dune-functions 2.9.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CAnalyticGridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GV, F, DerivativeTraits >Class wrapping any differentiable function as grid function
 CBSplineLocalBasisLocalBasis class in the sense of dune-localfunctions, presenting the restriction of a B-spline patch to a knot span
 CBSplineLocalCoefficientsAttaches a shape function to an entity
 CBSplineLocalFiniteElementLocalFiniteElement in the sense of dune-localfunctions, for the B-spline basis on tensor-product grids
 CBSplineLocalInterpolationLocal interpolation in the sense of dune-localfunctions, for the B-spline basis on tensor-product grids
 CBSplinePreBasisPre-basis for B-spline basis
 CCallableFunctionWrapperWrap a Dune::VirtualFunction into a callable object
 CComposedGridFunctionComposition of grid functions with another function
 CCompositePreBasisA pre-basis for composite bases
 CDefaultDerivativeTraitsDefault implementation for derivative traits
 CDefaultDerivativeTraits< double(double) >Default implementation for derivative traits
 CDefaultDerivativeTraits< FieldMatrix< K, 1, m >(FieldVector< K, n >)>Default implementation for derivative traits
 CDefaultDerivativeTraits< FieldVector< K, m >(FieldVector< K, n >)>Default implementation for derivative traits
 CDefaultDerivativeTraits< K(FieldVector< K, n >)>Default implementation for derivative traits
 CDefaultGlobalBasisGlobal basis for given pre-basis
 CDefaultLocalViewThe restriction of a finite element basis to a single element
 CDefaultNodeToRangeMapA simple node to range map using lexicographic ordering
 CDifferentiableFunction< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >Class storing differentiable functions using type erasure
 CDifferentiableFunctionFromCallables< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, F >Wrap a list of callable objects as derivative sequence modelling Concept::DifferentiableFunction<Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits>
 CDifferentiableFunctionFromCallables< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, F, DF, Derivatives... >Wrap a list of callable objects as derivative sequence modelling Concept::DifferentiableFunction<Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits>
 CDiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionA grid function induced by a global basis and a coefficient vector
 CDiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionDerivativeDerivative of a DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction
 CFaceNormalGridFunctionGrid function implementing the piecewise element face normal
 CFunctionFromCallable< Range(Domain), F, FunctionInterface >Wrap a callable object as Dune::Function or Dune::VirtualFunction
 CGridFunction< Range(Domain), ES, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >Wrapper class for functions defined on a Grid
 CGridViewEntitySetAn entity set for all entities of given codim in a grid view
 CGridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GV, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >Wrapper class for functions defined on a GridView
 CHasStaticSizeCheck if type is a statically sized container
 CHierarchicalLagrangePreBasisA pre-basis for a hierarchical basis
 CHierarchicNodeToRangeMapA simple node to range map using the nested tree indices
 CHierarchicVectorWrapperA wrapper providing multiindex access to vector entries
 CInvalidRangeDummy range class to be used if no proper type is available
 CIsCallableHelper class to check that F is callable
 CLagrangePreBasisA pre-basis for a PQ-lagrange bases with given order
 CLastTypeGet last entry of type list
 CLocalDerivativeTraitsDerivative traits for local functions
 CLocalFunction< Range(Domain), LocalContext, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize >Class storing local functions using type erasure
 COverflowArrayA dynamically sized array-like class with overflow
 CPolymorphicSmallObjectA wrapper providing small object optimization with polymorphic types
 CPolymorphicTypeBase class with polymorphic type boiler plate code
 CPolynomialA scalar polynomial implementation
 CPowerPreBasisA pre-basis for power bases
 CRannacherTurekPreBasisPre-basis for a Rannacher-Turek basis
 CReservedDequeA double-ended queue (deque) class with statically reserved memory
 CRotateTupleRotate type list by one, such that last entry is moved to first position
 CSignatureTag< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraitsT >Tag-class to encapsulate signature information
 CSignatureTraitsHelper class to deduce the signature of a callable
 CSizeInfoA class encapsulating size information
 CStaticMultiIndexA statically sized MultiIndex type
 CStaticMultiIndex< size_type, 1 >A statically sized MultiIndex type
 CStaticSizeObtain size of statically sized container
 CSubEntityDOFsRange of DOFs associated to sub-entity
 CSubspaceLocalViewThe restriction of a finite element basis to a single element
 CTaylorHoodPreBasisPre-basis for lowest order Taylor-Hood basis
 CTreeDataContainer allowing to attach data to each node of a tree
 CTrigonometricFunctionA linear combination of trigonomic functions
 CTypeErasureBaseBase class for type-erased interface wrapper
 CUniformNodeVisitorMixin for visitors that should apply the same action on all nodes
 NstdSTL namespace
 Ctuple_size< Dune::Functions::StaticMultiIndex< size_type, n > >