Class FlyweightProcessingInstruction

    • Field Detail

      • target

        protected String target
        The target of the PI
      • text

        protected String text
        The values for the PI as a String
      • values

        protected Map<String,​String> values
        The values for the PI in name/value pairs
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlyweightProcessingInstruction

        public FlyweightProcessingInstruction()
        A default constructor for implementors to use.
      • FlyweightProcessingInstruction

        public FlyweightProcessingInstruction​(String target,
                                              Map<String,​String> values)

        This will create a new PI with the given target and values

        target - is the name of the PI
        values - is the Map of the values for the PI
      • FlyweightProcessingInstruction

        public FlyweightProcessingInstruction​(String target,
                                              String text)

        This will create a new PI with the given target and values

        target - is the name of the PI
        text - is the values for the PI as text