CDune::Functions::AnalyticGridViewFunction< Signature, GV, F, DerivativeTraits > | |
CDune::Functions::AnalyticGridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GV, F, DerivativeTraits > | Class wrapping any differentiable function as grid function |
►Cstd::array< T > | STL class |
CDune::Functions::StaticMultiIndex< size_type, n > | A statically sized MultiIndex type |
CDune::Functions::StaticMultiIndex< size_type, 1 > | A statically sized MultiIndex type |
►CBA | |
CDune::Functions::OverflowArray< BA, maxSize > | A dynamically sized array-like class with overflow |
CDune::Functions::Concept::BasisNode | |
►CDune::Functions::BasisNodeMixin | |
►CDune::Functions::CompositeBasisNode< TaylorHoodVelocityTree< GV >, LagrangeNode< GV, 1 > > | |
CDune::Functions::TaylorHoodBasisTree< GV > | |
►CDune::Functions::PowerBasisNode< LagrangeNode< GV, 2 >, GV::dimension > | |
CDune::Functions::TaylorHoodVelocityTree< GV > | |
CDune::Functions::CompositeBasisNode< T > | |
►CDune::Functions::LeafBasisNode | |
CDune::Functions::BSplineNode< GV > | |
CDune::Functions::BrezziDouglasMariniNode< GV, k > | |
CDune::Functions::HierarchicalLagrangeNode< GV, k, R > | |
CDune::Functions::LagrangeNode< GV, k, R > | |
CDune::Functions::NedelecNode< GV, Range, kind, order > | |
CDune::Functions::RannacherTurekNode< GV > | |
CDune::Functions::RaviartThomasNode< GV, k > | |
CDune::Functions::PowerBasisNode< T, n > | |
CDune::Functions::BrezziDouglasMariniPreBasis< GV, k > | |
CDune::Functions::BSplineLocalBasis< GV, R > | LocalBasis class in the sense of dune-localfunctions, presenting the restriction of a B-spline patch to a knot span |
CDune::Functions::BSplineLocalBasis< GV, double > | |
CDune::Functions::BSplineLocalCoefficients< dim > | Attaches a shape function to an entity |
CDune::Functions::BSplineLocalFiniteElement< GV, R > | LocalFiniteElement in the sense of dune-localfunctions, for the B-spline basis on tensor-product grids |
CDune::Functions::BSplineLocalFiniteElement< GV, double > | |
CDune::Functions::BSplineLocalInterpolation< dim, LB > | Local interpolation in the sense of dune-localfunctions, for the B-spline basis on tensor-product grids |
CDune::Functions::BSplineLocalInterpolation< dim, Dune::Functions::BSplineLocalBasis< GV, double > > | |
CDune::Functions::BSplineLocalInterpolation< dim, Dune::Functions::BSplineLocalBasis< GV, R > > | |
CDune::Functions::BSplinePreBasis< GV > | Pre-basis for B-spline basis |
CDune::Functions::Concept::Callable< Args > | Concept objects that can be called with given argument list |
CDune::Functions::CallableFunctionWrapper< F > | Wrap a Dune::VirtualFunction into a callable object |
CDune::Functions::ComposedGridFunction< OF, IF > | Composition of grid functions with another function |
►CTypeTree::CompositeNode | |
CDune::Functions::CompositeBasisNode< TaylorHoodVelocityTree< GV >, LagrangeNode< GV, 1 > > | |
CDune::Functions::CompositeBasisNode< T > | |
CDune::Functions::CompositePreBasis< IMS, SPB > | A pre-basis for composite bases |
CDune::Functions::Concept::ConstVectorBackend< GlobalBasis > | |
CDune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::Data | |
CDune::Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits< Signature > | Default implementation for derivative traits |
CDune::Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits< double(double) > | Default implementation for derivative traits |
CDune::Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits< FieldMatrix< K, 1, m >(FieldVector< K, n >)> | Default implementation for derivative traits |
CDune::Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits< FieldVector< K, m >(FieldVector< K, n >)> | Default implementation for derivative traits |
CDune::Functions::DefaultDerivativeTraits< K(FieldVector< K, n >)> | Default implementation for derivative traits |
CDune::Functions::DefaultGlobalBasis< PB > | Global basis for given pre-basis |
CDune::Functions::DefaultLocalView< GB > | The restriction of a finite element basis to a single element |
CDune::Functions::DefaultNodeToRangeMap< Tree > | A simple node to range map using lexicographic ordering |
CDune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableFunction< Signature, DerivativeTraits > | |
CDune::Functions::DifferentiableFunction< Signature, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | |
CDune::Functions::DifferentiableFunctionFromCallables< Signature, DerivativeTraits, Callables > | |
CDune::Functions::DifferentiableFunctionFromCallables< DerivativeSignature, DerivativeTraits, DF, Derivatives... > | |
CDune::Functions::DifferentiableFunctionFromCallables< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, F > | Wrap a list of callable objects as derivative sequence modelling Concept::DifferentiableFunction<Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits> |
CDune::Functions::DifferentiableFunctionFromCallables< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, F, DF, Derivatives... > | Wrap a list of callable objects as derivative sequence modelling Concept::DifferentiableFunction<Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits> |
CDune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableGridFunction< Signature, EntitySet, DerivativeTraits > | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableGridViewFunction< Signature, GridView, DerivativeTraits > | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableLocalFunction< Signature, LocalContext, DerivativeTraits > | |
CDune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE > | |
►CDune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, HierarchicNodeToRangeMap > | |
CDune::Functions::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction< B, V, NTRE, R > | A grid function induced by a global basis and a coefficient vector |
►CDune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< DGBF::Basis, DGBF::Vector, DGBF::NodeToRangeEntry > | |
CDune::Functions::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionDerivative< DGBF > | Derivative of a DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction |
►CTypeTree::DynamicTraversal | |
►CDune::Functions::UniformNodeVisitor< CopyVisitor, leafOnly > | |
CDune::Functions::TreeData< T, ND, LO >::CopyVisitor | |
►CDune::Functions::UniformNodeVisitor< DestroyVisitor, leafOnly > | |
CDune::Functions::TreeData< T, ND, LO >::DestroyVisitor | |
►CDune::Functions::UniformNodeVisitor< InitVisitor, leafOnly > | |
CDune::Functions::TreeData< T, ND, LO >::InitVisitor | |
CDune::Functions::DefaultNodeToRangeMap< Tree >::Visitor | |
CDune::Functions::UniformNodeVisitor< SimpleNodeVisitorImp, leafOnly > | Mixin for visitors that should apply the same action on all nodes |
CDune::Functions::Concept::EntitySet | Concept for an entity set for a Concept::GridFunction<Range(Domain), EntitySet, DerivativeTraits> |
CDune::Functions::FaceNormalGridFunction< GV > | Grid function implementing the piecewise element face normal |
CDune::Functions::Concept::Function< Signature > | |
CDune::Functions::FunctionFromCallable< Signature, F, FunctionInterface > | |
►CFunctionInterface | |
CDune::Functions::FunctionFromCallable< Range(Domain), F, FunctionInterface > | Wrap a callable object as Dune::Function or Dune::VirtualFunction |
CDune::Functions::BasisFactory::Experimental::GenericIndexingTransformation< IndexTransformation, SizeImplementation, minIS, maxIS > | A generic implementation of a transformation |
CDune::Functions::Concept::GlobalBasis< GridView > | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::GridFunction< Signature, EntitySet > | |
CDune::Functions::GridFunction< Signature, EntitySet, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | |
►CDune::Functions::GridFunction< Range(Domain), GridViewEntitySet< GV, 0 >, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | |
CDune::Functions::GridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GV, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | Wrapper class for functions defined on a GridView |
CDune::Functions::GridViewEntitySet< GV, cd > | An entity set for all entities of given codim in a grid view |
CDune::Functions::GridViewEntitySet< GridView, 0 > | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::GridViewFunction< Signature, GridView > | |
CDune::Functions::GridViewFunction< Signature, GridView, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::HasIndexAccess | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::HasResize | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::HasSizeMethod | |
CDune::Functions::HierarchicalLagrangePreBasis< GV, k, R > | A pre-basis for a hierarchical basis |
CDune::Functions::HierarchicNodeToRangeMap | A simple node to range map using the nested tree indices |
CDune::Functions::HierarchicVectorWrapper< V, CO > | A wrapper providing multiindex access to vector entries |
►CDune::Functions::BasisFactory::IndexMergingStrategy | Base class for index merging strategies to simplify detection |
CDune::Functions::BasisFactory::BlockedInterleaved | Interleaved merging of direct children with blocking (i.e. creating blocks at the leaves containing one leaf per child each) |
CDune::Functions::BasisFactory::BlockedLexicographic | Lexicographic merging of direct children with blocking (i.e. creating one block per direct child) |
CDune::Functions::BasisFactory::FlatInterleaved | Interleaved merging of direct children without blocking |
CDune::Functions::BasisFactory::FlatLexicographic | Lexicographic merging of direct children without blocking |
CDune::Functions::Concept::IndexMergingStrategy | |
►Cstd::integral_constant | |
Cstd::tuple_size< Dune::Functions::StaticMultiIndex< size_type, n > > | |
CDune::Functions::InvalidRange | Dummy range class to be used if no proper type is available |
CDune::Functions::IsCallable< F > | Helper class to check that F is callable |
CDune::Functions::LagrangeDGPreBasis< GV, k > | |
CDune::Functions::LagrangePreBasis< GV, k, R > | A pre-basis for a PQ-lagrange bases with given order |
CDune::Functions::LagrangePreBasis< GV, 1 > | |
CDune::Functions::LagrangePreBasis< GV, 2 > | |
CDune::Functions::LastType< T > | Get last entry of type list |
►CTypeTree::LeafNode | |
CDune::Functions::LeafBasisNode | |
CDune::Functions::LocalDerivativeTraits< EntitySet, DerivativeTraits > | Derivative traits for local functions |
CDune::Functions::Concept::LocalFunction< Signature, LocalContext > | |
CDune::Functions::LocalFunction< Signature, LocalContext, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | |
►CDune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase | |
CDune::Functions::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction< B, V, NTRE, R >::LocalFunction | |
CDune::Functions::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionDerivative< DGBF >::LocalFunction | Local function evaluating the derivative in reference coordinates |
CDune::Functions::Concept::LocalView< GlobalBasis > | |
CDune::Functions::NedelecPreBasis< GV, Range, kind, order > | |
CDune::Functions::BasisFactory::Experimental::PeriodicIndexSet | Container storing identified indices for a periodic basis |
CDune::Functions::PolymorphicSmallObject< Base, bufferSize > | A wrapper providing small object optimization with polymorphic types |
CDune::Functions::PolymorphicType< Interface > | Base class with polymorphic type boiler plate code |
CDune::Functions::PolymorphicType< TypeErasureWrapperInterface< Interface > > | |
CDune::Functions::Polynomial< K > | A scalar polynomial implementation |
►CTypeTree::PowerNode | |
CDune::Functions::PowerBasisNode< LagrangeNode< GV, 2 >, GV::dimension > | |
CDune::Functions::PowerBasisNode< T, n > | |
CDune::Functions::PowerPreBasis< IMS, SPB, C > | A pre-basis for power bases |
CDune::Functions::Concept::PreBasis< GridView > | |
►CPriorityTag | |
CDune::Functions::HasStaticSize< T > | Check if type is a statically sized container |
CDune::Functions::StaticSize< T > | Obtain size of statically sized container |
CDune::Functions::RannacherTurekPreBasis< GV > | Pre-basis for a Rannacher-Turek basis |
CDune::Functions::RaviartThomasPreBasis< GV, k > | |
►CRefines | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::BasisTree< GridView > | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::CompositeBasisNode< GridView > | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableFunction< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits > | Concept for a differentiable function mapping Domain to Range |
CDune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableGridFunction< Range(Domain), EntitySet, DerivativeTraits > | Concept for a differentiable grid function mapping Domain to Range |
CDune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableGridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GridView, DerivativeTraits > | Concept for a differentiable grid view function mapping Domain to Range |
CDune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableLocalFunction< Range(Domain), LocalContext, DerivativeTraits > | Concept for a differentiable local function mapping Domain to Range |
CDune::Functions::Concept::Function< Range(Domain)> | Concept for a function mapping Domain to Range |
CDune::Functions::Concept::GridFunction< Range(Domain), EntitySet > | Concept for a grid function mapping Domain to Range |
CDune::Functions::Concept::GridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GridView > | Concept for a grid view function mapping Domain to Range |
CDune::Functions::Concept::LeafBasisNode< GridView > | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::LocalFunction< Range(Domain), LocalContext > | Concept for a local function mapping Domain to Range |
CDune::Functions::Concept::PowerBasisNode< GridView > | |
CDune::Functions::Concept::VectorBackend< GlobalBasis > | |
CDune::Functions::ReservedDeque< T, n > | A double-ended queue (deque) class with statically reserved memory |
CDune::Functions::RotateTuple< T > | Rotate type list by one, such that last entry is moved to first position |
CDune::Functions::SignatureTag< Signature, DerivativeTraits > | |
CDune::Functions::SignatureTag< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraitsT > | Tag-class to encapsulate signature information |
CDune::Functions::SignatureTraits< Signature, isCallable > | Helper class to deduce the signature of a callable |
CDune::Functions::SizeInfo< B > | A class encapsulating size information |
CDune::Functions::SubEntityDOFs< GridView > | Range of DOFs associated to sub-entity |
CDune::Functions::SubspaceBasis< RB, TP > | |
CDune::Functions::SubspaceLocalView< RLV, PP > | The restriction of a finite element basis to a single element |
CDune::Functions::TaylorHoodPreBasis< GV, HI > | Pre-basis for lowest order Taylor-Hood basis |
CDune::Functions::LocalDerivativeTraits< EntitySet, DerivativeTraits >::Traits< Signature > | |
CDune::Functions::LocalDerivativeTraits< EntitySet, DerivativeTraits >::Traits< R(LocalDomain)> | |
CDune::Functions::Experimental::TransformedIndexPreBasis< RPB, T > | A pre-basis transforming multi-indices |
CDune::Functions::TreeData< T, ND, LO > | Container allowing to attach data to each node of a tree |
►CTypeTree::TreeVisitor | |
CDune::Functions::UniformNodeVisitor< CopyVisitor, leafOnly > | |
CDune::Functions::UniformNodeVisitor< DestroyVisitor, leafOnly > | |
CDune::Functions::UniformNodeVisitor< InitVisitor, leafOnly > | |
CDune::Functions::DefaultNodeToRangeMap< Tree >::Visitor | |
CDune::Functions::UniformNodeVisitor< SimpleNodeVisitorImp, leafOnly > | Mixin for visitors that should apply the same action on all nodes |
CDune::Functions::TrigonometricFunction< K, sinFactor, cosFactor > | A linear combination of trigonomic functions |
CDune::Functions::TypeErasureBase< Interface, Implementation, bufferSize > | Base class for type-erased interface wrapper |
►CDune::Functions::TypeErasureBase< Imp::DifferentiableFunctionTraits< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >::Concept, Imp::DifferentiableFunctionTraits< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >::template Model > | |
CDune::Functions::DifferentiableFunction< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | Class storing differentiable functions using type erasure |
►CDune::Functions::TypeErasureBase< Imp::GridFunctionTraits< Range(Domain), ES, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >::Concept, Imp::GridFunctionTraits< Range(Domain), ES, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >::template Model > | |
CDune::Functions::GridFunction< Range(Domain), ES, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | Wrapper class for functions defined on a Grid |
►CDune::Functions::TypeErasureBase< Imp::LocalFunctionTraits< Range(Domain), LocalContext, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >::Concept, Imp::LocalFunctionTraits< Range(Domain), LocalContext, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >::template Model > | |
CDune::Functions::LocalFunction< Range(Domain), LocalContext, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | Class storing local functions using type erasure |
►CdecltypeImp::hasStaticSizetypename std::decay::typenullptr | |
CDune::Functions::HasStaticSize< T > | Check if type is a statically sized container |
►CdecltypeImp::staticSizetypename std::decay::typenullptr | |
CDune::Functions::StaticSize< T > | Obtain size of statically sized container |