
A unit testing framework for C

Anil Kumar <>
Jerry St.Clair <>

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Description
1.2. Structure
1.3. General Usage
1.4. Changes to the CUnit API in Version 2
2. Writing CUnit Tests
2.1. Test Functions
2.2. CUnit Assertions
2.3. Deprecated v1 Assertions
3. The Test Registry
3.1. Synopsis
3.2. Internal Structure
3.3. Initialization
3.4. Cleanup
3.5. Other Registry Functions
3.6. Deprecated v1 Data Types & Functions
4. Managing Tests & Suites
4.1. Synopsis
4.2. Adding Suites to the Registry
4.3. Adding Tests to Suites
4.4. Shortcut Methods for Managing Tests
4.5. Activation of Suites and Tests
4.6. Modifying Other Attributes of Suites and Tests
4.7. Lookup of Individual Suites and Tests
4.8. Deprecated v1 Data Types & Functions
5. Running Tests
5.1. Synopsis
5.2. Running Tests in CUnit
5.3. Automated Mode
5.4. Basic Mode
5.5. Interactive Console Mode
5.6. Interactive Curses Mode
5.7. Modifying General Runtime Behavior
5.8. Getting Test Results
5.9. Deprecated v1 Data Types & Functions
6. Error Handling
6.1. Synopsis
6.2. CUnit Error Handling
6.3. CUnit Behavior on Framework Errors
6.4. Deprecated v1 Variables & Functions