All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Class Description CryptoFilter minimalistic approach to decrypting a file.CsvConnection This class implements the java.sql.Connection JDBC interface for the CsvJdbc driver.CsvDatabaseMetaData This class implements the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData JDBC interface for the CsvJdbc driver.CsvDriver This class implements the java.sql.Driver JDBC interface for the CsvJdbc driver.CsvMain Main class for CsvJdbc, so user can easily experiment with SQL statements in a terminal window.CsvPreparedStatement CsvRawReader This class is a helper class that handles the reading and parsing of data from a .csv file.CsvReader CsvResources CsvResultSet This class implements the java.sql.ResultSet JDBC interface for the CsvJdbc driver.CsvResultSetMetaData This class implements the java.sql.ResultSetMetaData JDBC interface for the CsvJdbc driver.CsvSavepoint Savepoint implementation that does nothing, simply to satisfy the JDBC savepoint interfaces.CsvStatement This class implements the java.sql.Statement JDBC interface for the CsvJdbc driver.DataReader DbfClassNotFoundException DbfReader EncryptedFileInputStream EncryptedFileOutputStream ExistsExpressionSubQueryRowMatcher Expression ExpressionParser ExpressionParserConstants Token literal values and constants.ExpressionParserTokenManager Token Manager.FileSetInputStream Class that collapses a set of files into one input stream.InExpressionSubQueryRowMatcher JoinType Types of SQL joins between tables.LikePattern Performs string matching for SQL LIKE patterns.ListDataReader A reader from a list, enabling database metadata functions to return JDBC ResultSet objects containing lists of tables, schemas and other metadata.MinimumMemoryMap<K,V> Array based implementation of the Map interface.MultipleSqlParser Parses one or many SQL statements.ParseException This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.SimpleCharStream An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).SqlParser SQL parser using JavaCC syntax definition file where.jj.StringConverter SubQueryEqualsRowMatcher SubQueryRowMatcher TableReader Interface for reading database tables.Token Describes the input token stream.TokenMgrError Token Manager Error.XORCipher Example encryption filter that XOR's the all data with a secret seed value.ZipFileTableReader Enables reading CSV files packed in a ZIP file as database tables.