
Class STAXEventReader

    • Constructor Detail

      • STAXEventReader

        public STAXEventReader()
        Constructs a default STAXEventReader instance with a default DocumentFactory.
      • STAXEventReader

        public STAXEventReader​(DocumentFactory factory)
        Constructs a STAXEventReader instance that uses the specified DocumentFactoryto construct DOM4J Nodes.
        factory - The DocumentFactory to use when constructing DOM4J nodes, or null if a default should be used.
    • Method Detail

      • setDocumentFactory

        public void setDocumentFactory​(DocumentFactory documentFactory)
        Sets the DocumentFactory to be used when constructing DOM4J nodes.
        documentFactory - The DocumentFactory to use when constructing DOM4J nodes, or null if a default should be used.
      • readDocument

        public Document readDocument​(InputStream is)
                              throws XMLStreamException
        Constructs a StAX event stream from the provided I/O stream and reads a DOM4J document from it.
        is - The I/O stream from which the Document will be read.
        The Document that was read from the stream.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occurs reading content from the stream.
      • readDocument

        public Document readDocument​(Reader reader)
                              throws XMLStreamException
        Constructs a StAX event stream from the provided I/O character stream and reads a DOM4J document from it.
        reader - The character stream from which the Document will be read.
        The Document that was read from the stream.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occurs reading content from the stream.
      • readDocument

        public Document readDocument​(InputStream is,
                                     String systemId)
                              throws XMLStreamException
        Constructs a StAX event stream from the provided I/O stream and reads a DOM4J document from it.
        is - The I/O stream from which the Document will be read.
        systemId - A system id used to resolve entities.
        The Document that was read from the stream.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occurs reading content from the stream.
      • readDocument

        public Document readDocument​(Reader reader,
                                     String systemId)
                              throws XMLStreamException
        Constructs a StAX event stream from the provided I/O character stream and reads a DOM4J document from it.
        reader - The character stream from which the Document will be read.
        systemId - A system id used to resolve entities.
        The Document that was read from the stream.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occurs reading content from the stream.
      • readNode

        public Node readNode​(XMLEventReader reader)
                      throws XMLStreamException
        Reads a Nodefrom the event stream. If the next event is a StartElement, all events until the closing EndElement will be read, and the resulting nodes will be added to the returned Element.

        Pre-Conditions : The stream must be positioned before an event other than an EndElement,EndDocument, or any DTD-related events, which are not currently supported.

        reader - The reader from which events will be read.
        A DOM4J Nodeconstructed from the read events.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occurs reading from the stream, or the stream was positioned before an unsupported event.
      • readElement

        public Element readElement​(XMLEventReader eventReader)
                            throws XMLStreamException
        Reads a DOM4J Element from the provided event stream. The stream must be positioned before an StartElementevent. In addition to the initial start event, all events up to and including the closing EndElement will be read, and included with the returned element.
        eventReader - The event stream from which to read the Element.
        The Element that was read from the stream.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occured reading events from the stream, or the stream was not positioned before a StartElementevent.
      • readAttribute

        public Attribute readAttribute​(XMLEventReader reader)
                                throws XMLStreamException
        Constructs a DOM4J Attribute from the provided event stream. The stream must be positioned before an Attributeevent.
        reader - The event stream from which to read the Attribute.
        The Attribute that was read from the stream.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occured reading events from the stream, or the stream was not positioned before an Attributeevent.
      • readNamespace

        public Namespace readNamespace​(XMLEventReader reader)
                                throws XMLStreamException
        Constructs a DOM4J Namespace from the provided event stream. The stream must be positioned before a Namespaceevent.
        reader - The event stream from which to read the Namespace.
        The Namespace that was read from the stream.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occured reading events from the stream, or the stream was not positioned before a Namespaceevent.
      • readCharacters

        public CharacterData readCharacters​(XMLEventReader reader)
                                     throws XMLStreamException
        Constructs a DOM4J Text or CDATA section from the provided event stream. The stream must be positioned before a Charactersevent.
        reader - The event stream from which to read the Text or CDATA.
        The Text or CDATA that was read from the stream.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occured reading events from the stream, or the stream was not positioned before a Charactersevent.
      • readComment

        public Comment readComment​(XMLEventReader reader)
                            throws XMLStreamException
        Constructs a DOM4J Comment from the provided event stream. The stream must be positioned before a Commentevent.
        reader - The event stream from which to read the Comment.
        The Comment that was read from the stream.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occured reading events from the stream, or the stream was not positioned before a Commentevent.
      • readProcessingInstruction

        public ProcessingInstruction readProcessingInstruction​(XMLEventReader reader)
                                                        throws XMLStreamException
        Constructs a DOM4J ProcessingInstruction from the provided event stream. The stream must be positioned before a ProcessingInstruction event.
        reader - The event stream from which to read the ProcessingInstruction.
        The ProcessingInstruction that was read from the stream.
        XMLStreamException - If an error occured reading events from the stream, or the stream was not positioned before a ProcessingInstruction event.
      • createElement

        public Element createElement​(StartElement startEvent)
        Constructs a new DOM4J Element from the provided StartElement event. All attributes and namespaces will be added to the returned element.
        startEvent - The StartElement event from which to construct the new DOM4J Element.
        The Element constructed from the provided StartElement event.
      • createAttribute

        public Attribute createAttribute​(Element elem,
                                         Attribute attr)
        Constructs a new DOM4J Attribute from the provided StAX Attribute event.
        elem - DOCUMENT ME!
        attr - The Attribute event from which to construct the new DOM4J Attribute.
        The Attribute constructed from the provided Attribute event.
      • createNamespace

        public Namespace createNamespace​(Namespace ns)
        Constructs a new DOM4J Namespace from the provided StAX Namespace event.
        ns - The Namespace event from which to construct the new DOM4J Namespace.
        The Namespace constructed from the provided Namespace event.
      • createCharacterData

        public CharacterData createCharacterData​(Characters characters)
        Constructs a new DOM4J Text or CDATA object from the provided Characters event.
        characters - The Characters event from which to construct the new DOM4J Text or CDATA object.
        The Text or CDATA object constructed from the provided Characters event.
      • createComment

        public Comment createComment​(Comment comment)
        Constructs a new DOM4J Comment from the provided StAX Comment event.
        comment - The Comment event from which to construct the new DOM4J Comment.
        The Comment constructed from the provided Comment event.
      • createEntity

        public Entity createEntity​(EntityReference entityRef)
        Constructs a new DOM4J Entity from the provided StAX EntityReference event.
        entityRef - The EntityReference event from which to construct the new DOM4J Entity.
        The Entity constructed from the provided EntityReference event.
      • createProcessingInstruction

        public ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction​(ProcessingInstruction pi)
        Constructs a new DOM4J ProcessingInstruction from the provided StAX ProcessingInstruction event.
        pi - The ProcessingInstruction event from which to construct the new DOM4J ProcessingInstruction.
        The ProcessingInstruction constructed from the provided ProcessingInstruction event.
      • createQName

        public QName createQName​(QName qname)
        Constructs a new DOM4J QName from the provided JAXP QName.
        qname - The JAXP QName from which to create a DOM4J QName.
        The newly constructed DOM4J QName.