Class RuleManager

  • public class RuleManager
    extends Object

    RuleManager manages a set of rules such that a rule can be found for a given DOM4J Node using the XSLT processing model.

    • Constructor Detail

      • RuleManager

        public RuleManager()
    • Method Detail

      • getMode

        public Mode getMode​(String modeName)
        DOCUMENT ME!
        modeName - DOCUMENT ME!
        the Mode instance for the given mode name. If one does not exist then it will be created.
      • addRule

        public void addRule​(Rule rule)
      • removeRule

        public void removeRule​(Rule rule)
      • getMatchingRule

        public Rule getMatchingRule​(String modeName,
                                    Node node)
        Performs an XSLT processing model match for the rule which matches the given Node the best.
        modeName - is the name of the mode associated with the rule if any
        node - is the DOM4J Node to match against
        the matching Rule or no rule if none matched
      • clear

        public void clear()
      • getValueOfAction

        public Action getValueOfAction()
        DOCUMENT ME!
        the default value-of action which is used in the default rules for the pattern "text()|@"
      • setValueOfAction

        public void setValueOfAction​(Action valueOfAction)
        Sets the default value-of action which is used in the default rules for the pattern "text()|@"
        valueOfAction - DOCUMENT ME!
      • createMode

        protected Mode createMode()
        A factory method to return a new Modeinstance which should add the necessary default rules
        DOCUMENT ME!
      • addDefaultRules

        protected void addDefaultRules​(Mode mode)
        Adds the default stylesheet rules to the given Modeinstance
        mode - DOCUMENT ME!
      • addDefaultRule

        protected void addDefaultRule​(Mode mode,
                                      Pattern pattern,
                                      Action action)
      • createDefaultRule

        protected Rule createDefaultRule​(Pattern pattern,
                                         Action action)