libdap Updated for version 3.20.11
libdap4 is an implementation of OPeNDAP's DAP protocol.
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Clibdap::ClauseHolds a fragment of a constraint expression
 Clibdap::ConnectHolds information about the link from a DAP2 client to a dataset
 Clibdap::ConstraintEvaluatorEvaluate a constraint expression
 Clibdap::D4FilterClauseDAP4 filter clauses
 Clibdap::D4FilterClauseListList of DAP4 Filter Clauses
 Clibdap::DapIndentClass with static methods to help with indentation of debug information
 Clibdap::DapObjLibdap base object for common functionality of libdap objects
 Clibdap::AttrTableContains the attributes for a dataset
 Clibdap::BaseTypeThe basic data type for the DODS DAP types.
 Clibdap::DASHold attribute data for a DAP2 dataset
 Clibdap::MarshallerAbstract base class used to marshal/serialize dap data objects
 Clibdap::UnMarshallerAbstract base class used to unmarshall/deserialize dap data objects
 Clibdap::DODSFilterCommon functions for DODS server filter programs
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Clibdap::ErrorA class for error processing
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cstd::basic_ios< Char >STL class
 Clibdap::parser_argPass parameters by reference to a parser
 Clibdap::RegexRegular expression matching
 Clibdap::ResourceAssociate a rule with an ancillary resource
 Clibdap::PipeResponseEncapsulate a response. This class provides special treatment for 'stream pipes.' It arranges to close them using pclose() instead of fclose()
 Clibdap::StdinResponseEncapsulate a response read from stdin
 Clibdap::chunked_outbufOutput buffer for a chunked stream This performs buffered output encoding the data in the stream using the simple chunking protocol defined for DAP4's binary data transmission. Each block of data is prefixed by four bytes: A CHUNK TYPE byte followed by three bytes that are the CHUNK SIZE. There are three CHUNK TYPES: data, end and error, indicated by the code values 0x00, 0x01 and 0x02. The size of a chunk is limited to 2^24 data bytes + 4 bytes for the chunk header