Crypto++ 8.7
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1// nbtheory.h - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
3/// \file nbtheory.h
4/// \brief Classes and functions for number theoretic operations
9#include "cryptlib.h"
10#include "integer.h"
11#include "algparam.h"
15/// \brief The Small Prime table
16/// \details GetPrimeTable obtains pointer to small prime table and provides the size of the table.
17CRYPTOPP_DLL const word16 * CRYPTOPP_API GetPrimeTable(unsigned int &size);
19// ************ primality testing ****************
21/// \brief Generates a provable prime
22/// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator to produce random material
23/// \param bits the number of bits in the prime number
24/// \return Integer() meeting Maurer's tests for primality
25CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer CRYPTOPP_API MaurerProvablePrime(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int bits);
27/// \brief Generates a provable prime
28/// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator to produce random material
29/// \param bits the number of bits in the prime number
30/// \return Integer() meeting Mihailescu's tests for primality
31/// \details Mihailescu's methods performs a search using algorithmic progressions.
34/// \brief Tests whether a number is a small prime
35/// \param p a candidate prime to test
36/// \return true if p is a small prime, false otherwise
37/// \details Internally, the library maintains a table of the first 32719 prime numbers
38/// in sorted order. IsSmallPrime searches the table and returns true if p is
39/// in the table.
40CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API IsSmallPrime(const Integer &p);
42/// \brief Tests whether a number is divisible by a small prime
43/// \return true if p is divisible by some prime less than bound.
44/// \details TrialDivision() returns <tt>true</tt> if <tt>p</tt> is divisible by some prime less
45/// than <tt>bound</tt>. <tt>bound</tt> should not be greater than the largest entry in the
46/// prime table, which is 32719.
47CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API TrialDivision(const Integer &p, unsigned bound);
49/// \brief Tests whether a number is divisible by a small prime
50/// \return true if p is NOT divisible by small primes.
51/// \details SmallDivisorsTest() returns <tt>true</tt> if <tt>p</tt> is NOT divisible by some
52/// prime less than 32719.
53CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API SmallDivisorsTest(const Integer &p);
55/// \brief Determine if a number is probably prime
56/// \param n the number to test
57/// \param b the base to exponentiate
58/// \return true if the number n is probably prime, false otherwise.
59/// \details IsFermatProbablePrime raises <tt>b</tt> to the <tt>n-1</tt> power and checks if
60/// the result is congruent to 1 modulo <tt>n</tt>.
61/// \details These is no reason to use IsFermatProbablePrime, use IsStrongProbablePrime or
62/// IsStrongLucasProbablePrime instead.
63/// \sa IsStrongProbablePrime, IsStrongLucasProbablePrime
64CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API IsFermatProbablePrime(const Integer &n, const Integer &b);
66/// \brief Determine if a number is probably prime
67/// \param n the number to test
68/// \return true if the number n is probably prime, false otherwise.
69/// \details These is no reason to use IsLucasProbablePrime, use IsStrongProbablePrime or
70/// IsStrongLucasProbablePrime instead.
71/// \sa IsStrongProbablePrime, IsStrongLucasProbablePrime
72CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API IsLucasProbablePrime(const Integer &n);
74/// \brief Determine if a number is probably prime
75/// \param n the number to test
76/// \param b the base to exponentiate
77/// \return true if the number n is probably prime, false otherwise.
78CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API IsStrongProbablePrime(const Integer &n, const Integer &b);
80/// \brief Determine if a number is probably prime
81/// \param n the number to test
82/// \return true if the number n is probably prime, false otherwise.
85/// \brief Determine if a number is probably prime
86/// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator to produce random material
87/// \param n the number to test
88/// \param rounds the number of tests to perform
89/// \details This is the Rabin-Miller primality test, i.e. repeating the strong probable prime
90/// test for several rounds with random bases
91/// \sa <A HREF="">Trial divisions before
92/// Miller-Rabin checks?</A> on Crypto Stack Exchange
93CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API RabinMillerTest(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &n, unsigned int rounds);
95/// \brief Verifies a number is probably prime
96/// \param p a candidate prime to test
97/// \return true if p is a probable prime, false otherwise
98/// \details IsPrime() is suitable for testing candidate primes when creating them. Internally,
99/// IsPrime() utilizes SmallDivisorsTest(), IsStrongProbablePrime() and IsStrongLucasProbablePrime().
100CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API IsPrime(const Integer &p);
102/// \brief Verifies a number is probably prime
103/// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator for randomized testing
104/// \param p a candidate prime to test
105/// \param level the level of thoroughness of testing
106/// \return true if p is a strong probable prime, false otherwise
107/// \details VerifyPrime() is suitable for testing candidate primes created by others. Internally,
108/// VerifyPrime() utilizes IsPrime() and one-round RabinMillerTest(). If the candidate passes and
109/// level is greater than 1, then 10 round RabinMillerTest() primality testing is performed.
110CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API VerifyPrime(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &p, unsigned int level = 1);
112/// \brief Application callback to signal suitability of a cabdidate prime
113class CRYPTOPP_DLL PrimeSelector
116 virtual ~PrimeSelector() {}
117 const PrimeSelector *GetSelectorPointer() const {return this;}
118 virtual bool IsAcceptable(const Integer &candidate) const =0;
121/// \brief Finds a random prime of special form
122/// \param p an Integer reference to receive the prime
123/// \param max the maximum value
124/// \param equiv the equivalence class based on the parameter mod
125/// \param mod the modulus used to reduce the equivalence class
126/// \param pSelector pointer to a PrimeSelector function for the application to signal suitability
127/// \return true if and only if FirstPrime() finds a prime and returns the prime through p. If FirstPrime()
128/// returns false, then no such prime exists and the value of p is undefined
129/// \details FirstPrime() uses a fast sieve to find the first probable prime
130/// in <tt>{x | p<=x<=max and x%mod==equiv}</tt>
131CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API FirstPrime(Integer &p, const Integer &max, const Integer &equiv, const Integer &mod, const PrimeSelector *pSelector);
133CRYPTOPP_DLL unsigned int CRYPTOPP_API PrimeSearchInterval(const Integer &max);
135CRYPTOPP_DLL AlgorithmParameters CRYPTOPP_API MakeParametersForTwoPrimesOfEqualSize(unsigned int productBitLength);
137// ********** other number theoretic functions ************
139/// \brief Calculate the greatest common divisor
140/// \param a the first term
141/// \param b the second term
142/// \return the greatest common divisor if one exists, 0 otherwise.
143inline Integer GCD(const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
144 {return Integer::Gcd(a,b);}
146/// \brief Determine relative primality
147/// \param a the first term
148/// \param b the second term
149/// \return true if <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt> are relatively prime, false otherwise.
150inline bool RelativelyPrime(const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
151 {return Integer::Gcd(a,b) == Integer::One();}
153/// \brief Calculate the least common multiple
154/// \param a the first term
155/// \param b the second term
156/// \return the least common multiple of <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt>.
157inline Integer LCM(const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
158 {return a/Integer::Gcd(a,b)*b;}
160/// \brief Calculate multiplicative inverse
161/// \param a the number to test
162/// \param b the modulus
163/// \return an Integer <tt>(a ^ -1) % n</tt> or 0 if none exists.
164/// \details EuclideanMultiplicativeInverse returns the multiplicative inverse of the Integer
165/// <tt>*a</tt> modulo the Integer <tt>b</tt>. If no Integer exists then Integer 0 is returned.
167 {return a.InverseMod(b);}
170/// \brief Chinese Remainder Theorem
171/// \param xp the first number, mod p
172/// \param p the first prime modulus
173/// \param xq the second number, mod q
174/// \param q the second prime modulus
175/// \param u inverse of p mod q
176/// \return the CRT value of the parameters
177/// \details CRT uses the Chinese Remainder Theorem to calculate <tt>x</tt> given
178/// <tt>x mod p</tt> and <tt>x mod q</tt>, and <tt>u</tt> the inverse of <tt>p mod q</tt>.
179CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer CRYPTOPP_API CRT(const Integer &xp, const Integer &p, const Integer &xq, const Integer &q, const Integer &u);
181/// \brief Calculate the Jacobi symbol
182/// \param a the first term
183/// \param b the second term
184/// \return the Jacobi symbol.
185/// \details Jacobi symbols are calculated using the following rules:
186/// -# if <tt>b</tt> is prime, then <tt>Jacobi(a, b)</tt>, then return 0
187/// -# if <tt>a%b</tt>==0 AND <tt>a</tt> is quadratic residue <tt>mod b</tt>, then return 1
188/// -# return -1 otherwise
189/// \details Refer to a number theory book for what Jacobi symbol means when <tt>b</tt> is not prime.
190CRYPTOPP_DLL int CRYPTOPP_API Jacobi(const Integer &a, const Integer &b);
192/// \brief Calculate the Lucas value
193/// \return the Lucas value
194/// \details Lucas() calculates the Lucas function <tt>V_e(p, 1) mod n</tt>.
195CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer CRYPTOPP_API Lucas(const Integer &e, const Integer &p, const Integer &n);
197/// \brief Calculate the inverse Lucas value
198/// \return the inverse Lucas value
199/// \details InverseLucas() calculates <tt>x</tt> such that <tt>m==Lucas(e, x, p*q)</tt>,
200/// <tt>p q</tt> primes, <tt>u</tt> is inverse of <tt>p mod q</tt>.
201CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer CRYPTOPP_API InverseLucas(const Integer &e, const Integer &m, const Integer &p, const Integer &q, const Integer &u);
203/// \brief Modular multiplication
204/// \param x the first term
205/// \param y the second term
206/// \param m the modulus
207/// \return an Integer <tt>(x * y) % m</tt>.
208inline Integer ModularMultiplication(const Integer &x, const Integer &y, const Integer &m)
209 {return a_times_b_mod_c(x, y, m);}
211/// \brief Modular exponentiation
212/// \param x the base
213/// \param e the exponent
214/// \param m the modulus
215/// \return an Integer <tt>(a ^ b) % m</tt>.
216inline Integer ModularExponentiation(const Integer &x, const Integer &e, const Integer &m)
217 {return a_exp_b_mod_c(x, e, m);}
219/// \brief Extract a modular square root
220/// \param a the number to extract square root
221/// \param p the prime modulus
222/// \return the modular square root if it exists
223/// \details ModularSquareRoot returns <tt>x</tt> such that <tt>x*x%p == a</tt>, <tt>p</tt> prime
224CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer CRYPTOPP_API ModularSquareRoot(const Integer &a, const Integer &p);
226/// \brief Extract a modular root
227/// \return a modular root if it exists
228/// \details ModularRoot returns <tt>x</tt> such that <tt>a==ModularExponentiation(x, e, p*q)</tt>,
229/// <tt>p</tt> <tt>q</tt> primes, and <tt>e</tt> relatively prime to <tt>(p-1)*(q-1)</tt>,
230/// <tt>dp=d%(p-1)</tt>, <tt>dq=d%(q-1)</tt>, (d is inverse of <tt>e mod (p-1)*(q-1)</tt>)
231/// and <tt>u=inverse of p mod q</tt>.
232CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer CRYPTOPP_API ModularRoot(const Integer &a, const Integer &dp, const Integer &dq, const Integer &p, const Integer &q, const Integer &u);
234/// \brief Solve a Modular Quadratic Equation
235/// \param r1 the first residue
236/// \param r2 the second residue
237/// \param a the first coefficient
238/// \param b the second coefficient
239/// \param c the third constant
240/// \param p the prime modulus
241/// \return true if solutions exist
242/// \details SolveModularQuadraticEquation() finds <tt>r1</tt> and <tt>r2</tt> such that <tt>ax^2 +
243/// bx + c == 0 (mod p)</tt> for x in <tt>{r1, r2}</tt>, <tt>p</tt> prime.
244CRYPTOPP_DLL bool CRYPTOPP_API SolveModularQuadraticEquation(Integer &r1, Integer &r2, const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &c, const Integer &p);
246/// \brief Estimate work factor
247/// \param bitlength the size of the number, in bits
248/// \return the estimated work factor, in operations
249/// \details DiscreteLogWorkFactor returns log base 2 of estimated number of operations to
250/// calculate discrete log or factor a number.
251CRYPTOPP_DLL unsigned int CRYPTOPP_API DiscreteLogWorkFactor(unsigned int bitlength);
253/// \brief Estimate work factor
254/// \param bitlength the size of the number, in bits
255/// \return the estimated work factor, in operations
256/// \details FactoringWorkFactor returns log base 2 of estimated number of operations to
257/// calculate discrete log or factor a number.
258CRYPTOPP_DLL unsigned int CRYPTOPP_API FactoringWorkFactor(unsigned int bitlength);
260// ********************************************************
262/// \brief Generator of prime numbers of special forms
263class CRYPTOPP_DLL PrimeAndGenerator
266 /// \brief Construct a PrimeAndGenerator
269 /// \brief Construct a PrimeAndGenerator
270 /// \param delta +1 or -1
271 /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
272 /// \param pbits the number of bits in the prime p
273 /// \details PrimeAndGenerator() generates a random prime p of the form <tt>2*q+delta</tt>, where delta is 1 or -1 and q is
274 /// also prime. Internally the constructor calls <tt>Generate(delta, rng, pbits, pbits-1)</tt>.
275 /// \pre <tt>pbits > 5</tt>
276 /// \warning This PrimeAndGenerator() is slow because primes of this form are harder to find.
277 PrimeAndGenerator(signed int delta, RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits)
278 {Generate(delta, rng, pbits, pbits-1);}
280 /// \brief Construct a PrimeAndGenerator
281 /// \param delta +1 or -1
282 /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
283 /// \param pbits the number of bits in the prime p
284 /// \param qbits the number of bits in the prime q
285 /// \details PrimeAndGenerator() generates a random prime p of the form <tt>2*r*q+delta</tt>, where q is also prime.
286 /// Internally the constructor calls <tt>Generate(delta, rng, pbits, qbits)</tt>.
287 /// \pre <tt>qbits > 4 && pbits > qbits</tt>
288 PrimeAndGenerator(signed int delta, RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits, unsigned qbits)
289 {Generate(delta, rng, pbits, qbits);}
291 /// \brief Generate a Prime and Generator
292 /// \param delta +1 or -1
293 /// \param rng a RandomNumberGenerator derived class
294 /// \param pbits the number of bits in the prime p
295 /// \param qbits the number of bits in the prime q
296 /// \details Generate() generates a random prime p of the form <tt>2*r*q+delta</tt>, where q is also prime.
297 void Generate(signed int delta, RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits, unsigned qbits);
299 /// \brief Retrieve first prime
300 /// \return Prime() returns the prime p.
301 const Integer& Prime() const {return p;}
303 /// \brief Retrieve second prime
304 /// \return SubPrime() returns the prime q.
305 const Integer& SubPrime() const {return q;}
307 /// \brief Retrieve the generator
308 /// \return Generator() returns the generator g.
309 const Integer& Generator() const {return g;}
312 Integer p, q, g;
Classes for working with NameValuePairs.
An object that implements NameValuePairs.
Definition: algparam.h:426
Multiple precision integer with arithmetic operations.
Definition: integer.h:50
static Integer Gcd(const Integer &a, const Integer &n)
Calculate greatest common divisor.
static const Integer & One()
Integer representing 1.
Generator of prime numbers of special forms.
Definition: nbtheory.h:264
const Integer & SubPrime() const
Retrieve second prime.
Definition: nbtheory.h:305
PrimeAndGenerator(signed int delta, RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits)
Construct a PrimeAndGenerator.
Definition: nbtheory.h:277
Construct a PrimeAndGenerator.
Definition: nbtheory.h:267
const Integer & Generator() const
Retrieve the generator.
Definition: nbtheory.h:309
void Generate(signed int delta, RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits, unsigned qbits)
Generate a Prime and Generator.
const Integer & Prime() const
Retrieve first prime.
Definition: nbtheory.h:301
PrimeAndGenerator(signed int delta, RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int pbits, unsigned qbits)
Construct a PrimeAndGenerator.
Definition: nbtheory.h:288
Application callback to signal suitability of a cabdidate prime.
Definition: nbtheory.h:114
Interface for random number generators.
Definition: cryptlib.h:1435
Win32 calling convention.
Definition: config_dll.h:119
unsigned short word16
16-bit unsigned datatype
Definition: config_int.h:59
Abstract base classes that provide a uniform interface to this library.
Multiple precision integer with arithmetic operations.
Crypto++ library namespace.
CRYPTOPP_DLL int Jacobi(const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
Calculate the Jacobi symbol.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool IsPrime(const Integer &p)
Verifies a number is probably prime.
bool RelativelyPrime(const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
Determine relative primality.
Definition: nbtheory.h:150
Integer ModularMultiplication(const Integer &x, const Integer &y, const Integer &m)
Modular multiplication.
Definition: nbtheory.h:208
CRYPTOPP_DLL const word16 * GetPrimeTable(unsigned int &size)
The Small Prime table.
CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer MihailescuProvablePrime(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int bits)
Generates a provable prime.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool IsStrongLucasProbablePrime(const Integer &n)
Determine if a number is probably prime.
CRYPTOPP_DLL unsigned int DiscreteLogWorkFactor(unsigned int bitlength)
Estimate work factor.
Integer ModularExponentiation(const Integer &x, const Integer &e, const Integer &m)
Modular exponentiation.
Definition: nbtheory.h:216
CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer ModularSquareRoot(const Integer &a, const Integer &p)
Extract a modular square root.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool IsSmallPrime(const Integer &p)
Tests whether a number is a small prime.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool SolveModularQuadraticEquation(Integer &r1, Integer &r2, const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &c, const Integer &p)
Solve a Modular Quadratic Equation.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool RabinMillerTest(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &n, unsigned int rounds)
Determine if a number is probably prime.
CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer MaurerProvablePrime(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int bits)
Generates a provable prime.
CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer Lucas(const Integer &e, const Integer &p, const Integer &n)
Calculate the Lucas value.
CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer InverseLucas(const Integer &e, const Integer &m, const Integer &p, const Integer &q, const Integer &u)
Calculate the inverse Lucas value.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool VerifyPrime(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &p, unsigned int level=1)
Verifies a number is probably prime.
CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer ModularRoot(const Integer &a, const Integer &dp, const Integer &dq, const Integer &p, const Integer &q, const Integer &u)
Extract a modular root.
Integer EuclideanMultiplicativeInverse(const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
Calculate multiplicative inverse.
Definition: nbtheory.h:166
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool SmallDivisorsTest(const Integer &p)
Tests whether a number is divisible by a small prime.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool IsLucasProbablePrime(const Integer &n)
Determine if a number is probably prime.
Integer GCD(const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
Calculate the greatest common divisor.
Definition: nbtheory.h:143
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool TrialDivision(const Integer &p, unsigned bound)
Tests whether a number is divisible by a small prime.
CRYPTOPP_DLL unsigned int FactoringWorkFactor(unsigned int bitlength)
Estimate work factor.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool IsFermatProbablePrime(const Integer &n, const Integer &b)
Determine if a number is probably prime.
Integer LCM(const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
Calculate the least common multiple.
Definition: nbtheory.h:157
CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer CRT(const Integer &xp, const Integer &p, const Integer &xq, const Integer &q, const Integer &u)
Chinese Remainder Theorem.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool IsStrongProbablePrime(const Integer &n, const Integer &b)
Determine if a number is probably prime.
CRYPTOPP_DLL bool FirstPrime(Integer &p, const Integer &max, const Integer &equiv, const Integer &mod, const PrimeSelector *pSelector)
Finds a random prime of special form.