Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CsfBlendModeBlending mode for drawing
 CsfColorUtility class for manpulating RGBA colors
 CsfContextSettingsStructure defining the window's creation settings
 CsfEventSfEvent defines a system event and its parameters
 CsfFloatRectSfFloatRect and sfIntRect are utility classes for manipulating rectangles
 CsfFontInfoSfFontInfo holds various information about a font
 CsfGlyphSfGlyph describes a glyph (a visual character)
 CsfInputStreamSet of callbacks that allow users to define custom file streams
 CsfIpAddressEncapsulate an IPv4 network address
 CsfJoystickButtonEventJoystick buttons events parameters
 CsfJoystickConnectEventJoystick connection/disconnection event parameters
 CsfJoystickIdentificationSfJoystickIdentification holds a joystick's identification
 CsfJoystickMoveEventJoystick axis move event parameters
 CsfKeyEventKeyboard event parameters
 CsfMouseButtonEventMouse buttons events parameters
 CsfMouseMoveEventMouse move event parameters
 CsfMouseWheelEventMouse wheel events parameters
 CsfMouseWheelScrollEventMouse wheel events parameters
 CsfRenderStatesDefine the states used for drawing to a RenderTarget
 CsfSensorEventSensor event parameters
 CsfSizeEventSize events parameters
 CsfSoundStreamChunkDefines the data to fill by the OnGetData callback
 CsfTextEventText event parameters
 CsfTimeRepresents a time value
 CsfTimeSpanStructure defining a time range
 CsfTouchEventTouch events parameters
 CsfTransformEncapsulate a 3x3 transform matrix
 CsfVector2f2-component vector of floats
 CsfVector2i2-component vector of integers
 CsfVector2u2-component vector of unsigned integers
 CsfVector3f3-component vector of floats
 CsfVertexDefine a point with color and texture coordinates
 CsfVideoModeSfVideoMode defines a video mode (width, height, bpp, frequency) and provides functions for getting modes supported by the display device