Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- g -
- get() : libdap::D4Attributes
- get_action() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_always_validate() : libdap::HTTPCache
- get_array() : libdap::Grid
- get_attr() : libdap::AttrTable
- get_attr_iter() : libdap::AttrTable
- get_attr_num() : libdap::AttrTable
- get_attr_table() : libdap::AttrTable, libdap::BaseType, libdap::DDS
- get_attr_type() : libdap::AttrTable
- get_attr_vector() : libdap::AttrTable
- get_buf() : libdap::Vector
- get_cache_control() : libdap::HTTPCache
- get_cache_dir() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_cache_disconnected() : libdap::HTTPCache
- get_cache_root() : libdap::HTTPCache
- get_cached_response() : libdap::HTTPCache
- get_ce() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_ce_empty() : libdap::DMR
- get_cgi_version() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_checksum() : libdap::D4StreamMarshaller
- get_compound_buf() : libdap::Vector
- get_conditional_request_headers() : libdap::HTTPCache
- get_count() : libdap::D4StreamUnMarshaller
- get_dap_major() : libdap::DDS
- get_dap_minor() : libdap::DDS
- get_das() : libdap::DDS
- get_das_last_modified_time() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_data_last_modified_time() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_dataset_last_modified_time() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_dataset_name() : libdap::DDS, libdap::DODSFilter
- get_dataset_version() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_dds_last_modified_time() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_default_expiration() : libdap::HTTPCache
- get_ending_row_number() : libdap::Sequence
- get_error_code() : libdap::Error
- get_error_message() : libdap::Error
- get_factory() : libdap::DDS
- get_keyword_value() : libdap::Keywords
- get_keywords() : libdap::Keywords
- get_kind() : libdap::D4RValue
- get_locked_entry_from_cache_table() : libdap::HTTPCacheTable
- get_map_iter() : libdap::Grid
- get_max_entry_size() : libdap::HTTPCache
- get_max_size() : libdap::HTTPCache
- get_name() : libdap::AttrTable, libdap::DAS
- get_namespace() : libdap::DDS, libdap::DMR
- get_no_proxy_for_port() : libdap::RCReader
- get_opaque_dap4() : libdap::D4StreamUnMarshaller
- get_parent() : libdap::AttrTable, libdap::BaseType
- get_protocol() : libdap::Connect, libdap::D4Connect
- get_proxy_for_proxy_host_url() : libdap::RCReader
- get_proxy_for_regexp() : libdap::RCReader
- get_proxy_for_regexp_flags() : libdap::RCReader
- get_proxy_server_host() : libdap::RCReader
- get_proxy_server_host_url() : libdap::RCReader
- get_proxy_server_port() : libdap::RCReader
- get_proxy_server_protocol() : libdap::RCReader
- get_proxy_server_userpw() : libdap::RCReader
- get_request_if_modified_since() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_request_size() : libdap::DDS
- get_request_size_kb() : libdap::DDS
- get_request_xml_base() : libdap::DDS
- get_response() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_response_limit() : libdap::DDS
- get_response_limit_kb() : libdap::DDS
- get_row_stride() : libdap::Sequence
- get_rule() : libdap::Resource
- get_size() : libdap::AttrTable, libdap::DAS
- get_starting_row_number() : libdap::Sequence
- get_str() : libdap::Vector
- get_strict() : libdap::D4ParserSax2
- get_table() : libdap::DAS
- get_timeout() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_top_level_attributes() : libdap::DAS
- get_type() : libdap::AttrTable
- get_unsent_data() : libdap::Sequence
- get_URL() : libdap::DODSFilter
- get_url() : libdap::Resource
- get_value_capacity() : libdap::Vector
- get_var_index() : libdap::Constructor, libdap::DDS
- get_vars_iter() : libdap::Constructor, libdap::DDS
- get_version() : libdap::Connect, libdap::D4Connect, libdap::DataDDS
- get_version_major() : libdap::DataDDS
- get_version_minor() : libdap::DataDDS
- get_write_locked_entry_from_cache_table() : libdap::HTTPCacheTable
- GetCrc32() : Crc32
- getDapNamespaceString() : libdap::DapXmlNamspaces
- getDDS() : libdap::DMR
- getFunction() : libdap::ServerFunctionsList
- getGrddlTransformation() : libdap::DapXmlNamspaces
- getSchemaLocationDeclarationString() : libdap::DapXmlNamspaces
- getSchemaLocationString() : libdap::DapXmlNamspaces
- getXmlNamespace() : libdap::DapXmlNamspaces
- getXmlXsiNamespace() : libdap::DapXmlNamspaces
- Grid() : libdap::Grid
- grp_begin() : libdap::D4Group
- grp_end() : libdap::D4Group