▼NDune | |
▼NFunctions | |
►NBasisFactory | |
►NExperimental | |
CGenericIndexingTransformation | A generic implementation of a transformation |
CPeriodicIndexSet | Container storing identified indices for a periodic basis |
CBlockedInterleaved | Interleaved merging of direct children with blocking (i.e. creating blocks at the leaves containing one leaf per child each) |
CBlockedLexicographic | Lexicographic merging of direct children with blocking (i.e. creating one block per direct child) |
CFlatInterleaved | Interleaved merging of direct children without blocking |
CFlatLexicographic | Lexicographic merging of direct children without blocking |
CIndexMergingStrategy | Base class for index merging strategies to simplify detection |
►NConcept | |
CBasisNode | |
CBasisTree | |
CCallable | Concept objects that can be called with given argument list |
CCompositeBasisNode | |
CConstVectorBackend | |
CDifferentiableFunction | |
CDifferentiableFunction< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits > | Concept for a differentiable function mapping Domain to Range |
CDifferentiableGridFunction | |
CDifferentiableGridFunction< Range(Domain), EntitySet, DerivativeTraits > | Concept for a differentiable grid function mapping Domain to Range |
CDifferentiableGridViewFunction | |
CDifferentiableGridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GridView, DerivativeTraits > | Concept for a differentiable grid view function mapping Domain to Range |
CDifferentiableLocalFunction | |
CDifferentiableLocalFunction< Range(Domain), LocalContext, DerivativeTraits > | Concept for a differentiable local function mapping Domain to Range |
CEntitySet | Concept for an entity set for a Concept::GridFunction<Range(Domain), EntitySet, DerivativeTraits> |
CFunction | |
CFunction< Range(Domain)> | Concept for a function mapping Domain to Range |
CGlobalBasis | |
CGridFunction | |
CGridFunction< Range(Domain), EntitySet > | Concept for a grid function mapping Domain to Range |
CGridViewFunction | |
CGridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GridView > | Concept for a grid view function mapping Domain to Range |
CHasIndexAccess | |
CHasResize | |
CHasSizeMethod | |
CIndexMergingStrategy | |
CLeafBasisNode | |
CLocalFunction | |
CLocalFunction< Range(Domain), LocalContext > | Concept for a local function mapping Domain to Range |
CLocalView | |
CPowerBasisNode | |
CPreBasis | |
CVectorBackend | |
►NExperimental | |
CTransformedIndexPreBasis | A pre-basis transforming multi-indices |
►NImplDoc | |
►CDiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase | |
CData | |
CLocalFunctionBase | |
CAnalyticGridViewFunction | |
CAnalyticGridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GV, F, DerivativeTraits > | Class wrapping any differentiable function as grid function |
CBasisNodeMixin | |
CBrezziDouglasMariniNode | |
CBrezziDouglasMariniPreBasis | |
CBSplineLocalBasis | LocalBasis class in the sense of dune-localfunctions, presenting the restriction of a B-spline patch to a knot span |
CBSplineLocalCoefficients | Attaches a shape function to an entity |
CBSplineLocalFiniteElement | LocalFiniteElement in the sense of dune-localfunctions, for the B-spline basis on tensor-product grids |
CBSplineLocalInterpolation | Local interpolation in the sense of dune-localfunctions, for the B-spline basis on tensor-product grids |
CBSplineNode | |
CBSplinePreBasis | Pre-basis for B-spline basis |
CCallableFunctionWrapper | Wrap a Dune::VirtualFunction into a callable object |
CComposedGridFunction | Composition of grid functions with another function |
CCompositeBasisNode | |
CCompositePreBasis | A pre-basis for composite bases |
CDefaultDerivativeTraits | Default implementation for derivative traits |
CDefaultDerivativeTraits< double(double) > | Default implementation for derivative traits |
CDefaultDerivativeTraits< FieldMatrix< K, 1, m >(FieldVector< K, n >)> | Default implementation for derivative traits |
CDefaultDerivativeTraits< FieldVector< K, m >(FieldVector< K, n >)> | Default implementation for derivative traits |
CDefaultDerivativeTraits< K(FieldVector< K, n >)> | Default implementation for derivative traits |
CDefaultGlobalBasis | Global basis for given pre-basis |
CDefaultLocalView | The restriction of a finite element basis to a single element |
►CDefaultNodeToRangeMap | A simple node to range map using lexicographic ordering |
CVisitor | |
CDifferentiableFunction | |
CDifferentiableFunction< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | Class storing differentiable functions using type erasure |
CDifferentiableFunctionFromCallables | |
CDifferentiableFunctionFromCallables< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, F > | Wrap a list of callable objects as derivative sequence modelling Concept::DifferentiableFunction<Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits> |
CDifferentiableFunctionFromCallables< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits, F, DF, Derivatives... > | Wrap a list of callable objects as derivative sequence modelling Concept::DifferentiableFunction<Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits> |
►CDiscreteGlobalBasisFunction | A grid function induced by a global basis and a coefficient vector |
CLocalFunction | |
►CDiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionDerivative | Derivative of a DiscreteGlobalBasisFunction |
CLocalFunction | Local function evaluating the derivative in reference coordinates |
CFaceNormalGridFunction | Grid function implementing the piecewise element face normal |
CFunctionFromCallable | |
CFunctionFromCallable< Range(Domain), F, FunctionInterface > | Wrap a callable object as Dune::Function or Dune::VirtualFunction |
CGridFunction | |
CGridFunction< Range(Domain), ES, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | Wrapper class for functions defined on a Grid |
CGridViewEntitySet | An entity set for all entities of given codim in a grid view |
CGridViewFunction | |
CGridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GV, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | Wrapper class for functions defined on a GridView |
CHasStaticSize | Check if type is a statically sized container |
CHierarchicalLagrangeNode | |
CHierarchicalLagrangePreBasis | A pre-basis for a hierarchical basis |
CHierarchicNodeToRangeMap | A simple node to range map using the nested tree indices |
CHierarchicVectorWrapper | A wrapper providing multiindex access to vector entries |
CInvalidRange | Dummy range class to be used if no proper type is available |
CIsCallable | Helper class to check that F is callable |
CLagrangeDGPreBasis | |
CLagrangeNode | |
CLagrangePreBasis | A pre-basis for a PQ-lagrange bases with given order |
CLastType | Get last entry of type list |
CLeafBasisNode | |
►CLocalDerivativeTraits | Derivative traits for local functions |
CTraits | |
CTraits< R(LocalDomain)> | |
CLocalFunction | |
CLocalFunction< Range(Domain), LocalContext, DerivativeTraits, bufferSize > | Class storing local functions using type erasure |
CNedelecNode | |
CNedelecPreBasis | |
COverflowArray | A dynamically sized array-like class with overflow |
CPolymorphicSmallObject | A wrapper providing small object optimization with polymorphic types |
CPolymorphicType | Base class with polymorphic type boiler plate code |
CPolynomial | A scalar polynomial implementation |
CPowerBasisNode | |
CPowerPreBasis | A pre-basis for power bases |
CRannacherTurekNode | |
CRannacherTurekPreBasis | Pre-basis for a Rannacher-Turek basis |
CRaviartThomasNode | |
CRaviartThomasPreBasis | |
CReservedDeque | A double-ended queue (deque) class with statically reserved memory |
CRotateTuple | Rotate type list by one, such that last entry is moved to first position |
CSignatureTag | |
CSignatureTag< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraitsT > | Tag-class to encapsulate signature information |
CSignatureTraits | Helper class to deduce the signature of a callable |
CSizeInfo | A class encapsulating size information |
CStaticMultiIndex | A statically sized MultiIndex type |
CStaticMultiIndex< size_type, 1 > | A statically sized MultiIndex type |
CStaticSize | Obtain size of statically sized container |
CSubEntityDOFs | Range of DOFs associated to sub-entity |
CSubspaceBasis | |
CSubspaceLocalView | The restriction of a finite element basis to a single element |
CTaylorHoodBasisTree | |
CTaylorHoodPreBasis | Pre-basis for lowest order Taylor-Hood basis |
CTaylorHoodVelocityTree | |
►CTreeData | Container allowing to attach data to each node of a tree |
CCopyVisitor | |
CDestroyVisitor | |
CInitVisitor | |
CTrigonometricFunction | A linear combination of trigonomic functions |
CTypeErasureBase | Base class for type-erased interface wrapper |
CUniformNodeVisitor | Mixin for visitors that should apply the same action on all nodes |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Ctuple_size< Dune::Functions::StaticMultiIndex< size_type, n > > | |