libdap Updated for version 3.20.11
libdap4 is an implementation of OPeNDAP's DAP protocol.
libdap Namespace Reference

top level DAP object to house generic methods More...


class  AlarmHandler
class  Ancillary
class  Array
 A multidimensional array of identical data types. More...
class  AttrTable
 Contains the attributes for a dataset. More...
class  BaseType
 The basic data type for the DODS DAP types.
class  BaseTypeFactory
class  Byte
 Holds a single byte. More...
struct  ce_parser_arg
class  ChildLocker
class  chunked_inbuf
class  chunked_istream
class  chunked_ostream
 A C++ stream class for chunked data. This class uses the chunked_outbuf class to provide for chunked binary serialization of data as specified by DAP4. Information to be serialized is broken into 'chunks' that are no more than 2^24 bytes in length. Each chunk is prefixed by a 4 byte header that indicates the type of chunk and size (number of bytes in the chunk body). There are three types of chunk: Data; End; and Error. In normal operation, a DAP4 data document/response is serialized as a sequence of DATA chunks followed by one END chunk (which may be zero bytes in length). If, during serialization, an error is detected, the currently buffered (but not sent) data are discarded and an ERROR chunk is sent with an error message. More...
class  chunked_outbuf
 output buffer for a chunked stream This performs buffered output encoding the data in the stream using the simple chunking protocol defined for DAP4's binary data transmission. Each block of data is prefixed by four bytes: A CHUNK TYPE byte followed by three bytes that are the CHUNK SIZE. There are three CHUNK TYPES: data, end and error, indicated by the code values 0x00, 0x01 and 0x02. The size of a chunk is limited to 2^24 data bytes + 4 bytes for the chunk header. More...
struct  Clause
 Holds a fragment of a constraint expression. More...
class  Connect
 Holds information about the link from a DAP2 client to a dataset. More...
class  ConstraintEvaluator
 Evaluate a constraint expression. More...
class  Constructor
class  D4AsyncUtil
class  D4Attribute
class  D4Attributes
class  D4BaseTypeFactory
class  D4CEScanner
class  D4Connect
class  D4ConstraintEvaluator
class  D4Dimension
class  D4Dimensions
class  D4Enum
 Holds a DAP4 enumeration. More...
class  D4EnumDef
class  D4EnumDefs
class  D4FilterClause
 DAP4 filter clauses. More...
class  D4FilterClauseList
 List of DAP4 Filter Clauses. More...
class  D4FunctionEvaluator
class  D4FunctionScanner
class  D4Group
class  D4Map
class  D4Maps
class  D4Opaque
class  D4ParserSax2
class  D4RValue
class  D4RValueList
class  D4Sequence
 Holds a sequence. More...
class  D4StreamMarshaller
 Marshaller that knows how to marshal/serialize dap data objects to a C++ iostream using DAP4's receiver-makes-right scheme. This code adds checksums to the stream and uses the xdr library to encode real values if the underlying representation is not IEEE 754. It also supports computing the checksum only. More...
class  D4StreamUnMarshaller
 Read data from the stream made by D4StreamMarshaller. More...
class  DapIndent
 class with static methods to help with indentation of debug information. More...
class  DapObj
 libdap base object for common functionality of libdap objects More...
class  DapXmlNamspaces
class  DAS
 Hold attribute data for a DAP2 dataset. More...
class  DataDDS
 Holds a DAP2 DDS. More...
class  DDS
class  DDXParseFailed
class  DDXParser
class  DMR
class  DODSFilter
 Common functions for DODS server filter programs. More...
class  Error
 A class for error processing. More...
class  EventHandler
class  Float32
 Holds a 32-bit floating point value. More...
class  Float64
 Holds a 64-bit (double precision) floating point value. More...
class  Grid
 Holds the Grid data type. More...
class  HTTPCache
class  HTTPCacheInterruptHandler
class  HTTPCacheResponse
class  HTTPCacheTable
class  HTTPConnect
class  HTTPResponse
class  Int16
 Holds a 16-bit signed integer value. More...
class  Int32
 Holds a 32-bit signed integer. More...
class  Int64
 Holds a64-bit signed integer. More...
class  Int8
 Holds an 8-bit signed integer value. More...
class  InternalErr
 A class for software fault reporting. More...
class  Keywords
class  Locker
class  Marshaller
 abstract base class used to marshal/serialize dap data objects More...
class  MarshallerThread
struct  parser_arg
 Pass parameters by reference to a parser. More...
class  PipeResponse
 Encapsulate a response. This class provides special treatment for 'stream pipes.' It arranges to close them using pclose() instead of fclose(). More...
class  RCReader
class  Regex
 Regular expression matching. More...
class  Resource
 Associate a rule with an ancillary resource. More...
class  Response
class  ResponseTooBigErr
class  rvalue
class  Sequence
 Holds a sequence. More...
class  ServerFunction
class  ServerFunctionsList
class  SignalHandler
class  SignalHandlerRegisteredErr
class  StdinResponse
 Encapsulate a response read from stdin. More...
class  Str
 Holds character string data. More...
class  Structure
 Holds a structure (aggregate) type. More...
class  UInt16
 Holds an unsigned 16-bit integer. More...
class  UInt32
 Holds a 32-bit unsigned integer. More...
class  UInt64
 Holds a 64-bit unsigned integer. More...
class  UnMarshaller
 abstract base class used to unmarshall/deserialize dap data objects More...
class  Url
 Holds an Internet address (URL). More...
class  Vector
 Holds a one-dimensional collection of DAP2 data types. More...
class  XDRFileMarshaller
 marshaller that knows how to marshall/serialize dap data objects to a file using XDR More...
class  XDRFileUnMarshaller
 unmarshaller that knows how to unmarshall/deserialize dap objects using XDR from a file More...
class  XDRStreamMarshaller
 Marshaller that knows how serialize dap data objects to a C++ iostream using XDR. More...
class  XDRStreamUnMarshaller
 unmarshaller that knows how to unmarshall/deserialize dap objects using XDR from a file More...
class  XDRUtils
class  XMLWriter


typedef vector< BaseType * > BaseTypeRow
typedef std::vector< dods_byte > * byte_arg_list
typedef BaseType *(* D4Function) (D4RValueList *, DMR &)
typedef vector< BaseType * > D4SeqRow
typedef vector< D4SeqRow * > D4SeqValues
typedef uint8_t dods_byte
typedef int64_t dods_enum
typedef float dods_float32
typedef double dods_float64
typedef int16_t dods_int16
typedef int32_t dods_int32
typedef int64_t dods_int64
typedef int8_t dods_int8
typedef uint16_t dods_uint16
typedef uint32_t dods_uint32
typedef uint64_t dods_uint64
typedef int ErrorCode
 An enumerated type for common errors.
typedef std::vector< dods_float32 > * float32_arg_list
typedef std::vector< dods_float64 > * float64_arg_list
typedef std::vector< dods_int16 > * int16_arg_list
typedef std::vector< dods_int32 > * int32_arg_list
typedef std::vector< rvalue * > rvalue_list
typedef std::vector< rvalue * >::const_iterator rvalue_list_citer
typedef std::vector< rvalue * >::iterator rvalue_list_iter
typedef vector< BaseTypeRow * > SequenceValues
typedef void Sigfunc(int)
typedef std::vector< dods_uint16 > * uint16_arg_list
typedef std::vector< dods_uint32 > * uint32_arg_list


enum  AttrType {
  Attr_unknown , Attr_container , Attr_byte , Attr_int16 ,
  Attr_uint16 , Attr_int32 , Attr_uint32 , Attr_float32 ,
  Attr_float64 , Attr_string , Attr_url , Attr_other_xml
enum  DAPVersion { DAP_2_0 , DAP_3_2 , DAP_4_0 }
enum  EncodingType {
  unknown_enc , deflate , x_plain , gzip ,
 The type of encoding used on the current stream. More...
enum  ObjectType {
  unknown_type , dods_das , dods_dds , dods_data ,
  dods_ddx , dods_data_ddx , dods_error , web_error ,
  dap4_dmr , dap4_data , dap4_error
 The type of object in the stream coming from the data server.
enum  Part { nil , array , maps }
 Names the parts of multi-section constructor data types. More...
enum  RejectReasonCode { TIME , UNAVAILABLE , PRIVILEGES , OTHER }
enum  Type {
  dods_null_c , dods_byte_c , dods_int16_c , dods_uint16_c ,
  dods_int32_c , dods_uint32_c , dods_float32_c , dods_float64_c ,
  dods_str_c , dods_url_c , dods_structure_c , dods_array_c ,
  dods_sequence_c , dods_grid_c , dods_char_c , dods_int8_c ,
  dods_uint8_c , dods_int64_c , dods_uint64_c , dods_enum_c ,
  dods_opaque_c , dods_group_c
 Identifies the data type. More...


string add_space_encoding (const string &s)
rvalue_list * append_rvalue_list (rvalue_list *rvals, rvalue *rv)
string AttrType_to_String (const AttrType at)
BaseType ** build_btp_args (const rvalue_list *args, DDS &dds)
string char2ASCII (string s, const string escape="%[0-7][0-9a-fA-F]")
int check_byte (const char *val)
 Is the value a valid byte? More...
int check_float32 (const char *val)
int check_float64 (const char *val)
int check_float64 (const char *val, double &v)
int check_int16 (const char *val)
int check_int32 (const char *val)
int check_int32 (const char *val, int &v)
int check_int64 (const char *val)
int check_uint16 (const char *val)
int check_uint32 (const char *val)
int check_uint32 (const char *val, unsigned int &v)
int check_uint64 (const char *val)
int check_url (const char *val)
 Is the value a valid URL? More...
void close_temp (FILE *s, const string &name)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool Cmp (int op, T1 v1, T2 v2)
string D2type_name (Type t)
 Returns the type of the class instance as a string. Supports all DAP2 types and not the DAP4-only types. Also returns Url (DAP2) and not "URL" (DAP4) for the URL type. More...
string D4AttributeTypeToString (D4AttributeType at)
D4RValueD4RValueFactory (std::string cpps)
 Build an appropriate RValue. More...
string D4type_name (Type t)
 Returns the type of the class instance as a string. Supports all DAP4 types and not the DAP2-only types. Also returns URL (DAP4) and not "Url" (DAP2) for the URL type. More...
string date_time_str (time_t *calendar, bool local)
bool dir_exists (const string &dir)
bool double_eq (double lhs, double rhs, double epsilon=1.0e-5)
void downcase (string &s)
string esc2underscore (string s)
string escape_double_quotes (string source)
string escattr (string s)
double * extract_double_array (Array *a)
void extract_double_array (Array *a, vector< double > &dest)
double extract_double_value (BaseType *arg)
string extract_string_argument (BaseType *arg)
void fillConstructorAttrTable (AttrTable *at, BaseType *bt)
 Recursive helper function for Building DAS entries for Constructor types. More...
AttrType get_dap2_AttrType (D4AttributeType d4_type)
double get_float64 (const char *val)
int get_hash (const string &url)
int get_int32 (const char *val)
long long get_int64 (const char *val)
string get_temp_file (FILE *&stream) throw (Error)
Type get_type (const char *name)
unsigned int get_uint32 (const char *val)
unsigned long long get_uint64 (const char *val)
bool has_dap2_attributes (AttrTable &a)
bool has_dap2_attributes (BaseType *btp)
string hexstring (unsigned char val)
string id2www (string in, const string &allowable)
string id2www_ce (string in, const string &allowable)
string id2xml (string in, const string &not_allowed)
bool is_constructor_type (Type t)
 Returns true if the instance is a constructor (i.e., Structure, Sequence or Grid) type variable. More...
bool is_host_big_endian ()
 Does this host use big-endian byte order? More...
bool is_integer_type (Type t)
bool is_keyword (string id, const string &keyword)
bool is_quoted (const string &s)
bool is_simple_type (Type t)
 Returns true if the instance is a numeric, string or URL type variable. More...
bool is_vector_type (Type t)
 Returns true if the instance is a vector (i.e., array) type variable. More...
const char * libdap_name ()
const char * libdap_root ()
const char * libdap_version ()
rvalue_list * make_rvalue_list (rvalue *rv)
string munge_error_message (string msg)
string octal_to_hex (const string &octal_digits)
string octstring (unsigned char val)
void parse_error (const char *msg, const int line_num, const char *context)
void print_var_das (ostream &out, BaseType *bt, string indent="")
string prune_spaces (const string &name)
string remove_quotes (const string &s)
string remove_space_encoding (const string &s)
void save_str (std::string &dst, const char *src, const int)
 Save a string to a temporary variable during the parse. More...
void set_array_using_double (Array *dest, double *src, int src_len)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool StrCmp (int op, T1 v1, T2 v2)
AttrType String_to_AttrType (const string &s)
D4AttributeType StringToD4AttributeType (string s)
string systime ()
string type_name (Type t)
string unescape_double_quotes (string source)
string unescattr (string s)
string unhexstring (string s)
bool unique_names (vector< BaseType * > l, const string &var_name, const string &type_name, string &msg)
string unoctstring (string s)
string www2id (const string &in, const string &escape, const string &except)
string xml2id (string in)
Accessors and Mutators for various properties.
bool is_hop_by_hop_header (const string &header)
Cache Index

These methods manage the cache's index file. Each cache holds an index file named .index which stores the cache's state information.

MIME Utilities

A collection of useful functions for writing MIME headers for OPeNDAP servers.

The CGI utilities include a variety of functions useful to programmers developing OPeNDAP CGI filter programs. However, before jumping in and using these, look at the class ResponseBuilder. Always choose to use that class over these functions if you can. Many of these functions were used by the CGI programs that made up the first DAP server; all of those are deprecated and the ResponseBuilder class should be used instead. Some of the other functions are used by ResponseBuilder and the client-side parsing code that needs to identify MIME headers, boundaries, etc.

See also
ResponseBuilder, Connect, DDXParserSAX2
time_t last_modified_time (const string &name)
string rfc822_date (const time_t t)
bool do_version (const string &script_ver, const string &dataset_ver)
 Send a version number. More...
void ErrMsgT (const string &Msgt)
 Logs an error message. More...
string name_path (const string &path)
 Returns the filename portion of a pathname. More...
ObjectType get_type (const string &value)
ObjectType get_description_type (const string &value)
string get_next_mime_header (FILE *in)
string get_next_mime_header (istream &in)
void parse_mime_header (const string &header, string &name, string &value)
bool is_boundary (const char *line, const string &boundary)
string read_multipart_boundary (FILE *in, const string &boundary)
string read_multipart_boundary (istream &in, const string &boundary)
void read_multipart_headers (FILE *in, const string &content_type, const ObjectType object_type, const string &cid)
void read_multipart_headers (istream &in, const string &content_type, const ObjectType object_type, const string &cid)
string cid_to_header_value (const string &cid)
bool remove_mime_header (FILE *in)
 Read and discard the MIME header of the stream in. More...
void remove_mime_header (istream &in)
MIME utility functions

These functions are used to create the MIME headers for a message from a server to a client. They are public but should not be called directly unless absolutely necessary. Use DODSFilter instead.

NB: These functions actually write both the response status line and the header.

Use ResponseBuilder instead.
See also
void set_mime_text (FILE *out, ObjectType type, const string &ver, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified)
void set_mime_text (ostream &strm, ObjectType type, const string &ver, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified)
void set_mime_text (ostream &strm, ObjectType type, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified, const string &protocol)
void set_mime_html (FILE *out, ObjectType type, const string &ver, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified)
void set_mime_html (ostream &strm, ObjectType type, const string &ver, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified)
void set_mime_html (ostream &strm, ObjectType type, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified, const string &protocol)
void set_mime_binary (FILE *out, ObjectType type, const string &ver, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified)
void set_mime_binary (ostream &strm, ObjectType type, const string &ver, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified)
void set_mime_binary (ostream &strm, ObjectType type, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified, const string &protocol)
void set_mime_multipart (ostream &strm, const string &boundary, const string &start, ObjectType type, const string &version, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified)
void set_mime_multipart (ostream &strm, const string &boundary, const string &start, ObjectType type, EncodingType enc, const time_t last_modified, const string &protocol, const string &url)
void set_mime_ddx_boundary (ostream &strm, const string &boundary, const string &cid, ObjectType type, EncodingType enc)
void set_mime_data_boundary (ostream &strm, const string &boundary, const string &cid, ObjectType type, EncodingType enc)
void set_mime_error (FILE *out, int code, const string &reason, const string &version)
void set_mime_error (ostream &strm, int code, const string &reason, const string &version)
void set_mime_not_modified (FILE *out)
 Send a ‘Not Modified’ response. More...
void set_mime_not_modified (ostream &strm)
 Send a ‘Not Modified’ response. More...

Generate error messages for the various parsers.

parser_error() generates error messages for the various parsers used by libdap. There are two versions of the function, one which takes a const char *message and a const int line_num and writes the message and line number too stderr and a second which takes an additional parser_arg arg parameter and writes the error message into an Error object which is returned to the caller via the arg parameter.

{The second version of this function also accepts a third parameter (const char *context) which can be used to provide an additional line of information beyond what is in the string message.}
void parse_error (parser_arg *arg, const char *msg, const int line_num, const char *context)
void parse_error (const string &msg, const int line_num, const char *context)
Integer to string conversion functions

Fast, safe conversions from long to a character representation which gets appended to a string. This method will take a long value 'val' and it will recursively divide it by 'base' in order to "extract" one by one the digits which compose it; these digits will be appended to the string str_val which will become the textual representation of 'val'. Please notice that the digits `‘extracted’' from ‘val’ will vary depending on the base chosen for the conversion; for example val=15 converted to base 10 will yield the digits (1,5), converted to base 16 will yield (F) and converted to base 2 will yield (1,1,1,1).

valThe long value we which to convert to string.
baseA value in the range [2,36] which is the base to use while transforming the long value 'val' to its textual representation. Typical bases are 2 (binary), 10 (decimal) and 16 (hexadecimal).
str_valThis is the string that will hold the textual representation of 'val'. The string str_val should be pre-set to an empty string ("") otherwise the output of this function will just append the textual representation of val to whatever data is there; these feature may be useful if you wish to append a long value to a string s1 (just like operator+ does) without having to create a new string object s2 and then use string::operator+ between s1 and s2.
void. This method returns nothing however be aware that it will throw and exception of type std::invalid_argument if the parameter base is not in the valid range.
void append_long_to_string (long val, int base, string &str_val)
string long_to_string (long val, int base)
Double to string conversion functions

Conversions from double to a character representation which gets appended to a string. This function depends on the standard routine sprintf to convert a double to a textual representation which gets appended to the string 'str'.

numThe double you wish to append to str.
strThe string where the textual representation of num will be appended.
void append_double_to_string (const double &num, string &str)
string double_to_string (const double &num)
string path_to_filename (string path)
int glob (const char *c, const char *s)
time_t parse_time (const char *str, bool expand)
Security functions
bool size_ok (unsigned int sz, unsigned int nelem)
 sanitize the size of an array. Test for integer overflow when dynamically allocating an array. More...
bool pathname_ok (const string &path, bool strict)
 Does the string name a potentially valid pathname? Test the given pathname to verify that it is a valid name. We define this as: Contains only printable characters; and Is less then 256 characters. If strict is true, test that the pathname consists of only letters, digits, and underscore, dash and dot characters instead of the more general case where a pathname can be composed of any printable characters. More...
string dap_version ()
string open_temp_fstream (ofstream &f, const string &name_template, const string &suffix)


int dods_keep_temps = 0
const size_t line_length = 1024
const unsigned int max_str_len = DODS_USHRT_MAX - 1
const unsigned int max_url_len = 255
const string usage
int www_trace = 0
int www_trace_extensive = 0

get information using an iterator

const string double_quote = "\""

Detailed Description

top level DAP object to house generic methods

Define this symbol iff we decide to include information about the byte order of the response (as sent from the server) so that the client can determine the correct CRC32 hash code. jhrg 1/4/16

Typedef Documentation

◆ BaseTypeRow

typedef vector< BaseType * > libdap::BaseTypeRow

The type BaseTypeRow is used to store single rows of values in an instance of Sequence. Values are stored in instances of BaseType.

Definition at line 50 of file D4Sequence.h.

◆ byte_arg_list

typedef std::vector<dods_byte>* libdap::byte_arg_list

Definition at line 73 of file RValue.h.

◆ D4Function

typedef BaseType *(* libdap::D4Function) (D4RValueList *, DMR &)

Definition at line 42 of file D4Function.h.

◆ D4SeqRow

typedef vector<BaseType *> libdap::D4SeqRow

The type BaseTypeRow is used to store single rows of values in an instance of D4Sequence. Values are stored in instances of BaseType.

Definition at line 43 of file D4Sequence.h.

◆ D4SeqValues

typedef vector<D4SeqRow *> libdap::D4SeqValues

This type holds all of the values of a D4Sequence.

Definition at line 46 of file D4Sequence.h.

◆ dods_byte

typedef uint8_t libdap::dods_byte

Definition at line 21 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ dods_enum

typedef int64_t libdap::dods_enum

Definition at line 34 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ dods_float32

typedef float libdap::dods_float32

Definition at line 25 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ dods_float64

typedef double libdap::dods_float64

Definition at line 23 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ dods_int16

typedef int16_t libdap::dods_int16

Definition at line 17 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ dods_int32

typedef int32_t libdap::dods_int32

Definition at line 13 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ dods_int64

typedef int64_t libdap::dods_int64

Definition at line 30 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ dods_int8

typedef int8_t libdap::dods_int8

Definition at line 28 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ dods_uint16

typedef uint16_t libdap::dods_uint16

Definition at line 19 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ dods_uint32

typedef uint32_t libdap::dods_uint32

Definition at line 15 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ dods_uint64

typedef uint64_t libdap::dods_uint64

Definition at line 32 of file dods-datatypes-static.h.

◆ ErrorCode

typedef int libdap::ErrorCode

An enumerated type for common errors.

The most common errors within DAP2 have special codes so that they can be spotted easily by the client software. Any error without a matching code gets the unknown_error code.

Definition at line 58 of file Error.h.

◆ float32_arg_list

typedef std::vector<dods_float32>* libdap::float32_arg_list

Definition at line 78 of file RValue.h.

◆ float64_arg_list

typedef std::vector<dods_float64>* libdap::float64_arg_list

Definition at line 79 of file RValue.h.

◆ int16_arg_list

typedef std::vector<dods_int16>* libdap::int16_arg_list

Definition at line 74 of file RValue.h.

◆ int32_arg_list

typedef std::vector<dods_int32>* libdap::int32_arg_list

Definition at line 76 of file RValue.h.

◆ rvalue_list

typedef std::vector<rvalue *> libdap::rvalue_list

Definition at line 69 of file RValue.h.

◆ rvalue_list_citer

typedef std::vector<rvalue*>::const_iterator libdap::rvalue_list_citer

Definition at line 70 of file RValue.h.

◆ rvalue_list_iter

typedef std::vector<rvalue*>::iterator libdap::rvalue_list_iter

Definition at line 71 of file RValue.h.

◆ SequenceValues

typedef vector< BaseTypeRow * > libdap::SequenceValues

This type holds all of the values of a Sequence.

Definition at line 53 of file D4Sequence.h.

◆ Sigfunc

typedef void libdap::Sigfunc(int)

Definition at line 37 of file SignalHandler.h.

◆ uint16_arg_list

typedef std::vector<dods_uint16>* libdap::uint16_arg_list

Definition at line 75 of file RValue.h.

◆ uint32_arg_list

typedef std::vector<dods_uint32>* libdap::uint32_arg_list

Definition at line 77 of file RValue.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AttrType

AttrType identifies the data types which may appear in an attribute table object.

enum AttrType {
Definition: AttrTable.h:81
See also

Definition at line 81 of file AttrTable.h.

◆ CacheDisconnectedMode

Disconnected Operation

The cache can be set to handle disconnected operation where it does not use the network to validate entries and does not attempt to load new documents. All requests that cannot be fulfilled by the cache will be returned with a "504 Gateway Timeout" response. There are two operational disconnected modes:

No network activity at all: Here it uses its own persistent cache to answer the request, if possible.

Forward all disconnected requests to a proxy cache: Here it uses the HTTP/1.1 cache-control header to indicate that the proxy should operate in disconnected mode.

Definition at line 47 of file HTTPCacheDisconnectedMode.h.

◆ DAPVersion

enum libdap::DAPVersion

Definition at line 32 of file DapXmlNamespaces.h.

◆ EncodingType

The type of encoding used on the current stream.

libdap understands two types of encoding: x-plain and deflate, which correspond to plain uncompressed data and data compressed with zlib's LZW algorithm respectively.

enum EncodingType { unknown_enc, deflate, x_plain, gzip, binary };

Definition at line 48 of file EncodingType.h.

◆ ObjectType

The type of object in the stream coming from the data server.

When a version 2.x or greater DAP data server sends an object, it may use the Content-Description header of the response to indicate the type of object contained in the response.

 enum ObjectType {

If this is cjanged, update the char* array 'descrip' in mime_util.h.

Definition at line 58 of file ObjectType.h.

◆ Part

Names the parts of multi-section constructor data types.

Part names the parts of multi-section constructor types. For example, the Grid class has an array and the array maps. Use the nil value for data types that don't have separate parts.

enum Part {
Names the parts of multi-section constructor data types.
Definition: Type.h:48
See also

Definition at line 48 of file Type.h.

◆ RejectReasonCode

enum libdap::RejectReasonCode

Definition at line 16 of file D4AsyncUtil.h.

◆ Type

Identifies the data type.

Type identifies the data type stored in a particular type class. All the DODS Data Access Protocol (DAP) types inherit from the BaseType class.

enum Type {
Identifies the data type.
Definition: Type.h:94
See also

Definition at line 94 of file Type.h.

Function Documentation

◆ add_space_encoding()

string libdap::add_space_encoding ( const string &  s)

Add %20 space encoding.

Definition at line 78 of file

◆ append_double_to_string()

void libdap::append_double_to_string ( const double &  num,
string &  str 

Definition at line 970 of file

◆ append_long_to_string()

void libdap::append_long_to_string ( long  val,
int  base,
string &  str_val 

Definition at line 936 of file

◆ append_rvalue_list()

rvalue_list * libdap::append_rvalue_list ( rvalue_list *  rvals,
rvalue rv 

Definition at line 69 of file

◆ AttrType_to_String()

string libdap::AttrType_to_String ( const AttrType  at)

Convert an AttrType to it's string representation.

atThe Attribute Type.
The type's string representation

Definition at line 97 of file

◆ build_btp_args()

BaseType ** libdap::build_btp_args ( const rvalue_list *  args,
DDS dds 

Build an argument list suitable for calling a btp_func, bool_func, and so on. Since this takes an rvalue_list and not an rvalue, it is a function rather than a class member.

This function performs a common task but does not fit within the RValue class well. It is used by Clause and ce_expr.y.

argsA list of RValue objects
ddsUse this DDS when evaluating functions

Definition at line 88 of file

◆ cid_to_header_value()

std::string libdap::cid_to_header_value ( const string &  cid)

Given a Content-Id read from the DDX, return the value to look for in a MPM Content-Id header. This function downcases the CID to match the value returned by parse_mime_header.

cidThe Content-Id read from the DDX
The header value to look for.
Errorif the CID does not start with the string "cid:"

Definition at line 1075 of file

◆ close_temp()

void libdap::close_temp ( FILE *  s,
const string &  name 

close temporary files - used here and in ~HTTPResponse


Definition at line 827 of file

◆ Cmp()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool libdap::Cmp ( int  op,
T1  v1,
T2  v2 

Compare two numerical types, both of which are either signed or unsigned. This class is one implementation of the comparison policy used by rops.

See also

Definition at line 53 of file Operators.h.

◆ D2type_name()

string libdap::D2type_name ( Type  t)

Returns the type of the class instance as a string. Supports all DAP2 types and not the DAP4-only types. Also returns Url (DAP2) and not "URL" (DAP4) for the URL type.

tThe type code
The type name in a string

Definition at line 652 of file

◆ D4AttributeTypeToString()

string libdap::D4AttributeTypeToString ( D4AttributeType  at)

Convert an AttrType to it's string representation.

atThe Attribute Type.
The type's string representation

Definition at line 44 of file

◆ D4RValueFactory()

D4RValue * libdap::D4RValueFactory ( std::string  cpps)

Build an appropriate RValue.

Look at the value in the string parameter and build an appropriate BaseType, use that as a constant and build an RValue. This can be used by the DAP4 parser directly to build the constants in filter clauses.

cppsThe string argument read by the parser.
A D4RValue pointer.

Definition at line 218 of file

◆ D4type_name()

string libdap::D4type_name ( Type  t)

Returns the type of the class instance as a string. Supports all DAP4 types and not the DAP2-only types. Also returns URL (DAP4) and not "Url" (DAP2) for the URL type.

tThe type code
The type name in a string

Definition at line 697 of file

◆ dap_version()

string libdap::dap_version ( )

Get the version of the DAP library.


Definition at line 1215 of file

◆ date_time_str()

std::string libdap::date_time_str ( time_t *  calendar,
bool  local 

Given a time in seconds since midnight 1 Jan 1970, return the RFC 1123 date string. Example result string: Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT

calendarTime in seconds
localIf true, return the local time, if false return GMT. The default value is false.
A RFC 1123 date string.

Definition at line 273 of file

◆ dir_exists()

bool libdap::dir_exists ( const string &  dir)

Does the directory exist?

dirThe pathname to test.
True if the directory exists, false otherwise

Definition at line 928 of file

◆ do_version()

bool libdap::do_version ( const string &  script_ver,
const string &  dataset_ver 

Send a version number.

This sends a formatted block of text to the client, containing version information about various aspects of the server. The arguments allow you to enclose version information about the filter program and the dataset in the message. Either argument (or both) may be omitted, in which case no script or dataset version information will be printed.

script_verThe version of the filter script executing this function.
dataset_verThe version of the dataset.
TRUE for success. Always returns true.

Definition at line 190 of file

◆ double_eq()

bool libdap::double_eq ( double  lhs,
double  rhs,
double  epsilon = 1.0e-5 

Is lhs equal to rhs? Use epsilon to determine equality.

Definition at line 55 of file util.h.

◆ double_to_string()

string libdap::double_to_string ( const double &  num)

Definition at line 980 of file

◆ downcase()

void libdap::downcase ( string &  s)

Downcase the source string. This function modifies its argument.

Thestring to modify

Definition at line 566 of file

◆ ErrMsgT()

void libdap::ErrMsgT ( const string &  Msgt)

Logs an error message.

Prints an error message in the httpd system log file, along with a time stamp and the client host name (or address).

Use this instead of the functions in liberrmsg.a in the programs run by the CGIs to report errors so those errors show up in HTTPD's log files.


Definition at line 223 of file

◆ esc2underscore()

string libdap::esc2underscore ( string  s)

Return a string that has all the %<hex digit><hex digit> sequences replaced with underscores (‘_’).

sThe string to transform
The modified string.

Definition at line 354 of file

◆ escape_double_quotes()

string libdap::escape_double_quotes ( string  source)

Rip through a string and replace all the double quotes with " sequences.


Definition at line 470 of file

◆ escattr()

string libdap::escattr ( string  s)

Escape non-printable characters and quotes from an HDF attribute.

sThe attribute to modify.
The modified attribute.

Definition at line 368 of file

◆ extract_double_array() [1/2]

double * libdap::extract_double_array ( Array a)

Given a pointer to an Array which holds a numeric type, extract the values and return in an array of doubles. This function allocates the array using 'new double[n]' so delete[] MUST be used when you are done the data.

Support added for DAP4.
aExtract value from this Array.
A C++/C array of doubles.

Definition at line 261 of file

◆ extract_double_array() [2/2]

void libdap::extract_double_array ( Array a,
vector< double > &  dest 

Given a pointer to an Array which holds a numeric type, extract the values and return in an array of doubles. This function allocates the array using 'new double[n]' so delete[] MUST be used when you are done the data.

Before you call this function, you must call read on the array, or load the array with values and set the read_p property.
Support added for DAP4.
aExtract value from this Array.
destPut the values in this vector. A value-result parameter.
A C++/C array of doubles.

Definition at line 343 of file

◆ extract_double_value()

double libdap::extract_double_value ( BaseType arg)

Given a BaseType pointer, extract the numeric value it contains and return it in a C++ double.

Support for DAP4 types added.
argThe BaseType pointer
A C++ double
Errorthrown if the referenced BaseType object does not contain a DAP numeric value.

Definition at line 402 of file

◆ extract_string_argument()

string libdap::extract_string_argument ( BaseType arg)

Given a BaseType pointer, extract the string value it contains

argThe BaseType pointer
A C++ string
Errorthrown if the referenced BaseType object does not contain a DAP String.

Definition at line 119 of file

◆ fillConstructorAttrTable()

void libdap::fillConstructorAttrTable ( AttrTable at,
BaseType bt 

Recursive helper function for Building DAS entries for Constructor types.

atAdd Constructor content to this Attribute table
btA pointer to a BaseType which may be an instance of Constructor.

Definition at line 1126 of file

◆ get_dap2_AttrType()

AttrType libdap::get_dap2_AttrType ( D4AttributeType  d4_type)

Definition at line 278 of file

◆ get_description_type()

ObjectType libdap::get_description_type ( const string &  value)

This function returns the ObjectType value that matches the given string. Modified to include tests for the descriptions that use hyphens in addition to underscores. 8/1/08 jhrg

valueValue from the HTTP response header

Definition at line 337 of file

◆ get_hash()

int libdap::get_hash ( const string &  url)

Compute the hash value for a URL.

An integer hash code between 0 and CACHE_TABLE_SIZE.

Definition at line 103 of file

◆ get_next_mime_header() [1/2]

std::string libdap::get_next_mime_header ( FILE *  in)

Read the next MIME header from the input stream and return it in a string object. This function consumes any leading whitespace before the next header. It returns an empty string when the blank line that separates the headers from the body is found. This function works for header and separator lines that use either a CRLF pair (the correct line ending) or just a newline (a common error).

FIXME: This function returns tainted data.
inRead from this stream (FILE *)
A string that contains the next header line or is empty indicating the separator has been read.
Erroris thrown if no header or separator is found.
See also

Definition at line 836 of file

◆ get_next_mime_header() [2/2]

std::string libdap::get_next_mime_header ( istream &  in)

This function and its companion read the next MIME header from an input stream (or FILE*) and return it as a string. The stream pointer is updated to the next line of input. It returns an empty string when the blank line ending the MIME headers is found.

FIXME: This function returns tainted data.
inRead the next header from the input stream
Return the next header in a string; an empty string indicates all headers have been returned.

Definition at line 869 of file

◆ get_temp_file()

string libdap::get_temp_file ( FILE *&  stream)
throw (Error

Open a temporary file and return its name. This method opens a temporary file using get_tempfile_template(). The FILE* stream is opened for both reads and writes; if it already exists (highly unlikely), it is truncated. If used on Unix, it's the callers responsibility to unlink the named file so that when all descriptors to it are closed, it will be deleted. On Win32 platforms, this method pushes the name of the temporary file onto a vector which is used during object destruction to delete all the temporary files.

Delete the returned char* using delete[].

A private method.

streamA value-result parameter; the open file descriptor is returned via this parameter.
The name of the temporary file.
InternalErrthrown if the FILE* could not be opened.

Definition at line 787 of file

◆ get_type() [1/2]

Type libdap::get_type ( const char *  name)

Get the Type enumeration value which matches the given name.

Definition at line 597 of file

◆ get_type() [2/2]

ObjectType libdap::get_type ( const string &  value)

This function returns the ObjectType value that matches the given string. Modified to include tests for the descriptions that use hyphens in addition to underscores. 8/1/08 jhrg


Definition at line 324 of file

◆ glob()

int libdap::glob ( const char *  c,
const char *  s 

glob: match a string against a simple pattern

Understands the following patterns:

  • any number of characters ? any single character [a-z] any single character in the range a-z [^a-z] any single character not in the range a-z \x match x
cThe pattern
sThe string
0 on success, -1 if the pattern is exhausted but there are characters remaining in the string and 1 if the pattern does not match

Definition at line 1072 of file

◆ has_dap2_attributes() [1/2]

bool libdap::has_dap2_attributes ( AttrTable a)

Does this AttrTable have descendants that are scalar or vector attributes?

aThe AttrTable
true if the table contains a scalar- or vector-valued attribute, otherwise false.

Definition at line 954 of file

◆ has_dap2_attributes() [2/2]

bool libdap::has_dap2_attributes ( BaseType btp)

Does this variable, or any of its descendants, have attributes?

btpThe variable
True if any of the variable's descendants have attributes, otherwise false.

Definition at line 976 of file

◆ hexstring()

string libdap::hexstring ( unsigned char  val)

Definition at line 82 of file

◆ id2www()

string libdap::id2www ( string  in,
const string &  allowable 

Replace characters that are not allowed in DAP2 identifiers.

-In the DAP itself, id2www() is called in:

  1. Array::print_decl() where dimension names are escaped
  2. AttrTable::print() (which calls AttrTable::simple_print()) where attribute names are escaped
  3. BaseType::print_decl() where variable names are escaped.
  4. Constructor::print_decl() where the name of the constructor type is printed.
  5. DDS::print() and DDS::print_constrained() where the name of the dataset is printed.
  6. Grid::print_decl() where the name of the grid is printed.

-In the client code:

  1. id2www_ce() is called five times in the five methods that are used to request responses where a CE is appended to a URL (Connect::request_version, request_protocol, request_das, request_dds, request_data).
inReplace characters in this string.
allowableThe set of characters that are allowed in a URI. default: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+_/.\\*"
See also
The modified identifier.

Definition at line 153 of file

◆ id2www_ce()

string libdap::id2www_ce ( string  in,
const string &  allowable 

Replace characters that are not allowed in WWW URLs using rules specific to Constraint Expressions. This has changed over time and now the only difference is that '*' is escaped by this function while it is not escaped by id2www().

inThe string in which to replace characters.
allowableThe set of characters that are allowed in a URI. default: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+_/.\\"
See also
The modified identifier.

Definition at line 178 of file

◆ id2xml()

string libdap::id2xml ( string  in,
const string &  not_allowed 

Replace characters that are not allowed in XML

inThe string in which to replace characters.
not_allowedThe set of characters that are not allowed in XML. default: ><&'(single quote)"(double quote)
The modified identifier.

Definition at line 272 of file

◆ is_boundary()

bool libdap::is_boundary ( const char *  line,
const string &  boundary 

Is this string the same as the MPM boundary value?

Since fgets() is used to read into line, it is guaranteed to be null terminated.
lineThe input to test
boundaryThe complete boundary line to test for, excluding terminating characters.
true is line is a MPM boundary

Definition at line 939 of file

◆ is_constructor_type()

bool libdap::is_constructor_type ( Type  t)

Returns true if the instance is a constructor (i.e., Structure, Sequence or Grid) type variable.

True if the instance is a Structure, Sequence or Grid, False otherwise.

Definition at line 862 of file

◆ is_hop_by_hop_header()

bool libdap::is_hop_by_hop_header ( const string &  header)

Is the header a hop by hop header? If so, we're not supposed to store it in the cache. See RFC 2616, Section 13.5.1.

True if the header is, otherwise False.

Definition at line 954 of file

◆ is_host_big_endian()

bool libdap::is_host_big_endian ( )

Does this host use big-endian byte order?

Definition at line 94 of file

◆ is_integer_type()

bool libdap::is_integer_type ( Type  t)

Is this an integer type?

True if the type holds an integer value, false otherwise.

Definition at line 903 of file

◆ is_keyword()

bool libdap::is_keyword ( string  id,
const string &  keyword 

Definition at line 176 of file

◆ is_quoted()

bool libdap::is_quoted ( const string &  s)

Is the string surrounded by double quotes?

sThe source string @reurn True if the string is quoted, false otherwise.

Definition at line 577 of file

◆ is_simple_type()

bool libdap::is_simple_type ( Type  t)

Returns true if the instance is a numeric, string or URL type variable.

True if the instance is a scalar numeric, String or URL variable, False otherwise. Arrays (even of simple types) return False.
See also

Definition at line 778 of file

◆ is_vector_type()

bool libdap::is_vector_type ( Type  t)

Returns true if the instance is a vector (i.e., array) type variable.

True if the instance is an Array, False otherwise.

Definition at line 818 of file

◆ last_modified_time()

time_t libdap::last_modified_time ( const string &  name)

Get the last modified time. Assume name is a file and find its last modified time. If name is not a file, then return now as the last modified time.

nameThe name of a file.
The last modified time or the current time.

Definition at line 95 of file

◆ libdap_name()

const char * libdap::libdap_name ( )

Definition at line 534 of file

◆ libdap_root()

const char * libdap::libdap_root ( )

Definition at line 516 of file

◆ libdap_version()

const char * libdap::libdap_version ( )

Return the version string for this package.

This function has C linkage so that it can be found using autoconf tests.
The version string.

Definition at line 526 of file

◆ long_to_string()

string libdap::long_to_string ( long  val,
int  base 

Definition at line 962 of file

◆ make_rvalue_list()

rvalue_list * libdap::make_rvalue_list ( rvalue rv)

Definition at line 54 of file

◆ munge_error_message()

string libdap::munge_error_message ( string  msg)

Definition at line 448 of file

◆ name_path()

std::string libdap::name_path ( const string &  path)

Returns the filename portion of a pathname.

Given a pathname, this function returns just the file name component of the path. That is, given /a/b/c/, it returns

pathA C-style simple string containing a pathname to be parsed.
A C-style simple string containing the filename component of the given pathname.

Definition at line 266 of file

◆ octal_to_hex()

string libdap::octal_to_hex ( const string &  octal_digits)

Definition at line 253 of file

◆ octstring()

string libdap::octstring ( unsigned char  val)

Definition at line 103 of file

◆ open_temp_fstream()

string libdap::open_temp_fstream ( ofstream &  f,
const string &  name_template,
const string &  suffix 

Using the given template, open a temporary file using the given ofstream object. Uses mkstemp() in a 'safe' way.

fValue-result parameter
name_templateThe template used to name the temporary file. The template has the form templateXXXXXX where the six Xs will be overwritten.
suffixIf present, the template is 'templateXXXXXX.suffix'
The new file's name.
Errorif there is a problem.

Definition at line 1232 of file

◆ parse_error() [1/3]

void libdap::parse_error ( const char *  msg,
const int  line_num,
const char *  context 

Definition at line 122 of file

◆ parse_error() [2/3]

void libdap::parse_error ( const string &  msg,
const int  line_num,
const char *  context 

Definition at line 151 of file

◆ parse_error() [3/3]

void libdap::parse_error ( parser_arg arg,
const char *  msg,
const int  line_num,
const char *  context 

Definition at line 91 of file

◆ parse_mime_header()

void libdap::parse_mime_header ( const string &  header,
string &  name,
string &  value 

Given a string that contains a MIME header line, parse it into the the header (name) and its value. Both are downcased.

headerThe input line, striped of the ending crlf pair
nameA value-result parameter that holds the header name
valueA value-result parameter that holds the header's value.

Definition at line 910 of file

◆ parse_time()

time_t libdap::parse_time ( const char *  str,
bool  expand 

Parse a string in GMT format to a local time time_t representation Four formats are accepted: Wkd, 00 Mon 0000 00:00:00 GMT (rfc1123) Weekday, 00-Mon-00 00:00:00 GMT (rfc850) Wkd Mon 00 00:00:00 0000 GMT (ctime) 1*DIGIT (delta-seconds)

Copied from libwww. 09/19/02 jhrg

strThe time string.
expandIf the time is given in delta seconds, adjust it to seconds since midnight 1 Jan 1970 if this is true. If false, simply convert the string to a time_t and return. The default value is true.
The time in seconds since midnight 1 Jan 1970. Return 0 if an error is detected.

Definition at line 153 of file

◆ path_to_filename()

string libdap::path_to_filename ( string  path)

Get the filename part from a path. This function can be used to return a string that has the directory components stripped from a path. This is useful when building error message strings.

If WIN32 is defined, use '\' as the path separator, otherwise use '/' as the path separator.

A string containing only the filename given a path.

Definition at line 1009 of file

◆ pathname_ok()

bool libdap::pathname_ok ( const string &  path,
bool  strict 

Does the string name a potentially valid pathname? Test the given pathname to verify that it is a valid name. We define this as: Contains only printable characters; and Is less then 256 characters. If strict is true, test that the pathname consists of only letters, digits, and underscore, dash and dot characters instead of the more general case where a pathname can be composed of any printable characters.

Using this function does not guarantee that the path is valid, only that the path could be valid. The intent is foil attacks where an exploit is encoded in a string then passed to a library function. This code does not address whether the pathname references a valid resource.
pathThe pathname to test
strictApply more restrictive tests (true by default)
true if the pathname consists of legal characters and is of legal size, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1173 of file

◆ print_var_das()

void libdap::print_var_das ( ostream &  out,
BaseType bt,
string  indent = "" 

Definition at line 1007 of file

◆ prune_spaces()

string libdap::prune_spaces ( const string &  name)

Removed spaces from the front of a URL and also from the front of the CE. This function assumes that there are no holes in both the URL and the CE. It will remove leading space, but not other spaces.

nameThe URL to process
Returns a new string object that contains the pruned URL.

Definition at line 459 of file

◆ read_multipart_boundary() [1/2]

std::string libdap::read_multipart_boundary ( FILE *  in,
const string &  boundary 

Read the next line of input and test to see if it is a multipart MIME boundary line. If the value of boundary is the default (an empty string) then just test that the line starts with "--". In either case, return the value of boundary just read.

boundaryValue of the boundary to look for - optional
inRead from this FILE*
The value of the boundary header read
Errorif no boundary was found.

Definition at line 957 of file

◆ read_multipart_boundary() [2/2]

std::string libdap::read_multipart_boundary ( istream &  in,
const string &  boundary 

Definition at line 970 of file

◆ read_multipart_headers() [1/2]

void libdap::read_multipart_headers ( FILE *  in,
const string &  content_type,
const ObjectType  object_type,
const string &  cid 

Consume the Multipart MIME headers that prefix the DDX in a DataDDX response. The stream pointer is advanced to the start of the DDX. It might seem odd that this function both takes the value of the MPM boundary as a parameter and returns that value as a result, but this code can be used in two different situations. In one case, it is called on a partial document read from stdin and needs to return the value of boundary to the downstream DDX parser so that code can sense the end of the DDX. In the other case, this function is told the value of boundary and tests for it to ensure document correctness.

inRead from this stream
content_typeThe expected value of the Content-Type header
object_typeThe expected value of the Content-Description header
cidThe expected value of the Content-Id header - optional.
The value of the MIME boundary
Errorif the boundary is not found or if any of the expected header values don't match. The optional values are tested only if they are given (the default values are not tested).

Definition at line 1003 of file

◆ read_multipart_headers() [2/2]

void libdap::read_multipart_headers ( istream &  in,
const string &  content_type,
const ObjectType  object_type,
const string &  cid 

Definition at line 1036 of file

◆ remove_mime_header() [1/2]

bool libdap::remove_mime_header ( FILE *  in)

Read and discard the MIME header of the stream in.

Read the input stream in and discard the MIME header. The MIME header is separated from the body of the document by a single blank line. If no MIME header is found, then the input stream is ‘emptied’ and will contain nothing.

True if a MIME header is found, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1210 of file

◆ remove_mime_header() [2/2]

void libdap::remove_mime_header ( istream &  in)

Used for test code; strip the leading MIME headers from a response.


Definition at line 1227 of file

◆ remove_quotes()

string libdap::remove_quotes ( const string &  s)

Return a new string that is not quoted. This will return a new string regardless of whether the source string is actualy quoted.

sThe source string
A new string without quotes

Definition at line 588 of file

◆ remove_space_encoding()

string libdap::remove_space_encoding ( const string &  s)

Remove %20 space encoding

Definition at line 61 of file

◆ rfc822_date()

std::string libdap::rfc822_date ( const time_t  t)

Given a constant pointer to a time_t, return a RFC 822/1123 style date.

This function returns the RFC 822 date with the exception that the RFC 1123 modification for four-digit years is implemented.

The RFC 822/1123 style date in a C++ string.
tA const time_t pointer.

Definition at line 156 of file

◆ save_str()

void libdap::save_str ( std::string &  dst,
const char *  src,
const int   

Save a string to a temporary variable during the parse.

Given a string (const char *src), save it to the temporary variable pointed to by dst. If the string is longer than ID_MAX, generate and error indicating that src was truncated to ID_MAX characters during the copy operation. There are two versions of this function; one calls the version of parser_error() which writes to stderr. The version which accepts the parser_arg *arg argument calls the version of parser_error() which generates and Error object.


Definition at line 171 of file

◆ set_array_using_double()

void libdap::set_array_using_double ( Array dest,
double *  src,
int  src_len 

Given an array that holds some sort of numeric data, load it with values using an array of doubles. This function makes several assumptions. First, it assumes the caller really wants to put the doubles into whatever types the array holds! Caveat emptor. Second, it assumes that if the size of source (src) array is different than the destination (dest) the caller has made a mistake. In that case it will throw an Error object.

After setting the values, this method sets the read_p property for dest. Setting read_p tells the serialization methods in libdap that this variable already holds data values and, given that, the serialization code will not try to read the values.

Support for DAP4 added.
destAn Array. The values are written to this array, reusing its storage. Existing values are lost.
srcThe source data.
src_lenThe number of elements in the src array.
ErrorThrown if dest is not a numeric-type array (Byte, ..., Float64) or if the number of elements in src does not match the number is dest.

Definition at line 166 of file

◆ set_mime_binary() [1/3]

void libdap::set_mime_binary ( FILE *  out,
ObjectType  type,
const string &  ver,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified 

Write an HTTP 1.0 response header for our binary response document (i.e., the DataDDS object).

outWrite the MIME header to this FILE pointer.
typeThe type of this this response. Defaults to application/octet-stream.
verThe version string; denotes the libdap implementation version.
encHow is this response encoded? Can be plain or deflate or the x_... versions of those. Default is x_plain.
last_modifiedThe time to use for the Last-Modified header value. Default is zero which means use the current time.

Definition at line 621 of file

◆ set_mime_binary() [2/3]

void libdap::set_mime_binary ( ostream &  strm,
ObjectType  type,
const string &  ver,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified 

Write an HTTP 1.0 response header for our binary response document (i.e., the DataDDS object).

strmWrite the MIME header to this stream.
typeThe type of this this response. Defaults to application/octet-stream.
verThe version string; denotes the libdap implementation version.
encHow is this response encoded? Can be plain or deflate or the x_... versions of those. Default is x_plain.
last_modifiedThe time to use for the Last-Modified header value. Default is zero which means use the current time.

Definition at line 644 of file

◆ set_mime_binary() [3/3]

void libdap::set_mime_binary ( ostream &  strm,
ObjectType  type,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified,
const string &  protocol 

Write an HTTP 1.0 response header for our binary response document (i.e., the DataDDS object).

strmWrite the MIME header to this stream.
typeThe type of this this response. Defaults to application/octet-stream.
verThe version string; denotes the libdap implementation version.
encHow is this response encoded? Can be plain or deflate or the x_... versions of those. Default is x_plain.
last_modifiedThe time to use for the Last-Modified header value. Default is zero which means use the current time.

Definition at line 688 of file

◆ set_mime_data_boundary()

void libdap::set_mime_data_boundary ( ostream &  strm,
const string &  boundary,
const string &  cid,
ObjectType  type,
EncodingType  enc 

Definition at line 806 of file

◆ set_mime_ddx_boundary()

void libdap::set_mime_ddx_boundary ( ostream &  strm,
const string &  boundary,
const string &  cid,
ObjectType  type,
EncodingType  enc 

Definition at line 792 of file

◆ set_mime_error() [1/2]

void libdap::set_mime_error ( FILE *  out,
int  code,
const string &  reason,
const string &  version 

Generate an HTTP 1.0 response header for an Error object.

outWrite the MIME header to this FILE pointer.
codeHTTP 1.0 response code. Should be 400, ... 500, ...
reasonReason string of the HTTP 1.0 response header.
versionThe version string; denotes the DAP spec and implementation version.

Definition at line 1098 of file

◆ set_mime_error() [2/2]

void libdap::set_mime_error ( ostream &  strm,
int  code,
const string &  reason,
const string &  version 

Generate an HTTP 1.0 response header for an Error object.

strmWrite the MIME header to this stream.
codeHTTP 1.0 response code. Should be 400, ... 500, ...
reasonReason string of the HTTP 1.0 response header.
versionThe version string; denotes the DAP spec and implementation version.

Definition at line 1115 of file

◆ set_mime_html() [1/3]

void libdap::set_mime_html ( FILE *  out,
ObjectType  type,
const string &  ver,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified 

Generate an HTTP 1.0 response header for a html document.

outWrite the MIME header to this FILE pointer.
typeThe type of this this response.
verThe version string; denotes the libdap implementation version.
encHow is this response encoded? Can be plain or deflate or the x_... versions of those. Default is x_plain.
last_modifiedThe time to use for the Last-Modified header value. Default is zero which means use the current time.

Definition at line 507 of file

◆ set_mime_html() [2/3]

void libdap::set_mime_html ( ostream &  strm,
ObjectType  type,
const string &  ver,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified 

Generate an HTTP 1.0 response header for a html document.

strmWrite the MIME header to this stream.
typeThe type of this this response.
verThe version string; denotes the libdap implementation version.
encHow is this response encoded? Can be plain or deflate or the x_... versions of those. Default is x_plain.
last_modifiedThe time to use for the Last-Modified header value. Default is zero which means use the current time.

Definition at line 527 of file

◆ set_mime_html() [3/3]

void libdap::set_mime_html ( ostream &  strm,
ObjectType  type,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified,
const string &  protocol 

Generate an HTTP 1.0 response header for a html document.

strmWrite the MIME header to this stream.
typeThe type of this this response.
verThe version string; denotes the libdap implementation version.
encHow is this response encoded? Can be plain or deflate or the x_... versions of those. Default is x_plain.
last_modifiedThe time to use for the Last-Modified header value. Default is zero which means use the current time.

Definition at line 572 of file

◆ set_mime_multipart() [1/2]

void libdap::set_mime_multipart ( ostream &  strm,
const string &  boundary,
const string &  start,
ObjectType  type,
const string &  version,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified 

Definition at line 718 of file

◆ set_mime_multipart() [2/2]

void libdap::set_mime_multipart ( ostream &  strm,
const string &  boundary,
const string &  start,
ObjectType  type,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified,
const string &  protocol,
const string &  url 

Build the initial headers for the DAP4 data response

Definition at line 754 of file

◆ set_mime_not_modified() [1/2]

void libdap::set_mime_not_modified ( FILE *  out)

Send a ‘Not Modified’ response.

Use this function to create a response signaling that the target of a conditional get has not been modified relative to the condition given in the request. This will have to be a date until the servers support ETags.

outWrite the response to this FILE pointer.

Definition at line 1143 of file

◆ set_mime_not_modified() [2/2]

void libdap::set_mime_not_modified ( ostream &  strm)

Send a ‘Not Modified’ response.

Use this function to create a response signaling that the target of a conditional get has not been modified relative to the condition given in the request. This will have to be a date until the servers support ETags.

strmWrite the response to this stream.

Definition at line 1158 of file

◆ set_mime_text() [1/3]

void libdap::set_mime_text ( FILE *  out,
ObjectType  type,
const string &  ver,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified 

Generate an HTTP 1.0 response header for a text document. This is used when returning a serialized DAS or DDS object.

outWrite the MIME header to this FILE pointer.
typeThe type of this this response. Defaults to application/octet-stream.
verThe version string; denotes the libdap implementation version.
encHow is this response encoded? Can be plain or deflate or the x_... versions of those. Default is x_plain.
last_modifiedThe time to use for the Last-Modified header value. Default is zero which means use the current time.

Definition at line 379 of file

◆ set_mime_text() [2/3]

void libdap::set_mime_text ( ostream &  strm,
ObjectType  type,
const string &  ver,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified 

Generate an HTTP 1.0 response header for a text document. This is used when returning a serialized DAS or DDS object.

strmWrite the MIME header to this stream.
typeThe type of this this response. Defaults to application/octet-stream.
verThe version string; denotes the libdap implementation version.
encHow is this response encoded? Can be plain or deflate or the x_... versions of those. Default is x_plain.
last_modifiedThe time to use for the Last-Modified header value. Default is zero which means use the current time.

Definition at line 401 of file

◆ set_mime_text() [3/3]

void libdap::set_mime_text ( ostream &  strm,
ObjectType  type,
EncodingType  enc,
const time_t  last_modified,
const string &  protocol 

Generate an HTTP 1.0 response header for a text document. This is used when returning a serialized DAS or DDS object.

In Hyrax these headers are not used. Instead the front end of the server will build the response headers
strmWrite the MIME header to this stream.
typeThe type of this this response. Defaults to application/octet-stream.
verThe version string; denotes the libdap implementation version.
encHow is this response encoded? Can be plain or deflate or the x_... versions of those. Default is x_plain.
last_modifiedThe time to use for the Last-Modified header value. Default is zero which means use the current time.

Definition at line 456 of file

◆ size_ok()

bool libdap::size_ok ( unsigned int  sz,
unsigned int  nelem 

sanitize the size of an array. Test for integer overflow when dynamically allocating an array.

nelemNumber of elements.
szsize of each element.
True if the nelem elements of sz size will overflow an array.

Definition at line 1152 of file

◆ StrCmp()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool libdap::StrCmp ( int  op,
T1  v1,
T2  v2 

Compare two string types. This class is one implementation of the comparison policy used by rops.

See also

Definition at line 169 of file Operators.h.

◆ String_to_AttrType()

AttrType libdap::String_to_AttrType ( const string &  s)

Definition at line 127 of file

◆ StringToD4AttributeType()

D4AttributeType libdap::StringToD4AttributeType ( string  s)

Definition at line 109 of file

◆ systime()

string libdap::systime ( )

Use the system time() function to get the current time. Return a string, removing the trailing newline that time() includes in its response.

A C++ string with the current system time as formatted by time()

Definition at line 544 of file

◆ type_name()

string libdap::type_name ( Type  t)

Return the type name. This function provides backward compatibility for older code that predates, and has not been ported to, DAP4. It is prejudiced toward DAP4, but if no D4 type name can be found, it types D2. If neither would return a type name, and InternalErr object is thrown.

tThe DAP2/DAP4 type
A string naming the type, suitable for humans
InternalErrIf not such type can be found

Definition at line 763 of file

◆ unescape_double_quotes()

string libdap::unescape_double_quotes ( string  source)

Rip through a string and replace all the escaped double quotes with regular double quotes.


Definition at line 487 of file

◆ unescattr()

string libdap::unescattr ( string  s)

Un-escape special characters, quotes and backslashes from an HDF attribute.

Note: A regex to match one \ must be defined as: Regex foo = "\\\\"; because both C++ strings and GNU's Regex also employ \ as an escape character!

sThe escaped attribute.
The unescaped attribute.

Definition at line 407 of file

◆ unhexstring()

string libdap::unhexstring ( string  s)

Definition at line 91 of file

◆ unique_names()

bool libdap::unique_names ( vector< BaseType * >  l,
const string &  var_name,
const string &  type_name,
string &  msg 

Definition at line 481 of file

◆ unoctstring()

string libdap::unoctstring ( string  s)

Definition at line 113 of file

◆ www2id()

string libdap::www2id ( const string &  in,
const string &  escape,
const string &  except 

Given a string that contains WWW escape sequences, translate those escape sequences back into the ASCII characters they represent. Return the modified string.

-Places in the dap code where www2id() is called:

  1. Array::append_dim() the name is decoded before it is added
  2. AttrTable::set_name(), AttrTable::append_attr(), AttrTable::append_container(), AttrTable::del_attr(), AttrTable::add_container_alias(), AttrTable::add_value_alias() names are decoded before that are set/used.
  3. BaseType::set_name() Names are decoded before they are set
  4. When the constraint expression parser looks for a variable, the name is first decoded.
  5. DAS::DAS() Named attribute containers are decoded
  6. DDS::var() When a DDS searches for a variable, the name is first decoded.
  7. Grid::var(), Sequence::var(), Structure::var() Variable names are decoded.

-In the server code:

  1. ResponseBuilder::initialize() The dataset name is decoded except that %20 is not removed.
  2. ResponseBuilder::set_ce() The CE is decoded, except for spaces (%20).
  3. ResponseBuilder::set_dataset_name() same logic as the first case.
  4. The ResponseBuilder methods supersede methods with the same names from DODSFilter, which is still in the code although deprecated.
inThe string to modify.
escapeThe character used to signal the beginning of an escape sequence. default: "%"
exceptIf there are some escape codes that should not be removed by this call (e.g., you might not want to remove spaces, %20) use this parameter to specify those codes. The function will then transform all escapes except those given. For example, to suppress translation of both spaces and the ampersand, pass "%20%26" for 'except'. default: ""
The modified string.

Definition at line 220 of file

◆ xml2id()

string libdap::xml2id ( string  in)

Given a string that contains XML escape sequences (i.e., entities), translate those back into ASCII characters. Return the modified string.

inThe string to modify.
The modified string.

Definition at line 322 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ dods_keep_temps

int libdap::dods_keep_temps = 0

Definition at line 83 of file


const int libdap::DODS_MAX_ARRAY = DODS_INT_MAX

Definition at line 61 of file Array.h.

◆ double_quote

const string libdap::double_quote = "\""

Definition at line 1048 of file

◆ line_length

const size_t libdap::line_length = 1024

Definition at line 819 of file

◆ max_str_len

const unsigned int libdap::max_str_len = DODS_USHRT_MAX - 1

Definition at line 54 of file Str.h.

◆ max_url_len

const unsigned int libdap::max_url_len = 255

Definition at line 62 of file Url.h.

◆ usage

const string libdap::usage
Initial value:
"Usage: <handler name> -o <response> -u <url> [options ...] [data set]\n\
options: -o <response>: DAS, DDS, DataDDS, DDX, BLOB or Version (Required)\n\
-u <url>: The complete URL minus the CE (required for DDX)\n\
-c: Compress the response using the deflate algorithm.\n\
-e <expr>: When returning a DataDDS, use <expr> as the constraint.\n\
-v <version>: Use <version> as the version number\n\
-d <dir>: Look for ancillary file in <dir> (deprecated).\n\
-f <file>: Look for ancillary data in <file> (deprecated).\n\
-r <dir>: Use <dir> as a cache directory\n\
-l <time>: Conditional request; if data source is unchanged since\n\
<time>, return an HTTP 304 response.\n\
-t <seconds>: Timeout the handler after <seconds>.\n\
-h: This message."

Definition at line 90 of file

◆ www_trace

int libdap::www_trace = 0

Definition at line 77 of file

◆ www_trace_extensive

int libdap::www_trace_extensive = 0

Definition at line 80 of file