dune-functions 2.9.0
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
functionconcepts.hh File Reference
#include <dune/common/typelist.hh>
#include <dune/common/concept.hh>
#include <dune/functions/common/signature.hh>
#include <dune/functions/gridfunctions/localderivativetraits.hh>
#include <dune/functions/gridfunctions/gridviewentityset.hh>

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struct  Dune::Functions::Concept::Callable< Args >
 Concept objects that can be called with given argument list. More...
struct  Dune::Functions::Concept::Function< Range(Domain)>
 Concept for a function mapping Domain to Range. More...
struct  Dune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableFunction< Range(Domain), DerivativeTraits >
 Concept for a differentiable function mapping Domain to Range. More...
struct  Dune::Functions::Concept::LocalFunction< Range(Domain), LocalContext >
 Concept for a local function mapping Domain to Range. More...
struct  Dune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableLocalFunction< Range(Domain), LocalContext, DerivativeTraits >
 Concept for a differentiable local function mapping Domain to Range. More...
struct  Dune::Functions::Concept::EntitySet
 Concept for an entity set for a Concept::GridFunction<Range(Domain), EntitySet, DerivativeTraits> More...
struct  Dune::Functions::Concept::GridFunction< Range(Domain), EntitySet >
 Concept for a grid function mapping Domain to Range. More...
struct  Dune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableGridFunction< Range(Domain), EntitySet, DerivativeTraits >
 Concept for a differentiable grid function mapping Domain to Range. More...
struct  Dune::Functions::Concept::GridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GridView >
 Concept for a grid view function mapping Domain to Range. More...
struct  Dune::Functions::Concept::DifferentiableGridViewFunction< Range(Domain), GridView, DerivativeTraits >
 Concept for a differentiable grid view function mapping Domain to Range. More...


namespace  Dune
namespace  Dune::Functions
namespace  Dune::Functions::Concept


template<class F , class... Args>
static constexpr auto Dune::Functions::Concept::isCallable ()
 Check if f is callable with given argument list. More...
template<class F , class... Args>
static constexpr auto Dune::Functions::Concept::isCallable (F &&, Args &&...)
 Check if f is callable with given argument list. More...
template<class F , class Signature >
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isFunction ()
 Check if F models the Function concept with given signature. More...
template<class F , class Signature , template< class > class DerivativeTraits>
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isFunction (F &&f, SignatureTag< Signature, DerivativeTraits >)
 Check if f models the Function concept with given signature. More...
template<class F , class Signature , template< class > class DerivativeTraits = DefaultDerivativeTraits>
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isDifferentiableFunction ()
 Check if F models the DifferentiableFunction concept with given signature. More...
template<class F , class Signature , template< class > class DerivativeTraits>
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isDifferentiableFunction (F &&f, SignatureTag< Signature, DerivativeTraits >)
 Check if f models the DifferentiableFunction concept with given signature. More...
template<class F , class Signature , class LocalContext >
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isLocalFunction ()
 Check if F models the LocalFunction concept with given signature and local context. More...
template<class F , class Signature , class LocalContext , template< class > class DerivativeTraits = DefaultDerivativeTraits>
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isDifferentiableLocalFunction ()
 Check if F models the DifferentiableLocalFunction concept with given signature and local context. More...
template<class E >
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isEntitySet ()
 Check if F models the GridFunction concept with given signature and entity set. More...
template<class F , class Signature , class EntitySet >
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isGridFunction ()
 Check if F models the GridFunction concept with given signature and entity set. More...
template<class F , class Signature , class EntitySet , template< class > class DerivativeTraits = DefaultDerivativeTraits>
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isDifferentiableGridFunction ()
 Check if F models the DifferentiableGridFunction concept with given signature and entity set. More...
template<class F , class Signature , class GridView >
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isGridViewFunction ()
 Check if F models the GridViewFunction concept with given signature. More...
template<class F , class Signature , class GridView , template< class > class DerivativeTraits = DefaultDerivativeTraits>
static constexpr bool Dune::Functions::Concept::isDifferentiableGridViewFunction ()
 Check if F models the DifferentiableGridViewFunction concept with given signature. More...