities. More...
class  LevelGnuplotWriter
 GnuplotWriter on a given level grid. More...
class  LevelMultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper
 Multiple codim and multiple geometry type mapper for entities of one level. More...
class  LevelSingleCodimSingleGeomTypeMapper
 Single codim and single geometry type mapper for entities of one level. More...
class  LocalGeometryReference
class  MacroGrid
struct  MakeableInterfaceObject
class  Mapper
 Mapper interface. More...
struct  MaybeHaveOrigin
struct  MaybeHaveOrigin< Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ctype, dim > >
class  MessageBufferIF
 Communication message buffer interface. This class describes the interface for reading and writing data to the communication message buffer. As message buffers might be deeply implemented in various packages the message buffers implementations cannot be derived from this interface class. Therefore we just apply the engine concept to wrap the message buffer call and make sure that the interface is fulfilled. More...
class  MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper
 Implementation class for a multiple codim and multiple geometry type mapper. More...
class  OneDGrid
 One-dimensional adaptive grid. More...
struct  OneDGridFamily
class  P0VTKFunction
 Take a vector and interpret it as cell data for the VTKWriter. More...
class  P1VTKFunction
 Take a vector and interpret it as point data for the VTKWriter. More...
struct  PartitionSet
 A set of PartitionType values. More...
class  PersistentContainer
 A class for storing data during an adaptation cycle. More...
class  PersistentContainer< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld >, T >
class  PersistentContainer< const Grid, T >
 refer PersistentContainer<const Grid> to the implementation of the mutable grid More...
class  PersistentContainer< GeometryGrid< HostGrid, CoordFunction, Allocator >, T >
class  PersistentContainer< YaspGrid< dim, CoordCont >, T >
 Specialization of the PersistentContainer for YaspGrid. More...
class  PersistentContainerInterface
 Persistent storage of data on all entities of a grid. More...
class  PersistentContainerMap
 map-based implementation of the PersistentContainer More...
class  PersistentContainerVector
 vector-based implementation of the PersistentContainer More...
class  PersistentContainerWrapper
class  RawStream
 write out data in binary More...
class  SingleCodimSingleGeomTypeMapper
 Implementation class for a single codim and single geometry type mapper. More...
class  SizeCache
 organizes the caching of sizes for one grid and one GeometryType More...
class  StarCDReader
 File reader for the Star-CD format. More...
class  StructuredGridFactory
 Construct structured cube and simplex grids in unstructured grid managers. More...
class  StructuredGridFactory< AlbertaGrid< dim, dimworld > >
 specialization of the generic StructuredGridFactory for AlbertaGrid More...
class  StructuredGridFactory< YaspGrid< dim, EquidistantCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >
 Specialization of the StructuredGridFactory for YaspGrid. More...
class  StructuredGridFactory< YaspGrid< dim, EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >
 Specialization of the StructuredGridFactory for YaspGrid<EquidistantOffsetCoordinates> More...
class  SubsamplingVTKWriter
 Writer for the output of subsampled grid functions in the vtk format. More...
class  TensorGridFactory
 A factory class for conveniently creating tensorproduct grids. More...
class  TensorGridFactoryCreator
class  TensorGridFactoryCreator< YaspGrid< dim, TensorProductCoordinates< ctype, dim > > >
class  TensorProductCoordinates
 Coordinate container for a tensor product YaspGrid. More...
class  Torus
class  UGGrid
 Front-end for the grid manager of the finite element toolbox UG3. More...
struct  UGGridFamily
class  VertexOrderByIdFactory
 Factory for GeneralVertexOrder objects using an IdSet. More...
class  VTKFunction
 A base class for grid functions with any return type and dimension. More...
class  VTKSequenceWriter
 Writer for the ouput of grid functions in the vtk format. More...
class  VTKSequenceWriterBase
 Base class to write pvd-files which contains a list of all collected vtk-files. More...
class  VTKWriter
 Writer for the ouput of grid functions in the vtk format. More...
class  YaspEntity
class  YaspEntity< 0, dim, GridImp >
class  YaspEntity< dim, dim, GridImp >
class  YaspEntitySeed
 Describes the minimal information necessary to create a fully functional YaspEntity. More...
class  YaspFixedSizePartitioner
 Implement partitioner that gets a fixed partitioning from an array If the given partitioning doesn't match the number of processors, the grid should be distributed to, an exception is thrown. More...
class  YaspGeometry
 The general version that handles all codimensions but 0 and dim. More...
class  YaspGeometry< 0, cdim, GridImp >
 specialization for dim=0, this is a vertex More...
class  YaspGeometry< mydim, mydim, GridImp >
 specialize for dim=dimworld, i.e. a volume element More...
class  YaspGlobalIdSet
 persistent, globally unique Ids More...
class  YaspGrid
 [ provides Dune::Grid ] More...
struct  YaspGridFamily
class  YaspHierarchicIterator
 YaspHierarchicIterator enables iteration over son entities of codim 0. More...
class  YaspIndexSet
 Implementation of Level- and LeafIndexSets for YaspGrid. More...
class  YaspIntersection
 YaspIntersection provides data about intersection with neighboring codim 0 entities. More...
class  YaspIntersectionIterator
 YaspIntersectionIterator enables iteration over intersections with neighboring codim 0 entities. More...
class  YaspLevelIterator
 Iterates over entities of one grid level. More...
class  YaspPersistentContainerIndex
class  YGrid
 implements a collection of YGridComponents which form a codimension Entities of given codimension c need to be represented by d choose c YgridComponents. All entities in one such component share the same set of spanning unit vectors. A YGrid is used to iterate over the entire set of components the codimension consists of. It doesn't hold any data, but instead holds an iterator range into an array of components (which is owned by YGridLevel). More...
class  YGridComponent
class  YGridList
 implements a collection of multiple std::deque<Intersection> Intersections with neighboring processors are stored as std::deque<Intersection>. Eachsuch intersection only holds one YGridComponent. To do all communication associated with one codimension, multiple such deques have to be concatenated. YGridList manges this concatenation. As for YGrids, YGridList doesn't hold any data, but an iterator range into a data array owned by YGridLevel. More...
class  YLoadBalance
 a base class for the yaspgrid partitioning strategy More...
class  YLoadBalanceDefault
 Implement the default load balance strategy of yaspgrid. More...
class  YLoadBalanceForward
class  YLoadBalancePowerD
 Implement yaspgrid load balance strategy for P=x^{dim} processors. More...


using MCMGLayout = std::function< size_t(GeometryType, int)>
 layout function for MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper More...
template<int mydim, int coorddim, class GridImp >
using OneDGridGeometry = AxisAlignedCubeGeometry< double, mydim, coorddim >
 The type used to for OneDGrid geometries. More...
using UGCommunication = Communication< No_Comm >
using YaspCommunication = Communication< MPI_Comm >


enum  PartitionType {
  InteriorEntity =0 , BorderEntity =1 , OverlapEntity =2 , FrontEntity =3 ,
  GhostEntity =4
 Attributes used in the generic overlap model. More...
enum  InterfaceType {
  InteriorBorder_InteriorBorder_Interface =0 , InteriorBorder_All_Interface =1 , Overlap_OverlapFront_Interface =2 , Overlap_All_Interface =3 ,
  All_All_Interface =4
 Parameter to be used for the communication functions. More...
enum  PartitionIteratorType {
  Interior_Partition =0 , InteriorBorder_Partition =1 , Overlap_Partition =2 , OverlapFront_Partition =3 ,
  All_Partition =4 , Ghost_Partition =5
 Parameter to be used for the parallel level- and leaf iterators. More...
enum  CommunicationDirection { ForwardCommunication , BackwardCommunication }
 Define a type for communication direction parameter. More...


template<int dim, int dimworld>
static void checkAlbertaDimensions ()
template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp , template< int, int, class > class GeometryImp>
auto referenceElement (const Geometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp, GeometryImp > &geo) -> decltype(referenceElement(geo, geo.impl()))
template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::LevelGridView levelGridView (const Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily > &grid, int level)
 level grid view for the given grid and level. More...
template<int dim, int dimworld, class ct , class GridFamily >
Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily >::LeafGridView leafGridView (const Grid< dim, dimworld, ct, GridFamily > &grid)
 leaf grid view for the given grid More...
std::string PartitionName (PartitionType type)
 Provide names for the partition types. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PartitionType &type)
 write a PartitionType to a stream More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const InterfaceType &type)
 write an InterfaceType to a stream More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PartitionIteratorType &type)
 write a PartitionIteratorType to a stream More...
template<class G >
void gridinfo (const G &grid, std::string prefix="")
 A function to print some information about the grid as a whole. More...
template<class G >
void gridlevellist (const G &grid, int level, std::string prefix)
 A function to print info about a grid level and its entities. More...
template<class G >
void gridleaflist (const G &grid, std::string prefix)
 A function to print info about a leaf grid and its entities. More...
template<int codim>
MCMGLayout mcmgLayout (Codim< codim >)
 layout for entities of codimension codim More...
template<int dim>
MCMGLayout mcmgLayout (Dim< dim >)
 layout for entities of dimension dim More...
MCMGLayout mcmgElementLayout ()
 layout for elements (codim-0 entities) More...
MCMGLayout mcmgVertexLayout ()
 layout for vertices (dim-0 entities) More...
static const std::string dgfid ("DGF")
template<typename GridType >
void printGrid (const GridType &grid, const Dune::MPIHelper &helper, std::string output_file="printgrid", int size=2000, bool execute_plot=true, bool png=true, bool local_corner_indices=true, bool local_intersection_indices=true, bool outer_normals=true)
 Print a grid as a gnuplot for testing and development. More...
template<class GV >
void fillGridViewInfoSerial (const GV &gv, GridViewInfo< typename GV::ctype > &gridViewInfo)
 fill a GridViewInfo structure from a serial grid More...
template<int d, class CC >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const YaspGrid< d, CC > &grid)
 Output operator for multigrids. More...
template<class ct , int dim>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, EquidistantCoordinates< ct, dim > &c)
template<class ct , int dim>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ct, dim > &c)
template<class ct , int dim>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, TensorProductCoordinates< ct, dim > &c)
template<class Communication , int d>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Torus< Communication, d > &t)
 Output operator for Torus. More...
template<class Coordinates >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, YGridComponent< Coordinates > e)
 Output operator for ygrids. More...
template<class Coordinates >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, typename YGridComponent< Coordinates >::Iterator &e)
 Output operator for ygrids. More...
template<class Coordinates >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const YGrid< Coordinates > &e)
 Output operator for ygrids. More...


const int yaspgrid_dim_bits = 24
const int yaspgrid_level_bits = 5
const char base64table []
 endoing table More...

Detailed Description

Include standard header files.

put vtk io intro here ...

details and examples regarding the VTK file format can be found here:


include base class functionality for the communication interface include parallel capability

Typedef Documentation

◆ OneDGridGeometry

template<int mydim, int coorddim, class GridImp >
using Dune::OneDGridGeometry = typedef AxisAlignedCubeGeometry<double, mydim, coorddim>

The type used to for OneDGrid geometries.

If you ever want OneDGrid to use a different type for coordinates, you need to change the first argument of AxisAlignedCubeGeometry here.

◆ UGCommunication

using Dune::UGCommunication = typedef Communication<No_Comm>

◆ YaspCommunication

using Dune::YaspCommunication = typedef Communication<MPI_Comm>

Function Documentation

◆ checkAlbertaDimensions()

template<int dim, int dimworld>
static void Dune::checkAlbertaDimensions ( )

◆ dgfid()

static const std::string Dune::dgfid ( "DGF"  )

◆ fillGridViewInfoSerial()

template<class GV >
void Dune::fillGridViewInfoSerial ( const GV &  gv,
GridViewInfo< typename GV::ctype > &  gridViewInfo 

fill a GridViewInfo structure from a serial grid

If used on a parallel grid, it will gather information for entities of all partitions on each rank locally.

◆ operator<<() [1/8]

template<class Communication , int d>
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Torus< Communication, d > &  t 

Output operator for Torus.

◆ operator<<() [2/8]

template<int d, class CC >
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const YaspGrid< d, CC > &  grid 

Output operator for multigrids.

◆ operator<<() [3/8]

template<class Coordinates >
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const YGrid< Coordinates > &  e 

Output operator for ygrids.

◆ operator<<() [4/8]

template<class ct , int dim>
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
EquidistantCoordinates< ct, dim > &  c 

◆ operator<<() [5/8]

template<class ct , int dim>
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
EquidistantOffsetCoordinates< ct, dim > &  c 

◆ operator<<() [6/8]

template<class ct , int dim>
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
TensorProductCoordinates< ct, dim > &  c 

◆ operator<<() [7/8]

template<class Coordinates >
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
typename YGridComponent< Coordinates >::Iterator &  e 

Output operator for ygrids.

◆ operator<<() [8/8]

template<class Coordinates >
std::ostream & Dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
YGridComponent< Coordinates >  e 

Output operator for ygrids.

◆ printGrid()

template<typename GridType >
void Dune::printGrid ( const GridType &  grid,
const Dune::MPIHelper &  helper,
std::string  output_file = "printgrid",
int  size = 2000,
bool  execute_plot = true,
bool  png = true,
bool  local_corner_indices = true,
bool  local_intersection_indices = true,
bool  outer_normals = true 

Print a grid as a gnuplot for testing and development.

Template Parameters
GridTypethe type of grid to work with
gridthe grid to print
helperan MPIHelper to create unique output file names in parallel case
output_filethe base of the output filename
sizesize of the plot in pixels; increase if plot is too cramped
execute_plotwhether to execute gnuplot automatically
pngwhether to use PNG or SVG as the output format
local_corner_indiceswhether to show local corner indices
local_intersection_indiceswhether to show local intersection indices
outer_normalswhether to show outer normals of intersections Creates a gnuplot (one per process if parallel) showing the grid structure with indices, intersection types etc.

◆ referenceElement()

template<int mydim, int cdim, class GridImp , template< int, int, class > class GeometryImp>
auto Dune::referenceElement ( const Geometry< mydim, cdim, GridImp, GeometryImp > &  geo) -> decltype(referenceElement(geo,geo.impl()))

Variable Documentation

◆ base64table

const char Dune::base64table[]
Initial value:
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/'

endoing table

◆ yaspgrid_dim_bits

const int Dune::yaspgrid_dim_bits = 24

◆ yaspgrid_level_bits

const int Dune::yaspgrid_level_bits = 5