Class RuleSet

  • public class RuleSet
    extends Object

    RuleSet manages a set of rules which are sorted in order of relevance according to the XSLT defined conflict resolution policy. This makes finding the correct rule for a DOM4J Node using the XSLT processing model efficient as the rules can be evaluated in order of priority.

    • Constructor Detail

      • RuleSet

        public RuleSet()
    • Method Detail

      • getMatchingRule

        public Rule getMatchingRule​(Node node)
        Performs an XSLT processing model match for the rule which matches the given Node the best.
        node - is the DOM4J Node to match against
        the matching Rule or no rule if none matched
      • addRule

        public void addRule​(Rule rule)
      • removeRule

        public void removeRule​(Rule rule)
      • addAll

        public void addAll​(RuleSet that)
        Adds all the rules to this RuleSet from the given other rule set.
        that - DOCUMENT ME!
      • getRuleArray

        protected Rule[] getRuleArray()
        Returns an array of sorted rules.
        the rules as a sorted array in ascending precendence so that the rules at the end of the array should be used first